Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

27 May 2023, 4:08pm
Kira Goto
SUTTORADHi there, I m ingame for some time but in last time I discovered for me unknown sections of Inara; Roleplay and Logbooks. Which gave me idea: why not start with RP too? So I dived in it and after week or two I have ready backstory but I dont know if it is not too much complicated. Can somebody good in this look on it? It is in my biography

Now I assume English isn’t your native language, but I would try to add a few paragraphs to it. Purely for ease of reading, otherwise I don’t see any issues with it.

Not every character has to be particularly fancy or really ‘special’, for lack of a better word. (If anything, mine would prefer that she was a little more ordinary.)

What ultimately matters more is the personality. I’d say, anyway.

Thanks for many ideas, I will bit redone it and yes, I m not native English speaking. In character describtion is small hint, I am from Slovakia. I m really looking forward to this;)
27 May 2023, 5:47pm
Not to say this as a discouragement, but things have been a little quiet around here(the RP forums) lately. People are probably just busy with other stuff.

While I’m here… I’ve been wondering what people make of my character. Not just personality wise, but the idea itself… considering that the canon story has one like that but under different circumstances.
27 May 2023, 8:37pm
Yes, I spotted that too. Probably because maturitas at schools and most of RP people who I know are students, but not all. I m at school too, but not in maturita year.
To your character: bit like me in real life. Not so antisocial but still I bit stumble about creating new friends or communicating with them in right way. Seems pretty identical. And that past, your character looks like somebody, who's glass of patience was overfilled (I mean stuff from logs) and takes justice to own hands. It is pitty that your ax stuff dont progress as usual-probably they are bit based on galnet, but nothing wrong against it. And RP is giving more deeper view in head of your character. I read all your logs from about end of February and they are great! In RP that first person view is something which give me more "realistic" pov than from third person, I can better imagine situation.
To my character: Bio probably still WiP but now polyshing some bugs. Can you please have a look? I m sorry for missing apostrophs but writing on phone is not best and at pc I cant find that key. And with The I have troubles bit too-I quite keep forgetting it.
27 May 2023, 8:55pm
SUTTORADTo my character: Bio probably still WiP but now polyshing some bugs. Can you please have a look? I m sorry for missing apostrophs but writing on phone is not best and at pc I cant find that key. And with The I have troubles bit too-I quite keep forgetting it.

Don't fret over the small details seriously it is quite alright to have mistakes. It makes it more personalized in my opinion if the way you translate to English shows through to your writing. I personally enjoy reading how different cultures translate to English. It makes the language feel more diverse.
27 May 2023, 9:30pm
And that past, your character looks like somebody, who's glass of patience was overfilled (I mean stuff from logs) and takes justice to own hands.

That's one way of putting it, but having a stubborn and rebellious side is kind of her thing. Along with little tolerance for people doing bad stuff(she really hates pirates and similar outlaws). Just remember that that background stuff is just me throwing it out as the author/writer, rather than the character.

My character usually shares a fair few personality features with me. Being a very antisocial individual who is difficult to approach and often doesn't like talking to strangers, and often stays away from social gatherings and places, well, I can only say I know that all too well. And apparently, always ending up at the worst(or simply bad) moments in time to get involved in things.

SUTTORADIt is pitty that your ax stuff dont progress as usual-probably they are bit based on galnet

Not much I can do about that anyway, but I do get a bit tired with the slow story progression, when it kind of serves as the basis for the main story arc of my character. Also have more time than I'd like to admit on my hands, currently. That doesn't help.

I wouldn't necessarily call it AX though, since my(and thus the character's) perspective is tending more toward the side of finding a non-violent resolution to the conflict if possible.

To my character: Bio probably still WiP

It's fine. As long as it gets the point or meaning across - and what you're saying definitely is - you don't need to worry about it too much.

(A lesson that I'd do well to heed because I'm told I tend to be a little over-descriptive, and think about what people might think a lot more than I probably should. I sure hope I didn't drive activity away through that part of my nature. Not native English either btw, just have an innate thing for languages it seems.)
27 May 2023, 9:30pm
Silvia Sharpe
SUTTORADTo my character: Bio probably still WiP but now polyshing some bugs. Can you please have a look? I m sorry for missing apostrophs but writing on phone is not best and at pc I cant find that key. And with The I have troubles bit too-I quite keep forgetting it.

Don't fret over the small details seriously it is quite alright to have mistakes. It makes it more personalized in my opinion if the way you translate to English shows through to your writing. I personally enjoy reading how different cultures translate to English. It makes the language feel more diverse.

Heh, I wasnt looking on it in that way. Good point. Translating from Slovak is bit fun because syntax is quite different.
27 May 2023, 9:35pm
Kira: AX was first thing which came on my finger. Now I barely keep awake so this is last post for today. Tomorrow if I will be lucky, I would write log for beggining. Goodnight for now from Slovakia
28 May 2023, 1:17am
Kira Goto(A lesson that I'd do well to heed because I'm told I tend to be a little over-descriptive, and think about what people might think a lot more than I probably should. I sure hope I didn't drive activity away through that part of my nature. Not native English either btw, just have an innate thing for languages it seems.)

I font think it was you. I simply believe the RP channels have gone dormant again. It's been on and off for some time looking back through the channels and recently has been going quiet. We lost quite a few people to the console support drop. Won't be surprised if it takes some time for the channels to come back to life.
28 May 2023, 1:26am
It’s probably just me overthinking it too much. Kinda read an article recently(in French, and I didn’t save the link anyway), which said something along the lines of that we think other people think negatively of us even if that isn’t the case.

Hard not to fall into that, though. For me, anyway. And I already think way too much.

Anyhow, I only really got into things after the console drop, funnily enough, because of the transfer opportunity. First entry I made was… end of November, iirc. Just before U14 dropped. Feels like activity’s gone down a bit again since, more so with U15 being a bit empty.

(Not that I’m going anywhere. Though I do wish story progression was less slow, since that’s what I’m all about. And I’m a little invested in my RP.)
28 May 2023, 4:06am
Ya thats the problem with trying to keep with current lore. It can drag on and can somewhat hinder sorry progression for your character.
28 May 2023, 3:40pm
Well, I still don’t regret doing it that way, even if it is a little frustrating. Was kinda hoping I’d get to do a thing or two more with the RP forums, but alas, it seems I didn’t pick a great moment to get started on that. (Don’t think it’s coincidence that a lull in the game also reflects elsewhere.)

SUTTORADAX was first thing which came on my finger.

I was just clarifying, that’s all. Nothing more to it.
29 May 2023, 7:53pm
Background for my character is done from two-thirds. Now only last (for now) log and it will be ready for RP. Lets dock and head to bar!
31 May 2023, 2:29am
FWIW, I've been lurking for a while and intending to jump in but did not want to interrupt the flow of current ongoing RP. Plus, Vasil is IC and OOC in Colonia until I get off my lazy ass and fly back to the bubble. I suppose it is a personal hang-up of mine wanting the character to be physically near a RP location in the event any IG interactions were planned, though that does not matter much with regards to rp on the boards.
31 May 2023, 2:39am
Vasil VasilescuI suppose it is a personal hang-up of mine wanting the character to be physically near a RP location in the event any IG interactions were planned
Ah, no worries, I did it the same way, trying to make my RPs and personal logs/stories go together without inconsistencies.
31 May 2023, 3:03am
I do it in that way too. As is right now - character not present in the Bubble, so nothing much to contribute in the RP forums. At least, those where a physical presence would be required in-universe.

May be down to the individual, but I don't think it's that uncommon to want thinks to make logical sense or be realistic, even in a fictional universe. I'd certainly find it a bit weird to have that dissociation, by having the character in two places at the same time.

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