Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

13 Sep 2023, 7:38pm
Just edited the post. If you were going to respond to it.
13 Sep 2023, 7:42pm
Sorry about that. I just knew Kira already didn't know what to do with one dagger, couldn't imagine 2 would be easier. Though running around with two artisan daggers would be a bit interesting. I'll give it a few to let others interact before responding.
13 Sep 2023, 7:47pm
She already has her own knives. So her interest in using anything else of the sort is quite limited, especially if it's a sort of memorial item. The one she was handed will sit somewhere it's unlikely to be lost in.

Last edit: 13 Sep 2023, 8:05pm
13 Sep 2023, 8:05pm
Psht. Kira still hasn't shared her real name with Adam. Nor does she want it to be publicly mentioned, for good reason.

Inara is also being annoying and keeps trying to auto-merge the post so it doesn’t show up as new.
13 Sep 2023, 8:18pm
Oops, I will correct it

13 Sep 2023, 8:28pm
Kasumi GotoShe already has her own knives. So her interest in using anything else of the sort is quite limited, especially if it's a sort of memorial item. The one she was handed will sit somewhere it's unlikely to be lost in.

It is up to each person how the items they receive will be handled and in what capacity they will exist in their lives.
13 Sep 2023, 9:13pm
PS for Silvia - dark purple sweater and (dark) blue pants for Kira today. She had a change of mood for her usual attire.
13 Sep 2023, 9:30pm
Silvia SharpeThis is the last chance for anyone to say goodbye to Silvia. I will be stepping away from RP for a while. I'll return eventually but for now I bid you all farewell. It has been a fun couple of months, I just have alot going on between irl stuff and focusing on other projects. I appreciate all of you and will see you all in the next one. Take care. Fly safe, live dangerously. Commander Silvia Sharpe signing off.
Wishing you the best of luck in the boring 21st century
13 Sep 2023, 9:39pm
Thank you. I will return in the future.
14 Sep 2023, 6:52am
Come back soon o7
14 Sep 2023, 10:48am
Q for Willow(if you’re around) - am I free to do my thing with Kira, or were you looking to continue the interaction? My assumption is no, but prefer to have asked.
14 Sep 2023, 12:35pm
She is interested in the new Thargoid structures Kasumi said she was going to investigate, but we got side tracked before she could say something about it.
She'd love to do something with that, but She Won't put her self forward. That's simple curiosity, not helping find a stolen barmaid.
14 Sep 2023, 12:55pm
Hm. Well, that kind of answers my question, but like, wrap things up in the bar outright or just assume nothing interesting happened afterward and let things move on?

Kira won’t be available for on-station RP stuff once she’s gone, for a while(or, at the very least, only infrequently). If I haven’t made that clear enough.

How long that ‘while’ is, I’m not decided yet. Possibly depends on whether boredom from slow story progress sets in again.
14 Sep 2023, 12:57pm
Ya free to flee. Have fun out there
14 Sep 2023, 1:02pm
Al-right, thanks. First, though, I’ll probably go for a nap. My sleep was interrupted by the very important matter of finding out that we’re going to do the old-fashioned thing of rescuing prisoners by blasting them out of it.

(In other words, Titan pod extraction seems like it will occur through sub-surface mining mechanics. Not too sure about them being too happy about that…)

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