Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

10 Jun 2023, 3:26am
Kira GotoWell, maybe her reaction to loss is kind of inspired by my own. Dunno. Both of my grandmothers passed away at 10/12 respectively and I’ve found it a bit difficult to really get into anything other than… well, not even really friends. That might’ve just been me being me though, since I’m not very social and also shy. High school and/or college didn’t particularly provide me with a context I found it easy to get close to anyone in.
Ah, that's completely personal, to a level where's no way to be 'wrong' somehow. Like, everything, every little bit of your personality affects that, and these effects coalesce, forming a response.

Same for relationships/attachments/whatever. That's a serious psychological thing where everything plays its part. Like, you've had many reasons to stay shy and distant, and almost nothing on the opposite side. And it's a problem only if you aren't comfortable with being like that.

Silvia SharpeYou could always do what I do an just make up a story that fits into the universe of Elite and see what happens.
Yeah, I thought about that. Just a random thing, wrapped up in that universe, etc. Maybe my muse will come down to bite my arse again one day, who knows.
10 Jun 2023, 5:03am
I put Vodan in disadvantage, dont you mind? And I dont know when I get back to writing cause I have something more important
10 Jun 2023, 5:50am
Hm. I doubt your character could've heard the details in the conversation between me and Vodan clearly, but if that was a reaction to his threats to anybody else in the bar, then, well, it might be okay too.
10 Jun 2023, 5:54am
Only reaction to threats, my character didnt heard conversation
10 Jun 2023, 7:35am
Ok, a device that takes down shields AND stuns the user AND disables the weapons AND is in a tiny remote-controlled marble so it can't miss, is a magic bullshit device.

You are not Batman, and ya certainly are not Doctor Who. Keep within the realms of the setting, because we can all write magic I win buttons.

Vodan has a gun on Kira, and I'm trying very hard not to have him pull the trigger. He's told her twice to shut up, and he won't have listened to a long explanation about consequences he doesn't remotely care about without interrupting her with said shotgun.

I'm not trying to have Vodan 'Win' here, he's an asshole. But he is a very experienced and capable asshole, that has prepared for people that have beaten him time and time again. He's made a desperate move now because he was not expecting Meowers to be here, and some much worse people he is worried about are coming.

If for some reason Vodan let Kira carry on ignoring the guns in her face (And he won't let it slide a third time) take the shields down, fine. But he dealt with shock treatment before and wears an earthed suit because he's had to use it against Creamy. He's using double-barrel shotguns. No device is going to disable a mechanical latch, that releases a spring that lets a hammer hit a blasting cap on the back of a cartridge.

I'm not in it to win it here, Meowers tried to talk him down, I'm trying to write along with that. The super spy with the magic eye that's not worried about the gun in her face is not really in keeping with the setting. Pull back some, please.

And come on Suttrad, "assemble quickly" a super rifle? Fast draw a pistol sure, but Vodan did say "I got 4 barrels, one for each of you. Meaning Cass Kira Suttrad and Vasil.

Lets wind it back, and get rid of the magic marble and take it from there.

Last edit: 10 Jun 2023, 8:34am
10 Jun 2023, 9:14am
Sure. I’ve changed my post. Go with whatever I’ve done now. (Best thing I can think of right now.)

And conjuring guns up out of nowhere either should be something like a small, concealed sidearm, that can feasibly be tucked away somewhere. or, y’know, they’ll probably visible and the individual likely isn’t coming with entirely peaceful intentions.
10 Jun 2023, 9:26am
Sweet, and Vodan conjured nothing. Look at this big coat, and think about the size of a couple of swan offs. They are about the size of a plasma pistol.

Like I say, I'm not down to have Vodan win the dick swinging contest, but we all need to respect the situation and limitations of the setting.
10 Jun 2023, 9:31am
I’ll have to admit I don’t much know what a ‘sawn-off’ looks like. The choice of clothing didn’t occur to me in being a coat which could hold guns though.

(I didn’t mean conjure literally, mind you. It’s just the word that came to mind because guns don’t pop in and out of existence at will… in this universe, at least.)
10 Jun 2023, 9:40am
Oh I see.

I always have a look at someone's profile. They usually have a better picture, or a description that helps a writer with the look and presentation of the character. Vodans big-ass fur trimmed coat is pretty much his trade mark.

The big gun, messy beard/hair, and pissed off look tell most people everything they need to know about this uncomplicated guy.
10 Jun 2023, 9:50am
Looking at profiles in more detail is probably something I should do.

I would maybe give my character a more appropriate profile picture for (current) off-ship looks but I’m not much good at drawing. Be that by hand or on a machine. So I just have to annoy people by always clarifying it(kinda joking).

And Vodan does seem a little bit upset. I would say to a fault but whatever went down between him and Creamy is not something I’m particularly in on. There’s just the impression it wasn’t particularly pretty.
10 Jun 2023, 10:29am
Removed the action part from my own reply.
10 Jun 2023, 12:41pm
So just out of curiosity, where can I read up on this stuff with whoever Lord Venge(r?)field is? Is it just tucked away in the RP sections somewhere, or detailed in logbooks?
10 Jun 2023, 1:21pm
10 Jun 2023, 2:40pm
Phew lots to catch upon in the bar

I'm on my way there
10 Jun 2023, 2:51pm
Yeah, I thought about that. Just a random thing, wrapped up in that universe, etc. Maybe my muse will come down to bite my arse again one day, who knows.

Well I will definitely keep an eye out for you name in the logs

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