Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

10 Jun 2023, 2:04am
No disagreements about Ody being a bit of a meh FPS but what do you expect? It’s an FPS-focused expansion that itself is 90% oriented toward shooting other humans in the face in a space-based game, was rushed, and not connected to everything else particularly well.

Still manages to be fun every now and then, but I wouldn’t give it any particularly high praise either. Blergh, that suit grind.

(Why we don’t have railguns on foot is beyond me but I guess game balance? Then again, the L-6, aka rocket launcher(lawn-chair… awful pun from a YT video), exists. Remind me to have my character repurpose some ship weapon parts to build a totally legal handheld version.)

Anyway, that aside… (I forgot what I was going to put here)

Silvia Sharpe
Because I didn't expect that. Unless the biography is incorrect.

“Don’t let appearances fool you.”

Could also apply to my own character. She is kind of on the thin-ish side where body type goes(ignoring certain… uh, sections of it), but she’ll break the arm of someone that’s a lot… beefier, for lack of a better word, without much of a sweat. Clever positioning and applying pressure in the right spots… well, you get the idea.

(She does prefer a more elegant approach to brute force solutions, most of the time.)
10 Jun 2023, 2:10am
Ok I wanted to make sure I hadn't missed it somewhere amongst your stories or RPs.

Silvia is a more bubbly outgoing individual than myself. I tent to be very reserved and tucked away from the public. The absolute last place you would ever find me is in a bar lol. I get too much anxiety in large groups. So I guess ya I can agree with our characters being better versions of ourselves in some way
10 Jun 2023, 2:16am
Yeah, I totally agree that games should be games, and games should be fun. But... I don't know. I can't stop cringing when I look at the 'performance' of Odyssey personal weapons. And also there's only one weapon per 'type' (class+technology), and some types even within what we already have are non-existent, like kinetic and laser sniper rifles and shotguns.

I don't know. Maybe firearms are my soft spot and I cringe when I see them being made so half-arsedly in games. Even if the game itself is made the same way, lol.
10 Jun 2023, 2:18am
I’m not sure Kira herself quite understands why she bothers herself with going to the bar. Personally, I’ve never been to one(yet… I have only two and a half decades - nearly - on this planet so far). Strangers and me, kinda not a thing that goes along too well.

Her behavior does reflect mostly how I would go about it, were I to go. Find a quiet corner in the shadows to watch from. She may also find crowds(and/or the associated noise) too large to be a turnoff, and overly taxing on her brain. (I don’t mind myself being this way, if it’s not clear.)

While I’m still here - where does the name ‘Meowers’ come from? I figure it has something to do with cats, but that’s as far as I’m getting with it.
10 Jun 2023, 2:25am
Lol I get that entirely. I think E.D.O could have been done much better. It's like they tried to make halo and failed. And to the class technology it's why Silvias weapon is considered demilitarized and your damned .30cal MG would be considered an absolute nightmare. Like I have seen tungsten slugs fired from a rail gun and they are terrifying now encase that in plasma.

Kira I'm sure you could black market a demilled weapon from pre odyssey initiative. It's kind of how Silvia got her hands on her weapons
10 Jun 2023, 2:29am
Hm... Yeah, Meowers is a bit more talkative than me IRL too, but mainly because too many people in IRL bars are genuine arseholes and you won't get a funny story out of a small talk, most likely an overdose of cringe and regret, lol.

And, yeah, I (almost) don't drink alcohol too. Bad for me on many levels.

'Meowers'... Making a name for the character, I was thinking of something that could go as a name/surname-based nickname ('Muir' sounds like 'mewer' a bit) that she decided to 'put onto her helmet' as well, and her surname is a bit transformed version of my real one, etc., and, yeah, I like cats, lol.

And, yeah, bringing firearms performance even a bit closer to reality will completely demolish the game balance, and the game balance is already shitty.

P.S.: Tungsten projectiles from a railgun are so devastating because of their insane velocity and penetration abilities. Something moving at 'common' 700-1100 m/s won't have so much of that effect. Much likely a 'conventional bullet' kinetic energy plus high temperature. Powerful, but not cheatingly. Anyway, it's still too far away from what we may ever see in Odyssey, lol.

Last edit: 10 Jun 2023, 2:45am
10 Jun 2023, 2:37am
Kira I'm sure you could black market a demilled weapon from pre odyssey initiative. It's kind of how Silvia got her hands on her weapons

She does like to build and tinker with stuff herself. Not sure I could see much coming to my stories, from her deciding to build a railgun as a substitute for a non-existent sniper rifle, though.

My own character's name is kinda... well, dunno. Some part of my mind just really likes the name Kira, and the family name was grabbed from a certain mischievous thief of the Mass Effect universe(both in and out of character). Which probably also tells you why she picked Kasumi as her alias (I'm not sure her look actually matches that name, but I'd like to think so). She doesn't think much of the wacky nicknames 'Commanders'(a term she also despises) give themselves, and discarded her original family name, too.

(Random fun fact : 'Kira' as a character concept doesn't actually have an origin in Elite but something motivated me to make a character of my own for the Gears of War universe... a project I still have not finished because I am totally all over the place with what I write on and when. I adjusted the concept a little so it fits into Elite better instead of originating from another universe entirely.)
10 Jun 2023, 2:49am
Heh Silvia was actually intended to be a side character until my series Til Death Do Us Part. She was originally supposed to be the casualty in the series causing my main character Venus, whom I had RPd in game since I started playing Elite, to be driven into a sort of madness causing her already loose cannon attitude to become cataclysmic, and ultimately ending with her losing her mind and going on a full blown rampage attacking anyone she came across in the galaxy.

But then as I started writing the log series I had a change of heart and thought it would be different to kill the "hero" of my story causing the side character to embark on a journey that kind of flows and allows her to deal with grief in a similar way to how I dealt with the grief of losing a close friend. So the way Silvia acts in terms of emotions is very much how I act with them.

If you couldn't guess Silvia's name came about from her description of silver hair
10 Jun 2023, 2:52am
Couldn't agree more, writing out your head stuff into stories is therapeutic.
10 Jun 2023, 2:55am
Can’t really say that I have reflected such an aspect in my own character’s stories.

Certainly not the loss of a close friend or relative. Thankfully. Not something anyone should have to go through.

Might I also mention I found it quite funny how one of the recent discussions in the bar was about researching the Titans, and right the day after, Frontier throws out a GalNet about that exact subject?
10 Jun 2023, 3:00am
Kira GotoCan’t really say that I have reflected such an aspect in my own character’s stories.
As I like to say, every story is a part of its author, and, sometimes, even subconsciously, we put something from our real lives, points of view on certain things, etc., simply because it's a well-known 'path' our thoughts go. And it's being multiplied if you have any traumas or mental health conditions, since, in that case, mind tends to choose well-known strategies more often, sometimes even 'locking' you that you can't really imagine your character doing something any other way. But that also could be used as a 'mediator' to reflect on your own things, like, exploring your mind in a more safe and controllable environment, without being triggered by anything external, 'real'.
10 Jun 2023, 3:03am
Couldn't agree more, writing out your head stuff into stories is therapeutic.

Your stories are magnificent and again will be missed but I totally understand the need to step back and take a break.

Kira they did? Huh I haven't even looked at galnet recently. Not every character needs to have a part of you in it. Heck actually just creating a character makes them a part of you.

I enjoy reading up on everyone's characters and reading their stories.
10 Jun 2023, 3:07am
Silvia SharpeYour stories are magnificent and again will be missed but I totally understand the need to step back and take a break.
Thank you

I can't say that writing them was unbearably difficult, even back then when I've been... less mentally stable. Moreover, wrapping up your own stuff into a story and giving your character a personality, even if it's broken a bit, can be quite pleasant, not to mention helpful, especially when you see people liking it. It's more about the lack of imagination fuel now, since I stopped playing the game.
10 Jun 2023, 3:16am
they did?


(Totally not Azimuth just keeping the charade of pretending to be a traditional research and development company up.)

Not every character needs to have a part of you in it.

Well, maybe her reaction to loss is kind of inspired by my own. Dunno. Both of my grandmothers passed away at 10/12 respectively and I’ve found it a bit difficult to really get into anything other than… well, not even really friends. That might’ve just been me being me though, since I’m not very social and also shy. High school and/or college didn’t particularly provide me with a context I found it easy to get close to anyone in.

As it is currently, this is the only character I’ve made, anyway.

Also kinda need to sleep. Try not to have the station burn down while I’m gone. And leave room for my character to do stuff - I’m not having anyone shoot or stab her, or break something on her while I’m gone.
10 Jun 2023, 3:20am
Meowers Moreover, wrapping up your own stuff into a story and giving your character a personality, even if it's broken a bit, can be quite pleasant, not to mention helpful, especially when you see people liking it. It's more about the lack of imagination fuel now, since I stopped playing the game.

Ya the times it doesn't get likes makes it hard but I just keep chugging along. You could always do what I do an just make up a story that fits into the universe of Elite and see what happens.

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