Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

21 Jul 2023, 11:27am
Jenna MarquezPlease see my last edit

Kasumi Gotoas Azimuth is very intently looking to get their hands on her, and has accordingly told EDI to monitor for such things. Especially with Seo safely in the hands of Aegis.

But didn't you say that it wouldn't be public information. So it's unlikely EDI would even be able to know about it.

Not being public information, does not mean you can’t get your hands on it in one way or another. Like, say, a backdoor into certain databases. Kira would have an interest in monitoring who they issue bounties for, without Azimuth’s knowledge.

And if Jenna does try anything, she might quickly get disabused of that notion. It’s also not like Kira’s on terms too great with the Thargoids either, even if she doesn’t hate them.

Though I suspect an interaction between the two would still be… interesting, even if it didn’t escalate. And since ‘not-Venus’ gives off a certain aura, Kira might want to steer clear of her anyway.
21 Jul 2023, 11:34am
I just want to vouch as an azimuth insider that their internal security is NOT top notch, like you would think its super top notch but its actually not
its like ok, like there is some redundancy in place so its not like anyone can just plug in and do what they want
but you would really think that a research based corporation would have better security in place i mean sure the research stuff is pretty tight but
administration things are pretty crackable , hell im sure more then one group has a back door to their networks already

You guys did know i work for azimuth right?
21 Jul 2023, 11:39am
MiseriYou guys did know i work for azimuth right?

Totally aware. Read your logs here and there. I think it’s quite amusing, when I see some of their contents.

They could also have been more thorough in cleaning up their old sites. Instead their dirty secrets were left to be discovered by people later on, even where it would’ve been safe for cleanup teams to go back and scrub all of the data.

And I didn’t give Kira a personal liking to breaking into databases she’s not supposed to peek into for nothing, though she mostly does it to sate her own curiosity, more than anything.
21 Jul 2023, 11:43am
You didnt find that stuff on Qurato that Seo talked about did you, I dug around down there but never found anything myself

i still think somethings out there in the old data maybe...

But im glad you know who my employer is, i just like skipping the whole, Yes i work for a company hell bent on endangering humanity and negligent abuse of human rights speech
21 Jul 2023, 11:49am
Didn’t poke around there myself, no.

I also view it from a non-lore perspective that Frontier never bothered actually putting those sites into the game, because the whole event was a bit poorly made. Very non-obvious ending, and then the True Chapters magically poofed into existence to blast one of the Azimuth mercs to bits and ‘rescue’ Seo. (Presumably, since there was no clear way of telling what destroyed the ship.)
21 Jul 2023, 11:51am
I mean imagine they could have just stuck a piece of data in a terminal on some planet in that system that read
Salvation >?
and honestly the whole crowd would have been satisfied
21 Jul 2023, 6:14pm
Early sketches of my character's handheld guardian guns: upper is carbine with folding stock, lower sniper rifle with all time mounted scope with changable magnifying. Note: sniper rifle barrel should be 20-30% more longer than on image, but paper was small. And that things totaly are not in scale.

EDIT. How to insert image as file? Url from imgur is not working

Last edit: 21 Jul 2023, 6:21pm
21 Jul 2023, 8:23pm
Kasumi GotoNevermind. Forgot something.

Alright, second attempt. As I was saying, I have no idea why the text in this just decided to start turning blurry. If anyone has ideas to correct it(because I'm not sure this is very legible), I'm open to hearing them.

Don't expect much more than this in terms of complexity, though. At least, right now. I'm already not very good at drawing, and have exactly zero experience with 3D modelling.

Foret 3d Modelling... just download Pimp My Gun (or a similar tool) and build it how you like with whatever components you like. That is how this was designed.

Okay, there we go, working now

Last edit: 21 Jul 2023, 8:37pm
21 Jul 2023, 8:25pm
Image doesn't display, but I guess I could look at it.
21 Jul 2023, 8:41pm
Okay, there we go... fixed in the spoiler
21 Jul 2023, 8:57pm
SUTTORADEarly sketches of my character's handheld guardian guns: upper is carbine with folding stock, lower sniper rifle with all time mounted scope with changable magnifying. Note: sniper rifle barrel should be 20-30% more longer than on image, but paper was small. And that things totaly are not in scale.

EDIT. How to insert image as file? Url from imgur is not working

Hmm, instead of using a direct link to the image, maybe have imgur generate an embeded link (if it has the option), then use the generated output as the link when inserting an image. I sometimes have to do that with files hosted on one drive.
21 Jul 2023, 10:26pm
I sometimes have to do that with files hosted on one drive.

That's what I do since inara appears to require embed links in order to show pictures directly. And while I'm here, that program you linked to is safe to use/download, right?

In other unrelated news, I have now obtained original triple Elite alongside exobiology Elite. Woohoo.

(That combat rank progress really is slow when you're not fighting Thargoids.)
21 Jul 2023, 11:34pm
[quote=Kasumi Goto]
And while I'm here, that program you linked to is safe to use/download, right?

I have not had any problems with it. It used to be a web app, but the site is no longer available, only the download. The Zip contains the flash file and an adobe flash emulator. Just run the emmulator and drag the flash file into it. it is nothing fancy but it gets the job done and is a good time waster for seeing what kind of crazy things you can come up with.
22 Jul 2023, 12:21am
I'll look into it, then.

Also, as I received some positive feedback on the Azimuth target thingy I shared two days ago(?), I figured I'd go and try to come up with a more detailed, non-RP character description for the biography. Going to throw it in here to avoid extra clicks, if you're curious.

Kira is a shy, tall individual of roughly 25 years, with pale skin, blue eyes, short black hair, and a thin, but well-developed body. Contrary to what one might expect, she is rather held back about it and tends to generally wear somewhat non-revealing clothing, particularly around the lower half of her figure.

In line with that, she is very closed-off about any personal details, rarely answering with anything deep if asked, instead deflecting with trivial personality details, and what she has observed about herself. This reclusive nature makes her difficult to approach, and she equally does not trust people easily. Even ones that she knows more closely still are privy of her past, which is kept sealed away behind many protective layers that, if not manoeuvred carefully, prevent anyone from piercing the shell she has built around herself, to stop close connections from forming where they are not desired.

Part of this behavior is the result of not being treated well in her [adoptive] family due to her differing ideals, antisocial nature and generally being a non-average human in many ways, but also the loss of the one person that had always accepted her as she was, while they had known each other from childhood. That person, her (non-biological) sister, was ripped out of her life abruptly, and brutally, shortly after reaching adulthood, an experience which has left behind both physical, and significant mental scars that have not healed up well.

Anyone who does manage to get and remain close to her will find a deeply-caring individual that is willing to go above and beyond to protect her friends, to the point of being willing to give her own life up for it.

Kira generally wears black clothes, between a simple, short-sleeved shirt, sweater or jacket, pants, and boots. Most of the time, however, she dons a black, smooth-looking space suit, closely resembling the Dominator model for personal protection, alongside a close-fitting hood that covers her head, up to the forehead, and casts a shadow on her eyes, helping to conceal her identity from prying eyes, notably those of Azimuth.

She also has a certain liking to, and skillset in, breaking into databases that she is not meant to see, due to an expressed sense of curiosity making her take up hacking as a non-harmful hobby. A skill which is partly responsible for where she currently is in her life, and has exposed her to some undesirable information as well, though the latter has not discouraged her from keeping with it.

The alias she currently operates under is Kasumi, quite consciously chosen on her part from an old form of media, both due to her facial appearance, but also her liking for breaking into security systems. She also has a tendency to speak with a light, yet noticeable, Japanese accent, sometimes on purpose, more often not - though it is a recent development, and part of her trying to throw off anyone attempting to pursue her on behalf of Azimuth.

Last edit: 22 Jul 2023, 3:06am
22 Jul 2023, 5:59am
Vasil Vasilescu
SUTTORADEarly sketches of my character's handheld guardian guns: upper is carbine with folding stock, lower sniper rifle with all time mounted scope with changable magnifying. Note: sniper rifle barrel should be 20-30% more longer than on image, but paper was small. And that things totaly are not in scale.

EDIT. How to insert image as file? Url from imgur is not working

Hmm, instead of using a direct link to the image, maybe have imgur generate an embeded link (if it has the option), then use the generated output as the link when inserting an image. I sometimes have to do that with files hosted on one drive.

I tried now, but it seems like it doesnt work

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