Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

01 Aug 2023, 11:16pm
So I’m currently not really sure how to get Kira involved further. She might depart the bar soon, partly to investigate the Dedicant.

(Which I have already done today, but shush. And I don’t recommend those logs for the faint-hearted.)
02 Aug 2023, 3:40am
I dont know who this wild jim character is but the viewers love him
we want more Wild jim in fact im calling Rademaker right now i want to hire him for our company asap
02 Aug 2023, 5:29am
MiseriI dont know who this wild jim character is but the viewers love him
we want more Wild jim in fact im calling Rademaker right now i want to hire him for our company asap

Wild Jim Gruden has a mercenary heart. In order of importance, Wild Jim considers the following when entering a merc contract.

How awesome the job sounds
Quality of opponents
Quality of allies
If the Valkyries will approve
Cause (yeah, not so much)
02 Aug 2023, 6:47am
Kasumi Goto

“Or maybe you’ll catch me down in the docks before I’m gone.”

This part of my post can freely be seen as an invitation to follow Kira down to the docks if the interest is there. She may be in a slightly more upset during her next visit due to our newest Thargoid friend and its love for escape pods. Or humans in general, as I hear…

… and Vodan is still being Vodan, I see. Yes, I edited this second bit in later.

Last edit: 02 Aug 2023, 8:45am
02 Aug 2023, 4:56pm
Wild Jim Gruden
How awesome the job sounds
Quality of opponents
Quality of allies
If the Valkyries will approve
Cause (yeah, not so much)

Good sir I am a representative from Azimuth Biotech and let me tell you
MONEY= We are almost broke, Rademaker is killing the company
THE JOB: WE are a cutting edge Xeno weapons research company, Dont listen to all that Human experimentation
and starting a war for profit nonsense... I mean its all true but please stop listening to it
Valkyries will not approve
Azimuth Biotech : Get you Mbooni permits today

... also we are all probably going to space jail
02 Aug 2023, 5:31pm
Miseri Dont listen to all that Human experimentation
and starting a war for profit nonsense... I mean its all true but please stop listening to it

This got a good laugh out of me. People at work just stared at me like i had just offended their ancestors.
02 Aug 2023, 6:34pm
MiseriOpponents: EVERYONE HATES US

... also we are all probably going to space jail
Totally laughed my arse off
02 Aug 2023, 6:51pm
Jenna is not all doom and gloom all the time. In fact as you interact with her more and start to peel back the layers youll begin to understand why her and Silvia are together.
02 Aug 2023, 7:11pm
Will have to be someone other than Kira, then. Until proven otherwise, she still doesn’t think too highly of a woman that has done little more than attack and try to annoy her.
02 Aug 2023, 7:16pm
because she hates thargoids and she has reason to believe Kira is assisting them.
02 Aug 2023, 7:33pm
Which isn’t the case, well, not consciously or willingly at least.

She might still want to cut down on the bitchy attitude when Silvia is around. I doubt it would come on very well. (Yes, I am aware you’re not currently planning to have the two meet, but your character doesn’t know that.)
02 Aug 2023, 7:58pm
Venus would do well to listen to warnings when they are provided. Kira ensured she’d land somewhere without causing damage, though, to be sure. Her fuse wasn’t quite that lit yet.

She also seems a slight bit xenophobic without a reason given for her to hate the Thargoids that much. What’s behind it?
02 Aug 2023, 8:06pm
OOC Venus lost some very important people on the attack of the gnosis. Also Venus will not be holding back. augmentations are at max capacity and she is now much more prepared to face off against Kira. all attacks will be non lethal in nature. in this instance Venus is acting in self defense.
02 Aug 2023, 8:12pm
Too bad Kira isn’t taking the bait. She figures security forces will make Venus not be a total [ahem]. That, and the presence of someone Kira wouldn’t particularly dream about taking on in a hand-to-hand fight.
02 Aug 2023, 8:29pm
Might I just say that Venus seems awfully confident the nervous system neutralizer will work on something that was already completely broken and then rebuilt almost entirely with non-human biomechanical stuff(for lack of a better word)?

I’m not sure those sedatives or whatever they are were designed to that end…

Kira also really isn’t looking to fight, but her buttons were pushed one too many times. It also has her extra annoyed since it made Willow sneak off to avoid getting caught in the crossfire.

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