Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

02 Aug 2023, 8:47pm
paralyzing agents work cross species. like enough pesticide IRL can kill a human the same about paralytic enzymes can be said. though the degree at which they would affect Kira would likely restrict her agility drastically. I imagine her limbs would feel as though they were filled with lead.
02 Aug 2023, 8:48pm
Btw, Vasil trying to use the bar for, well, what people usually do in bars, is a funny story itself, deserves a logbook entry
02 Aug 2023, 8:49pm
Ok, reading about what super human is the superest isn't very Elite. Avengers End game was 2019 and no one liked Captain Marvel.
A battle of the Kaiju Karens' isn't a good look for the bar.
02 Aug 2023, 8:53pm
VodanOk, reading about what super human is the superest isn't very Elite. Avengers End game was 2019 and no one liked Captain Marvel.
A battle of the Kaiju Karens' isn't a good look for the bar.

in this case jenna just wants to knock down the space ninja several pegs. everyone takes her for granted because she is loud and boisterous which she wants people to realize is a stupid move. Its not about being superhuman its about proving that she isnt some weak ass floozy like everyone seems to think. she is the kind of person who gets into peoples heads, she is well equipped, learns from her mistakes, and ultimately just hates anything thargoid.
02 Aug 2023, 9:01pm
Yeah, but this is Elite. Stretching the setting is one thing, but it's being taken to an extreme here. Twice.
02 Aug 2023, 9:02pm
So I had to go with the Kaiju thing, that was funny
02 Aug 2023, 9:06pm
VodanYeah, but this is Elite. Stretching the setting is one thing, but it's being taken to an extreme here. Twice.

in what way precisely? paralytic stun rounds? or a chick that is much faster than one would think given the low g environment of the bar? or is it the tranquilizer pen which would act similarly to an epi pen?

Genuinely asking because i have done my best to make things as legitimate as possible when it comes to my characters. Everyone has limits. shit vodans goons took jenna down with stun munitions quite easily. i didnt much complain about that simply because it made sense.
02 Aug 2023, 9:14pm
I’m considering to just break the scene up through the security team. I doubt it would find a resolution otherwise.

And for the record, Kira isn’t just ‘invincible’. If you put a bullet through her head, well, that would pretty much be game over just as much as it would be for anyone else. Her bones are just as breakable, and she’d also feel a knife in the gut. Very much so, in fact. And she’d have little chance in a ‘fair’ one-on-one (hand) fight with someone like Meowers despite augmentations. She might be more resilient and stronger than the average human of her size, due to not being quite human(a standard which I don’t think has been defined for Elite), but she’d have to get creative outside that. Sedatives will also affect her eventually, just not as quickly.

I also don’t like the term ‘Karen’ for her just because Venus is actually being a bitch and constantly pisses her off because of things entirely out of Kira’s control. (A bit hypocritical when you think of it.) No one’s patience would last infinitely.

But I also prefer to involve her in non-combat scenarios since those are easier to write. And they show the ‘better’ aspects of the character over her less-than-fashionable aggressive side.

Last edit: 02 Aug 2023, 9:38pm
02 Aug 2023, 9:26pm
no need Kira gave Venus exactly what she wanted.
02 Aug 2023, 9:29pm
Jenna Marquez i didn't much complain about that simply because it made sense.

A fight here is supposed to be a back and forth. I tell you Vodan punches Jenna in the face, you decide if she takes it rolls with it, or blocks it at the last moment.

You tell me Jenna is attacking Vodan, and that Vodan got fucked up, and then she doses another move and another that injures him more. So I didn't get any input.

All Vodan's abilities meant nothing. I try to have another go at a reasonable punch up, then you tell us you're super powered and easily super strong for reasons! and proceed to have a one-sided beast down without involving me at all.

I had Vodan take advantage of Jenna turning around, gave her a bit of the same and let you decide how it affected Jenna.. .. and then you one-sided the fuck out of a guy that has survived as a raider for about 30 years. So, to enable me to get some RP in, I onesided the fuck out of you.

RP works if we respect each other and the stetting. We're all playing Elite with in-game style avatar, you're playing the Saturday morning cartoon version. It makes it hard for us normal people to play on the same field.
02 Aug 2023, 9:40pm
Kasumi GotoAnd she’d have little chance in a ‘fair’ one-on-one (hand) fight with someone like Meowers despite augmentations. She might be more resilient and stronger than the average human of her size, due to not being quite human(a standard which I don’t think has been defined for Elite), but she’d have to get creative outside that.
Meowers isn't a melee expert either, she might be big and strong, but she lacks speed and finesse; strikes may be devastating, especially full-length leg kicks, but it's relatively simple to avoid them for anyone having some expertise in melee combat. Though she knows that well and tries to use her mass and inertia when things come to hand-to-hand. And, again, she tends to avoid melee combat since shooting is what she does much, much better. In some hypothetical 'Friday Night Fight Kira vs. Meowers' Kira's winning ticket is evading, keeping distance and avoiding ropes and corners, while landing dozens of quick blows to deal with strength and endurance gap. And Meowers' strategy should be the opposite, giving less room to manoeuver and trying to make at least a couple of solid hits. Essentially, I 'copied' her pros and cons from IRL myself, because I don't mind playing that kind of character and I can make that look realistic.

Thing is, writing RP fights without falling into a 'cartoony superhero clash' pit is more difficult than it seems. Especially in sci-fi, with all those gadgets and gimmicks around.
02 Aug 2023, 9:47pm
For me, it doesn't matter what the outcome is, as long as I'm involved in it.
Being told what the outcome is, is one person RPing.
02 Aug 2023, 9:47pm
(Response to Meowers)

Well, Kira is definitely more of a 'avoid and strike back' type of fighter, preferring finesse over brute force. Unfortunately, I'm not too sure how well I could write such so I've been kinda trying to avoid the subject. That, and while I certainly want to portray the idea that Kira would be a handful, especially against a similarly sized opponent, I don't want to make her appear as the uncontested king. The scars on her face and neck(which are not visible [on the AI-generated pics, and you can only pick one in-game] are meant to speak to that.

She also prefers to be at range from the enemy and pick them off from afar, anyway, which reflects in her weapon choices. Not that this matters in the bar setting, though.

I also don't think her and Meowers would fight, anyway. Kira certainly wants to avoid that. And hopes her unwilling Thargoid connection won't be grounds for conflict.
02 Aug 2023, 9:50pm
Other question: Were the ‘stun projectiles’ used on Kira little darts?
02 Aug 2023, 9:55pm
VodanFor me, it doesn't matter what the outcome is, as long as I'm involved in it.
Being told what the outcome is, is one person RPing.

I left the outcome up to you when I had Jenna take the two over the bar. I said she hit him the the face didn't exactly say he was out cold. Could have tossed her again being that she is not all that heavy. If it felt like I was one siding it I'm sorry that was not the intent.

However the comment about a girl strength was a bit uncalled for even if just in an RP situation. I explicitly stated the level of force used with the blows and to say they did noting more than tickle is a bit extreme IMO. It's all water under the bridge though so bygones be bygones. And next time shall work on better communication. I kind of suck at that IRL so I'm sorry.

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