Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

31 Jan 2023, 9:48pm
I'll be back for round 2 of the cocktail challenge if people want to take part. Once Citi is open again naturally
13 Feb 2023, 8:27pm
Hello everyone.

Still pretty new to the game, but really interested in RP part of community.

How is recommended to start? Is there some squadrons, that roleplay in game itself?
28 Apr 2023, 5:28pm
So I have a bit of a question before/if I choose to get involved in RP forums… is there a specific rule to write about your own character in third person? I see most if not all people do that, but I’ve got more of a preference to writing in first person for my own, beyond logs I’ve written.
28 Apr 2023, 6:10pm
Kira GotoSo I have a bit of a question before/if I choose to get involved in RP forums… is there a specific rule to write about your own character in third person? I see most if not all people do that, but I’ve got more of a preference to writing in first person for my own, beyond logs I’ve written.

Personal preference really. You do what feels comfortable to you
28 Apr 2023, 6:29pm
Silvia Sharpe
Personal preference really. You do what feels comfortable to you

Ok. Thanks.
30 Apr 2023, 10:42am
Would just like to clarify a thing, in case people have been wondering… if it seems like my character is a bit stuck up in the bar incident, that’s on purpose.

She may feel a bit of an urge to make up for it after unintentionally causing Willow to back away, but doesn’t know how to in a way that is appropriate. (It is of course entirely up to the person behind Willow’s character to respond to that in RP or not.)
01 May 2023, 6:11pm
Willow will be back in the bar soon. She's busy working right now.
04 May 2023, 7:33pm
Kira decided to procure some items of interest for the bar today, as a favor. Entry isn’t strictly necessary as reading material for near-future involvement on the station, but might provide more detailed context.
15 May 2023, 10:34pm
Minor disclaimer - chose to link to log entry in my last RP post purely for the sake of clarity/continuity. That’s all.
25 May 2023, 7:34pm
Does finished private keep a logbook entry hidden the same as a draft private? I assume yes but I want to verify
25 May 2023, 7:36pm
Silvia SharpeDoes finished private keep a logbook entry hidden the same as a draft private? I assume yes but I want to verify

It does. I’ve tried it myself - private even when you provide a link to it just shows a page with the title and no text, iirc.
25 May 2023, 7:41pm
Kira GotoIt does. I’ve tried it myself - private even when you provide a link to it just shows a page with the title and no text, iirc.

Ok thanks.
27 May 2023, 5:31am
Hi there, I m ingame for some time but in last time I discovered for me unknown sections of Inara; Roleplay and Logbooks. Which gave me idea: why not start with RP too? So I dived in it and after week or two I have ready backstory but I dont know if it is not too much complicated. Can somebody good in this look on it? It is in my biography
27 May 2023, 12:08pm
SUTTORADHi there, I m ingame for some time but in last time I discovered for me unknown sections of Inara; Roleplay and Logbooks. Which gave me idea: why not start with RP too? So I dived in it and after week or two I have ready backstory but I dont know if it is not too much complicated. Can somebody good in this look on it? It is in my biography

Seems fine. Thing about RP is your character doesn't have to be perfect right off the bat. It can take a while to get your character where you want them to be. Best way to do that is just jump in and try it out. Good luck and hope to see you in the RP channels

Last edit: 27 May 2023, 12:40pm
27 May 2023, 2:04pm
SUTTORADHi there, I m ingame for some time but in last time I discovered for me unknown sections of Inara; Roleplay and Logbooks. Which gave me idea: why not start with RP too? So I dived in it and after week or two I have ready backstory but I dont know if it is not too much complicated. Can somebody good in this look on it? It is in my biography

Now I assume English isn’t your native language, but I would try to add a few paragraphs to it. Purely for ease of reading, otherwise I don’t see any issues with it.

Not every character has to be particularly fancy or really ‘special’, for lack of a better word. (If anything, mine would prefer that she was a little more ordinary.)

What ultimately matters more is the personality. I’d say, anyway.

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