Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

08 Aug 2023, 8:27pm
08 Aug 2023, 8:29pm
We might as well leave this for tomorrow and reset our IRL heads. Meowers sees Kira as a trauma survivor and tries to help with whatever possible without that demeaning 'feeling sorry' part, like a soldier lends a hand to another soldier helping them to get up on their feet again, or smth else, I guess you figured out the point. So she will stick around, since she has nothing to do on the station except interacting with Kira, and she can stay there for a day or two more before returning to the camp. And you can come up with an idea about the interim section tomorrow and lead the thing further, connecting the RP with your logs. I can think of something too, though it may make that 'connecting with the logs' part a bit more difficult, as, obviously, I don't know what's in your drafts.

SUTTORADSo finaly bit colorised and totaly reworked image of my character's guns
Totally-not-AWP and totally-not-P90?
(lol, sorry, just played some Counter-Strike recently)
08 Aug 2023, 8:32pm
P.S. I still cant post image directly here, so this must be enough for now. I really dont know what to try, Ive tried probably everything
08 Aug 2023, 8:33pm
MeowersWe might as well leave this for tomorrow and reset our IRL heads. Meowers sees Kira as a trauma survivor and tries to help with whatever possible without that demeaning 'feeling sorry' part, like a soldier lends a hand to another soldier helping them to get up on their feet again, or smth else, I guess you figured out the point. So she will stick around, since she has nothing to do on the station except interacting with Kira, and she can stay there for a day or two more before returning to the camp. And you can come up with an idea about the interim section tomorrow and lead the thing further, connecting the RP with your logs. I can think of something too, though it may make that 'connecting with the logs' part a bit more difficult, as, obviously, I don't know what's in your drafts.

The entry is planned to be just Kira(unless you count Thargoids), so that’s nothing to be concerned with.

It certainly won’t be possible to follow her, once that particular event kicks off for her. Not that I want to spoil too much.

I guess Willow has something, potentially, however far that would go. I usually just wing it instead of making great plans ahead.

(Also, I edited something in above.)
08 Aug 2023, 8:35pm
SUTTORADSo finaly bit colorised and totaly reworked image of my character's guns

Totally-not-AWP and totally-not-P90?
(lol, sorry, just played some Counter-Strike recently)

That sniper rifle is only coincidence, carbine is in my log even based on P90;)
08 Aug 2023, 8:39pm
Kasumi GotoMight I also say I expected both individuals to stay fully clothed even when sleeping? Kira certainly did, in the presence of another person.
Meowers dropped her hoodie and uniform trousers, so she's in a t-shirt and underwear. But she doesn't feel like asking about sleeping clothed: if Kira decided to do so, then let it be that way.
08 Aug 2023, 8:40pm
Is there any chance that Silvia's abuction leaked somehow to the police or constant occupiers of bar? I am working on log,
My character will get some more rights due his application in local police (or how they are called, I didnt play ED recently)
so I probably, depends on situation will have some guys behind me
08 Aug 2023, 8:42pm
SUTTORADIs there any chance that Silvia's abuction leaked somehow to the police or constant occupiers of bar? I am working on log,
My character will get some more laws due his application in local police (or how they are called, I didnt play ED recently)

I’m going to say no. It was not reported by anyone, to my knowledge.

Meowers dropped her hoodie and uniform trousers, so she's in a t-shirt and underwear. But she doesn't feel like asking about sleeping clothed: if Kira decided to do so, then let it be that way.

I mean, I don’t know. Kira didn’t notice, but even that would have made her a bit not-quite-comfy if she had. They don’t exactly know one another that closely.
08 Aug 2023, 8:44pm
Kasumi Goto
SUTTORADIs there any chance that Silvia's abuction leaked somehow to the police or constant occupiers of bar? I am working on log,

I’m going to say no. It was not reported by anyone, to my knowledge.

Hmm okay then. I (my character, to be right) will only be bit suspicious after some planned bar visits and probably doong his new job.
08 Aug 2023, 8:55pm
Kasumi GotoI mean, I don’t know. Kira didn’t notice, but even that would have made her a bit not-quite-comfy if she had.
Hm. Meowers doesn't know about that and Kira was already in the bed, wrapped in the blanket, when she returned. Her approach is kind of quite simple: she doesn't think it's wrong somehow, as long as said underwear is just underwear, not some kind of fancy erotic stuff that she doesn't even have. And she tries not to sleep and/or remove her clothes when people she doesn't trust are around somewhere. But, if Kira mentions that issue, she's going to be like 'ah, okay, no worries, I'll put my stuff back on', without any background thoughts of 'why the heck'.
08 Aug 2023, 9:01pm
Kasumi Goto
I guess Willow has something, potentially, however far that would go. I usually just wing it instead of making great plans ahead.

No not really. I just wanted to type but no one is in a public space so I played with the last thing Willow was involved in. You guys were into your thing, and I was not about to put Willow in that.

I didn't add anything you guys didn't already know. I just wanted to type something now there are parts that make my Python look like it's real good at finding things. Recently everything on the store page had been lame but this survey set is cool.

Last edit: 08 Aug 2023, 9:10pm
08 Aug 2023, 9:10pm
Willow Thorn

No not really. I just wanted to type but no one is in a public space so I played with the last thing Willow was involved with. You guys were into your thing, and I was not about to put Willow in that.

I didn't add anything you guys didn't already know. I just wanted to type something now there are parts that make my Python look like it's real good at finding things. Recently everything on the store page had been lame but this survey set is cool.

Oh, alright. I guess tomorrow’s an option if wanted. Certainly not like I have anything that excludes any other character’s involvement in mind.

(I don’t much use ship kits, so I’m not really one to speak on that matter. I may have raised an eyebrow when Thargoid ship corpses showed up as external decorations a while back, though.)

Hm. Meowers doesn't know about that and Kira was already in the bed, wrapped in the blanket, when she returned. Her approach is kind of quite simple: she doesn't think it's wrong somehow, as long as said underwear is just underwear, not some kind of fancy erotic stuff that she doesn't even have. And she tries not to sleep and/or remove her clothes when people she doesn't trust are around somewhere. But, if Kira mentions that issue, she's going to be like 'ah, okay, no worries, I'll put my stuff back on', without any background thoughts of 'why the heck'.

I guess. She might not say anything, but it might make her feel somewhat awkward. That might just be her, though - being a rather reclusive individual, to appear in anything other than full clothes in front of someone comfortably, they’d have to be a certain type of close. Evidently, that’s not the case here.
08 Aug 2023, 9:42pm
Kasumi GotoI guess. She might not say anything, but it might make her feel somewhat awkward. That might just be her, though - being a rather reclusive individual, to appear in anything other than full clothes in front of someone comfortably, they’d have to be a certain type of close. Evidently, that’s not the case here.
Depending on her other expressions like mimics, gestures, voice, Meowers might figure out something is on her mind. Other than that, I guess we might just play it out and see what happens.
08 Aug 2023, 9:47pm
Log is out, image is out, bar was visited, so what I planned on today, is done. Now I will probably go to sleep, since brain is not running smoothly
08 Aug 2023, 9:50pm
SUTTORADLog is out, image is out, bar was visited, so what I planned on today, is done.
Being caught on duty with a mug of brandy is the best way to get your badge revoked, lol.

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