Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

19 Jul 2022, 4:17am
MiseriI just joined this game and honestly going back and reading old logs and lore events is almost as much a part of the game for me as playing it
I really am thankful to the old veterans that have been here a long time, the things they did dont make me feel like I missed out because at least the records are there, but its still like oh man I wish i had been around back then. We are here now though, loving the game and feeling like it really makes you want to get in character even just as a goof.
I get that people who were here for 6 years or something , ya its could be boring as hell and maybe thats ok. its ok to take breaks from a game too.
Community is awesome too, thanks for being a really cool group.

I totally agree with the taking a break sentiment. Burn is real even when playing games you love. Leaving and coming back you'll always find something new. I'm loving the game and the RP I'm part of and RP I'm building and I love playing in the game bounty hunting and finding ways to play with or against the system.
19 Jul 2022, 4:41am
MiseriI just joined this game and honestly going back and reading old logs and lore events is almost as much a part of the game for me as playing it
I really am thankful to the old veterans that have been here a long time, the things they did dont make me feel like I missed out because at least the records are there, but its still like oh man I wish i had been around back then. We are here now though, loving the game and feeling like it really makes you want to get in character even just as a goof.
I get that people who were here for 6 years or something , ya its could be boring as hell and maybe thats ok. its ok to take breaks from a game too.
Community is awesome too, thanks for being a really cool group.

I totally agree with the taking a break sentiment. Burn is real even when playing games you love. Leaving and coming back you'll always find something new. I'm loving the game and the RP I'm part of and RP I'm building and I love playing in the game bounty hunting and finding ways to play with or against the system.

I think I almost burned myself out jumping around so much...
But, roleplaying adds in another element to the game for me. Even going out to see the Thargoids have been fun for me, watching them interact. It's why I prefer the Bubble.
21 Jul 2022, 5:11am
MiseriI just joined this game and honestly going back and reading old logs and lore events is almost as much a part of the game for me as playing it
I really am thankful to the old veterans that have been here a long time, the things they did dont make me feel like I missed out because at least the records are there, but its still like oh man I wish i had been around back then. We are here now though, loving the game and feeling like it really makes you want to get in character even just as a goof.
I get that people who were here for 6 years or something , ya its could be boring as hell and maybe thats ok. its ok to take breaks from a game too.
Community is awesome too, thanks for being a really cool group.

I totally agree with the taking a break sentiment. Burn is real even when playing games you love. Leaving and coming back you'll always find something new. I'm loving the game and the RP I'm part of and RP I'm building and I love playing in the game bounty hunting and finding ways to play with or against the system.

I think I almost burned myself out jumping around so much...
But, roleplaying adds in another element to the game for me. Even going out to see the Thargoids have been fun for me, watching them interact. It's why I prefer the Bubble.

The actual Frontier Forum mods don't tolerate much RP or even Raxxla Hunters these days. Be careful if going down the path.
21 Jul 2022, 5:19am
Iwao KishiroTo be honest, I roleplayed a lot with folks from my faction but when FDev abandoned console development, the faction just ceased to be. We moved to different games and therefore everything dwindled, with RP just going away as well due to lack of any reason to continue it and it's stuck in the limbo.

I'm not sure what to do, given there's literally no sense in playing Elite if there's no new content on our side but would be waste just to discard stuff already established around our system and overall roleplay.

And no, getting a PC is absolutely not an option.

The Guardians predicted these days a long time ago.

We tried to save you from the Silence.

21 Jul 2022, 5:24am
FallharborI dunno, I'm in quite a few Elite RP groups and the gaming is still thriving for us.

Have you seen the Empire's commericals for the Proteus Wave though?

Happy to add any stories you have to our Galnet Supplemental.
21 Jul 2022, 10:09pm
The actual Frontier Forum mods don't tolerate much RP or even Raxxla Hunters these days. Be careful if going down the path.

Good thing I don't use their forums for that, then.
03 Aug 2022, 7:32am
Can I just say that for everything going on, I am lmao at the fact that Wych Hunt is gonna wind up being a terrorist organization for like the next 2 weeks til everyone finds out Azimuth screwed up royally and then I get to go back to being the terrorist
04 Aug 2022, 8:34pm
MiseriCan I just say that for everything going on, I am lmao at the fact that Wych Hunt is gonna wind up being a terrorist organization for like the next 2 weeks til everyone finds out Azimuth screwed up royally and then I get to go back to being the terrorist

I was hoping that Caleb would be opening 'Wych Space" letting all it's horrors come through that he would be adding on parts to the unknown structure from the monsters. After his frankenstein structure was complete - he would then fly it into 'Wych Space' to attack the Thargoid queen, leaving the portal open for CMDRs to follow and help him.

Sadly... it will prob just be some text on Galnet, nothing to do or see.

Perhaps I need to start that comic as what really happened - so Galnet doesn't make us all feel like there is stuff we will never see again.

Hope you get your job back.

this was the best Caleb 'the Wych' Wycherly I could make in game. I added name tag to help people who didn't know what his description was.
05 Aug 2022, 9:51pm
Since I'm back as the Squadron suddenly got the in-game influx (still yet to make people make INARA accounts), the interest into Elite: Dangerous after some break became a little different once I realized "hey, as long as they didn't turn off the servers let's do the fun the longest we can". Therefore, I'm here again.

I'll worry once they'll kill Xbox servers once it for all.
29 Oct 2022, 10:52am
Good afternoon CMDRs

I am Cynthia Dawn, I have been roleplaying in this game since 2018 and I currently operate a BGS faction from back when I had a squadron with ten people. I just discovered this board and I'm overjoyed, I'm wondering how to get involved?

xx -Cynthia
29 Oct 2022, 11:10am

I am Cynthia Dawn, I have been roleplaying in this game since 2018 and I currently operate a BGS faction from back when I had a squadron with ten people. I just discovered this board and I'm overjoyed, I'm wondering how to get involved?

xx -Cynthia

Most stories start, as all the best adventures should, in the Bar.

Type something in there, maybe laydown a hook and see if any one bites.
Roleplay: The docks and Roleplay: The galactic bars are good places to start because they are public spaces and others can naturally join in.

There’s not much happening on the Citi RP pages right now, but a new face could kick-start them again. Good luck
15 Nov 2022, 3:24pm
Oh, finally some RP stuff is happening.
30 Jan 2023, 6:11pm
soooo i see inara is overun?

is it reclaimable

im new to the odysey game so was just wondering
30 Jan 2023, 10:48pm
Kay-Leesoooo i see inara is overun?

is it reclaimable

im new to the odysey game so was just wondering

Oh wow, yeah. Like I'm glad you said something. I was going to have Willow visit Citi soon.
Looks like people need to do delivery missions once the stations open up again.
31 Jan 2023, 9:39pm
yeah i was kinda just planing to hit the pub that side
but its closed atm...for me anyways

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