Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

20 Jun 2021, 4:00am
MeowersTo cut things short - if you want to try yourself at writing logbooks, you may begin with describing what (and why) you do in game. But... Well. There's too many logs about 'I went there and did this and that'. Boring af. Make your imagination running.


Because let's face it, the game is boring af. So don't just tell us how you gathered materials to engineer your frame shift drive, tell us that you need a faster ship because someone took something valuable from you and your time to hunt them down is running out. Don't just tell us how you killed two Thargoids, tell us how much you hate them after your loved one perished in a burning starport while you weren't there to help. Don't just tell us how you interdicted someone and stole their cargo, tell us how poverty and the struggle to pay off your family's debt turned you into a pirate.

Make us care.
20 Jun 2021, 7:05am
Sakashirohow poverty and the struggle to pay off your family's debt turned you into a pirate.

Love the irony. Because, technically, piracy in E:D done absolutely awful comparable to many other space games.
20 Jun 2021, 8:47am
Morgan James
Phineas BlacksolesIs there a template, so to speak, for logs? I'd kind of like to work on the story for my commander, but don't really know where to begin.

I've been following the RP between Vayle and Ridge, who seem to be doing the kind of RP I like. Tangible, believable characters, following a lore-friendly and intriguing plot. Props to those guys for doing it well! They've both got examples of what I would consider well-rounded bios, covering exactly what Meowers outlined.

As for the logbooks, from what I've read it seems that you can be much more loose with the lore. Obviously, if you're doing RP with others there needs to be common understanding and agreement on the fundamentals of the lore, as you need to have respect for the setting and those who wish to play in it. But your logbooks are your own indulgence - if people like your angle, they'll follow your writing. If not, they'll pass it by.

+1, another stunning piece of writing indeed.
20 Jun 2021, 8:51am
Saverio da Carrara
Morgan James
I've been following the RP between Vayle and Ridge...

+1, another stunning piece of writing indeed.

Thank you very much!
20 Jun 2021, 1:42pm
20 Jun 2021, 3:22pm
Phineas BlacksolesHere's my first attempt at a log entry.

Its got flavor and that turns it into a pilot writing about their week, rather than a player talking about a game.
I'd gladly read more.
20 Jun 2021, 4:43pm
Lambast Mercy
Phineas BlacksolesHere's my first attempt at a log entry.

Its got flavor and that turns it into a pilot writing about their week, rather than a player talking about a game.
I'd gladly read more.

I appreciate that! Now I just need something more to write about.
20 Jun 2021, 7:07pm
I started writing a log when I went exploring. It made the hours of honking, scanning, and jumping worthwhile.
The logs encouraged me to stay out there and try to find something worth writing about.

Last edit: 20 Jun 2021, 7:13pm
24 Jun 2021, 10:14pm
I'm jealous of Vayle and Ridge...

Eating out has been too far and too few between lately, and by 34C standards that's quite a luxurious meal!

And desserts!
25 Jun 2021, 12:58am
I feel that.
26 Jun 2021, 2:29pm
Morgan James
Phineas BlacksolesIs there a template, so to speak, for logs? I'd kind of like to work on the story for my commander, but don't really know where to begin.

I've been following the RP between Vayle and Ridge, who seem to be doing the kind of RP I like. Tangible, believable characters, following a lore-friendly and intriguing plot. Props to those guys for doing it well! They've both got examples of what I would consider well-rounded bios, covering exactly what Meowers outlined.

As for the logbooks, from what I've read it seems that you can be much more loose with the lore. Obviously, if you're doing RP with others there needs to be common understanding and agreement on the fundamentals of the lore, as you need to have respect for the setting and those who wish to play in it. But your logbooks are your own indulgence - if people like your angle, they'll follow your writing. If not, they'll pass it by.

+1, another stunning piece of writing indeed.

Thank you both very much! RL Veronica and I have been having a great time exploring these new characters of ours!
28 Jun 2021, 9:20pm
The needle on the Slap-O-Meter inches ever closer to red for Ridge.
28 Jun 2021, 9:22pm
He's sailing close to the wind!
30 Jun 2021, 10:30pm
I'm just watching the chaos and drinking some soda, waiting on it XD And if Vayle ends up meeting Atlas again
04 Jul 2021, 11:13am
Question to Jade Lincoln: Where do you take your avatars from for all your RP alts?

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