Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

11 Aug 2023, 9:02pm
Adam 'The detective' ŠtefánikThat one is believed (based on rumors) to be captured by pirates. What if somebody found it? Target it is big enough so no fire from it except screw-up shot is required. 7000 crew is only when it is in battle condition. That means about twenty Vettes and around 5 or 6 sqiadrons of Condors. And if I eliminate all other unecessary crew like maintanance (it will be used only once), messmans, etc etc, we can get to then tens of crew, but it should not be over 300. But thats rough calculations based on guess

If it’s operated by pirates, you don’t really know where it is.

Also, between retaking the ship, getting a crew ready and redeploying it, we would be out of there before it even arrived.
11 Aug 2023, 9:03pm
Yeah, that last is true. And it is not for 100% sure that they operate it actively. That would be mentioned somewhere. I think it is somewhere grounded (better said orbited as I think it cant land at the planet without infrastructure)
11 Aug 2023, 10:05pm
Ok so I missed that entry here. Too much going on seems to have been buried

I edited my post please do the same.
11 Aug 2023, 10:07pm
I figured I’d just point it out, as it did look that way.
11 Aug 2023, 10:22pm
VodanOh please. How long is this bickering phase going to take?


Tomorrow. Or on Sunday. Two stubborn people with two completely different viewpoints don't usually settle on something common quickly... (it's more likely Kira will do what she cares anyway, because this wasn't going to find a resolution)
11 Aug 2023, 10:25pm
Or next week. Just make it brutally annoying for them because clearly they don't understand what happens during a true planning phase. There are always two people who can't agree on the color of grass. Been in enough convoy planning and route plotting to know that sometimes unless someone walks away nothing will happen.
11 Aug 2023, 10:30pm
None of this felt like a planning phase to begin with, but Venus deciding that there is only one way and that way has to be the way. Which is then pushed on the other two.

But what do I know. Kira will return with the data next time, and it might make her trigger happy on a certain transport vessel before it gets to land(if she can ensure that it has, in fact, not landed yet). To avoid any chance of Diaz committing the handover while our trio of misfits is stuck fighting goons.
11 Aug 2023, 10:33pm
I mean it was kind of planning. Like I once watched an argument much like that one happen over a 2 hour period then our platoon commander was like ok meet up time is at 0230. We all looked at eachother like what the fuck just happened.
11 Aug 2023, 10:37pm
Military story time, I guess? Not a particular experience I can relate to irl. Of all the career paths, I don’t think I’d do particularly well as a soldier.

(I’m neither much of a planner, nor would I be particularly interested in any sort of command role. Reflected in Kira as well - the preference is distinctly toward ‘Get told where to go and what to point the gun at’. And don’t make her try to be diplomatic… that would be the worst incident of the century waiting to happen.)
12 Aug 2023, 2:25pm
Remind me who ‘Aventus’ is? I don’t think I have read all of the (older) logs relating to the current events. If that name/individual was ever even mentioned.

And I’m not sure 6 FDLs are still going to do a whole lot more than play bait for a short time.
12 Aug 2023, 3:06pm
Kasumi GotoRemind me who ‘Aventus’ is? I don’t think I have read all of the (older) logs relating to the current events. If that name/individual was ever even mentioned.

And I’m not sure 6 FDLs are still going to do a whole lot more than play bait for a short time.

Old friend of Venus. Saved her once in the same log I tagged. Kind of just a random npc I made. The FDL are there for exactly that play bait take the heat off the three main people to get on the ship.
12 Aug 2023, 3:53pm
Can we be sure Diaz has no other tricks up his sleeve? Unless his crew scampers off or stands down if/when he is taken out of the picture.

(I highly doubt they would.)
12 Aug 2023, 3:59pm
No tricks planned. He is likely to just be a pain to deal with.
12 Aug 2023, 6:45pm
Doing this RP stuff and poking Thargoid controlled systems around a Maelstrom for the barnacle matrix sites is… interesting, let’s just say.

(I’m pretty sure they’ve all been found already, but I’m just being thorough, while stopping at least some of the time at known ones to gather the weird coral sap stuff.)
12 Aug 2023, 7:03pm
So, feel free to pretend Kira is just ‘there’ and helping with whatever Willow says. Don’t much know what to add for this section for now, and they’ll probably have plenty to chat about when on Kira’s ship.

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