Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

12 Jun 2023, 2:00am
If it wasn’t for RP/story I’d probably not be playing Elite much, if at all, now anyway. I only started to pick it back up semi-routinely when all that Azimuth stuff was kicking about(the whole Proteus Wave arc and the immediate aftermath when the Maelstroms were funky flares on the skybox). The pace since November has been a bit like trying to watch a glacier move.

I suppose there is me looking to go and take a hike to Beagle Point(and the eastern galactic corner) eventually but until the Thargoids are no longer quite so cranky toward any human they see, I’ve decided to put that on hold. Wouldn’t do to be on the other side of the galaxy when something I’m interested in happens. Only real ‘goal’ I have left besides combat Elite(70% of the way through Deadly… would be there already if I’d continued fighting Thargoids in the Bubble - only place I really accept fighting them).

PS: Wrote new log entry because sleep is for the weak. (Joking) I’ll probably only make it public in the afternoon/tomorrow if you’re US based, though. Not much to do with recent shakeups in the bar, though. May or may not see something occur there… I’ll mention it here if I go through with my plan.
12 Jun 2023, 2:07am
Yup. That's an interesting thing to see, how writing fictional stories about a game universe acts as a motivation for playing the game itself. And, at the same time, sad. I remember myself being quite a fan of Elite, and finding it, and INARA, was a great deal to IRL me and my own stuff, but I guess everything has its end, and I'd rather quit before I start hating the game whilst still being a part of the community and interested in talking to people on this particular website.
12 Jun 2023, 2:13am
Well, as is, I’ve spent more time writing than I have playing lately. AX is the only thing that really isn’t one I haven’t done a lot of(even though most of my playtime in Elite is from… September onward, I think). Exploration is ok but most of the rocks out there are barren spheres or frozen. Odyssey didn’t do much to change that.

So figure if I go out to Beagle and so on, it’ll be slow and as and when. Which I suppose is how you should play games but I digress. I haven’t played any game to a point where I hate it, usually it’s left off at a point where I feel like I’ve done everything I wanted but can still occasionally return to it if I like.

Between that and slow story development, the hook’s not working quite as it did originally, not that it’s necessarily a bad thing.
12 Jun 2023, 2:18am
Meowers Btw. Silvia. Your AI-generated image has some... weird eyes, lol. Tried to quick-fix that with some of my photoshopping:

I know I couldn't fix it at the time I was at work and didn't have access to my editing software. Thank you for that!
12 Jun 2023, 2:22am
totally not preparing popcorn for when the desired Hydra shows up in the current Thargoids vs humans fight
12 Jun 2023, 2:36am
I used to play elite religiously. I would spend hours in icy rings popping cores and fighting off pirates. I had faced off against the thargoids when gnosis was attacked and never went back to them. That is until the thargoid war. I fit my Challenger with what I could acquire at the time fought a bunch of Cyclops and had my ass handed to me by a Medusa. Switched to an evac cutter and spent a long while doing that. But since the beginning of this year though I have only played maybe 100 hours.
12 Jun 2023, 2:46am
If it wasn’t for modshards, I probably would’ve either taken a lot longer to get where I was, or just not gotten there at all. My performance with the gauss cannons certainly left a lot to be desired, and I was/am not a particularly big fan of their comparatively low ammo capacity. Synth for them was also ridiculously costly in materials for any pre-station CZs that popped up, in the prelude to the war kicking off proper.

Evacs were also good for a while, and what I preferred doing in regards to RP. But with a certain thing kicking off that I shall not name, invasions with burning starports(where I can use the Cutter’s potential to its fullest) have been far and few between, so not much of an opportunity to use it.

(I also find it both funny and appreciate that people here have kind of ignored this ‘state of the war’ for the purposes of RP. I think it’s quite silly that this is how the “defense” against the Thargoids is performed and that it is as effective as it is. If it was even slightly realistic we’d be on the back foot regardless of what’s tossed at the Thargoids.)
12 Jun 2023, 3:03am
Yeah, Modshards were a game-changer for me. They fit my tactics perfectly, and I've had troubles with temperature control with Gauss, taking a shitload of damage at every attacking run. But Modshards made it a lot easier. At least for me. Having them instead of Gauss cannons, I was able to punch those Medusas even without repairing while dealing with the swarm.

I tried that classic approach once, and even that keyboard+mouse control scheme with FA Off. Ended up running circles around a friggin' Cyclops, unable to do enough damage. Yup, that's the matter of experience, but why the heck I should swap my personal wacko-berserk approach for something 'more conventional' if, at the end of the day, they explode with that funny woo sound and I'm totally fine.
12 Jun 2023, 3:05am
So anyway, purely RP-related question - was the gem that Melli handed Kira an approved action or not? Little thing’s got a mind of its own, that’s for sure.

And I was quite surprised to find modshards working so well for Medusa and Basi despite their relatively low pen. Don’t recommend for Hydra unless you’re a masochist, though.
12 Jun 2023, 3:11am
Ah, they're kind of okay for Hydras too, just taking more time to get used to. I wanted to make a video with a double-Hydra Modshard fight, and still, kind of, want to, but, gah, I have to solve the PC problem, and some IRL stuff prior to that, and I have to spend a whole day grinding materials blah blah blah. So that's an idea for a hypothetical day when I fail to find something else to do. Or even two days, considering that I'm terribly low on materials. The Hydra video I already have is still with Gauss, and it's a very silly one, lol, it was literally the worst fight of the day, and maybe one of the worst fights in my 'career', made on a totally thoroughly tortured sticks with 0.2-something deadzone setting, and with almost an entire set of random unlucky stuff happening during the fight itself.

Anyway, I still... kind of... want to... Kick some Thargoid arse. But something stops me. Maybe the grind, lol.

Last edit: 12 Jun 2023, 3:16am
12 Jun 2023, 3:17am
Well, if I would seriously consider Hydras with modshards I’d probably look at standard or premium synths anyway. Even with their DPS, 91 pen + basic ammo seems pretty hard to pull off properly.

I tried, just as a personal challenge. Sorta mentioned it above. Figured I’d stick around for the end of the CZ when the Hydras drop in and see where I could get. Of course, everyone else just watched until I actually got to exert the thing’s first heart without getting wrecked… and dragged its attention away. (*eyeroll*)

Was as far as I got though. In a Krait MkII, since that was the ship I started in and stuck to.

The station CZs provide free rearm/repair so long as you manage to dock up with them when an angry Thargoid is after you. So at least there you wouldn’t technically have to grind, but as is those are far and few between(and none are active as of this week… all invasions cleared by Friday).
12 Jun 2023, 3:25am
Hm. I guess it have something to do with the personal fighting style, and maybe also with those re-balancing things. I remember being quite okay with Modshards against 'classic' NHSS Hydras, yeah, first two hearts are always a pain in the arse, but then, in NHSS, you can deal some damage in the very beginning while the Thargoid doesn't shoot back, and that's a serious advantage. On the other hand, you have to handle the swarm.

Uh, crap, looks like I'm going to re-learn the whole thing if I get back to the game, on top of basic shaking off the rust.
12 Jun 2023, 3:30am
Hm, yeah, probably is different in NHSS since station goids are a little less predictable where they appear, insta aggro, and you have to always deal with their shutdown field on dropping in, so no real grace period to get a few shots in while they’re not yet angry.

And they also only don’t deploy their swarms around the planetary ports. Orbitals and outposts in space, you get the full deal, just with added repair capabilities*. And some NPCs to serve as cannon fodder for anything other than Cyclops(and very limitedly Basilisk).

*Thargon missiles used to phase through Coriolis/Orbis/Ocellus walls(and the big goids would rotate with the station if anyone was docked inside). Not sure if that was fixed. Can’t recall patch notes of the last few updates that accurately.
12 Jun 2023, 3:40am
The gem Kira received would be considered extremely valuable. Approved action would be if Melli does it I'm not going to tell her no(Silvia did that once and Melli tore her bed apart. Hence why silvia said its not her ship when Melli is on board and that Melli allows Silvia to reside there). She is again highly intelligent and can understand when she did wrong. She is willing to pay(quite literally in this instance) for any grievances she may have caused. Silvia may not have agreed with the item given but she will not tell that little thing no.
12 Jun 2023, 3:43am
Well Kira doesn’t particularly know what to do with it. And some cosmetic damage on a glove was less of a bother than getting woken up for her, not to mention that gem is clearly worth a lot more than a glove of standard(so not even leather) fabric.

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