Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

27 Jun 2023, 12:49pm
Kira GotoAnd nothing wrong in asking. I’m just not big on the ‘me’ talks as I tend to keep to, well, myself. You’ve probably seen that in Kira too - not really revealing a lot about herself unless the person is someone she thinks she can trust, or is close.
Yup, I can totally relate, even with all my reflective episodes in the stories, using my character as a 'medium', addressing to my own thoughts and situations and wrapping them into Elite Universe setting, etc. There's a certain invisible yet perceptible line between what you can openly tell to people and things you rather keep to yourself. General 'almost anonymity' of the internet, concept of an avatar instead of your personal identity, open discussion board approach like 'read and reply or scroll down and don't bother', all that, can move that line, though cannot erase it completely. And, as I think, that's for the better. Deeply personal, complicated things are best to be shared in private with those who can understand you on that 'beyond words' level. Or with specialists.
27 Jun 2023, 1:24pm
Or with specialists.

Never something that quite worked with me, to be honest. I guess it always just felt a little… impersonal, always getting stuck on the ‘stuff that you don’t care about telling others’ hurdle - as in, it wouldn’t move past that stage. Likewise for my character(to a slightly lesser degree, but still).

Anyway, fair warning, I’m not… quite done with the current, for lack of a better word, play. It’s also not technically what Kira wrote to Silvia for, but that can wait until the weekend comes around anyway.
27 Jun 2023, 5:23pm
So, wrote an entry for the logbook today, but I’m not sure when I’ll publish it yet. Maybe tomorrow, or toward the end of the week. Would request no interactions with my character in the RP sections for now, though, if anyone did have plans.

(Not that I expect it, but it never hurts to be sure. And I remain flexible if wanted.)


Well I went and just published it anyway. Please don't see any rush in it though, since it's technically a private log no one but Kira sees.

Last edit: 27 Jun 2023, 7:40pm
27 Jun 2023, 7:02pm
Vasil Vasilescu
Though the name is explained in the bio for the character, I'd just like to say, completely off topic and on behalf of other greenskins... 



(actually, that's one of my IRL running jokes: "Me domesticated orc" / "Me house orc" in a similar way to Harry Potter house elves)

I was playing Total War Warhammer prior to creating this account. I was stumped when thinking of a name and had just completed a Green skin campaign, so went with it.

27 Jun 2023, 8:07pm
I tend toward the Skaven for Warhammer Fantasy, but I'm more of a 40K guy. Afterall, Orkz iz da smashiest and aint neva been beat! Plus, the nature of their equipment appeals to my love of kit-bashing
27 Jun 2023, 8:36pm
All I can personally say with my limited Warhammer knowledge is that anything or anyone who isn’t a basic trooper or minion is probably fine… ish.
27 Jun 2023, 8:55pm
Ere we go, ere we go, cross the Kosmos

Ere we go, ere we go, ere we go

Don't know where we're goin' till we get there

Bring D' Dakka!

Ancient Orc traveling Music. Creamy has board musical knowledge and can play the Stringz-Squig, Grot-Pipes, ect ect.
28 Jun 2023, 2:09am
Creamy Goodness IIIAncient Orc traveling Music. Creamy has board musical knowledge and can play the Stringz-Squig, Grot-Pipes, ect ect.
So, it is possible, in theory, to make a duet of Creamy and Meowers in Ork suits performing songs in an Ork way of performing? Lol. Meowers can't play music instruments at all and her voice is far from any sorts of 'vocal skills', what makes her a perfect Ork singer. Besides the size, lol (the original reason for the 'house orc' joke).
28 Jun 2023, 2:14am
Creamy Goodness IIIAncient Orc traveling Music. Creamy has board musical knowledge and can play the Stringz-Squig, Grot-Pipes, ect ect.

So, it is possible, in theory, to make a duet of Creamy and Meowers in Ork suits performing songs in an Ork way of performing? Lol. Meowers can't play music instruments at all and her voice is far from any sorts of 'vocal skills', what makes her a perfect Ork singer. Besides the size, lol (the original reason for the 'house orc' joke).

I'd pay to see that lol
28 Jun 2023, 4:31am
28 Jun 2023, 4:56am
Good news. The last day of my trip, but I dont know in which condition I will be tomorrow since arrival to home is planned in late night and I must get up a very early. But probably nothing hard, which coffee and a lot of sugar cant fix
28 Jun 2023, 6:20am
Vasil VasilescuFor your Orky listening pleasure
Oops. Looks like I've unintentionally made DA WAAAAGH!!!
28 Jun 2023, 7:21am
So, it is possible, in theory, to make a duet of Creamy and Meowers in Ork suits performing songs in an Ork way of performing? Lol. Meowers can't play music instruments at all and her voice is far from any sorts of 'vocal skills', what makes her a perfect Ork singer. Besides the size, lol (the original reason for the 'house orc' joke).

I'll get my tusks and have a stage built in Gargant.


Tickets 65 teef an 'ed
28 Jun 2023, 1:23pm
I don’t know what I stumbled into here, but I’ll carefully observe this one from a distance. With some level of amusement, possibly.
28 Jun 2023, 2:19pm
I always imagined an Ork concert would be similar to a GWAR concert. Loud, bloody, and just freaking awesome.

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