Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

04 Aug 2023, 6:28am
She just saw the station admin, remembered what Venus had told her, and took the opportunity to take who she suspected would almost certainly know a lot about Diaz’s operations.

How resilient the target was, wasn’t something she could have known. Or cared for, anyway. The interrogation and its terms were always going to be up to Venus, although Kira always suspected that whoever she brought along, they would end up dead. With little qualms to be had, considering who they work for.

RE current RP ongoings in here - I’m having Kira hang around more or less until I finish my current log entry project. Took a bit longer due to lack of energy(but not motivation). It’ll be good… I think. She will also comment on the bit about the Thargoid stuff in her, but my current post was long enough already, and it wouldn’t have flowed well if I had.

Oh, and will Meowers be present at the bar/station later on again? Kira might need someone to… uh, ‘help’ her in ways that require a certain touch, or connection, once she makes her next visit.
04 Aug 2023, 7:16am
Kasumi GotoOh, and will Meowers be present at the bar/station later on again? Kira might need someone to… uh, ‘help’ her in ways that require a certain touch, or connection, once she makes her next visit.
RP-wise Meowers is on an AXDF assignment, to scan and poke the Maelstrom crowds, collect some readings and then retreat and transmit the data to the research department. Low-to-moderate risk of taking any tangible damage, so, she doesn't talk about that much since it's simply a daily routine. So, after finishing that talk, she's going to rest a little and depart to do things. Given that, Kira might ask her about her plans and tell that she'd like to see her at Citi later, so that Meowers may return from the Maelstrom system to the Citi again, that's totally plausible and playable.
04 Aug 2023, 7:21am
Well, I guess she was going to ask at some point anyway. Kira has so far been pleasantly surprised - she’s used to larger people being a bit more brute-ish, although that’s probably just the fact that she hasn’t really met a larger woman yet.
04 Aug 2023, 8:49am
One thing I would say is Thargoids attacking a carrier, given the new information we have about snatching bodies, mind you a slaver vessel..... brings a certain level of human life risk that would be morally challenging for anyone.... might also be worth noting that dumping it into a star would also be morally challenging.....

Might be some *ahem* civilians onboard that aren't exactly part of the crew of you catch my drift. Not that Kira or Ina would know that at this current point in time. Just some food for thought.
04 Aug 2023, 9:25am
Oh, lol, really. Might be an interesting plot twist when/if we reach the carrier.
04 Aug 2023, 9:52am
I never said Kira is perfect, and she is very much motivated, maybe slightly blinded, by desire for revenge.

So you can view it from that point. She might change her viewpoint once onboard, or ensure the civilians are taken care of and moved off the carrier to rescue services before she throws it into a star.
04 Aug 2023, 4:25pm
Those Dedicant logs make a good ASMR.
04 Aug 2023, 4:29pm
Ehm… I would disagree. They do not provide the pleasant kind of feeling.
04 Aug 2023, 4:31pm
Kasumi GotoEhm… I would disagree. They do not provide the pleasant kind of feeling.
I guess that's personal... perception and response differences. I felt nothing. As I usually do, lol. So, just for the sake of that weird 'distress signal sound aesthetics'. Listening to them on someone's video, I immediately wanted to mix pieces of them with some ambient electronic music or smth. Might try. Only have to record them myself.
04 Aug 2023, 4:33pm
I’m not sure I’d find it very pleasant to listen to people getting absolutely terrified by live Thargoids under any circumstance, alongside those clicking/chittering sounds. Or outing themselves as absolute nutjobs(aka the guy recording himself making great speeches). But you… do you.
04 Aug 2023, 4:36pm
Maybe I'm another kind of nutjob, who knows.
04 Aug 2023, 7:47pm
Sooo that's what happened to the charming blondie
04 Aug 2023, 7:51pm
Well, with Silvia missing and Meowers gettin involved with the search, we decided to use Vodans knocks to the head to pause the Creamy trail.

Creamy'll be alright, he's got plot armour
04 Aug 2023, 8:01pm
Creamy Goodness III Creamy'll be alright, he's got plot armour

And it is probably custom made and very stylish.
04 Aug 2023, 8:06pm
Creamy Goodness IIICreamy'll be alright, he's got plot armour

Creamy, now, especialy in the log it does not look like that

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