Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

04 Jul 2021, 11:27am
Just a general search on the net. They don't come from any particular source.
04 Jul 2021, 11:42am
Ah, okay. Still: Thanks for the quick answer
04 Jul 2021, 11:45am
No problem!
06 Jul 2021, 3:42pm
I'm enjoying this story around Isaiah! Keep up the good work everyone involved!
11 Jul 2021, 10:40pm
The dude's had a hell of a past year and a half.
12 Jul 2021, 12:25pm
Knightwolf 1785 in Roleplay: Alternative reality
No one wants to be labeled or targeted by you guys is the reason that this is dead.

Are you sure it's that, and not the content or the participants that's putting roleplayers off?
12 Jul 2021, 2:50pm
Yes. It's not just anthro aliens that can be in Alternative Reality after all.
12 Jul 2021, 3:07pm
Oh, Creamy is going to get familiar with that side of Empire. How cute.
12 Jul 2021, 3:11pm
Or maybe it's because most people here don't bother with lore breaking RP in the alternate reality channel.

I can imagine that most people only went in there once to mute it.
12 Jul 2021, 4:00pm
Knightwolf 1785Yes. It's not just anthro aliens that can be in Alternative Reality after all.

Do you think you and that Stillgar fellow made the Alt Reality channel a compelling place for roleplayers to be, anthro-alien or not?
12 Jul 2021, 6:04pm
Whatever. I'm done with it anyway.
12 Jul 2021, 6:19pm
Like the last four times.
12 Jul 2021, 10:10pm
No one is inviting me to RP, or encourage to stay this time. So I'm done RPing here. Just feels to toxic too even bother anyway.
12 Jul 2021, 11:19pm
Everybody is invited to RP here by default, there are no special personal invitations needed. Generally speaking - if you want anybody to join something you create, motivate them and inspire them, so they will join on their own. You cannot force people to RP in a style or stories they are not interested in and it's not their fault. It's not toxic, it's not offensive and it's not insulting. You were given a free hand to basically roleplay in any style you wish in the respective thread that was created especially for you and people that see that similarly. I believe you got more than anybody else here, a special treatment, and if that's not enough - sorry, the problem isn't in Inara and the RP community here.
13 Jul 2021, 12:06am

Even if I put out an offer I'd just get told to "Fuck off!" That's the feeling here! That's why it feels toxic! EVEN IF IT WOULD HELP ME WITH IDEAS FOR RAIN'S STORY! No one wants it! Nobody cares because it's not lore! You're just as bad!

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