Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

31 Oct 2023, 7:26am
Log is out, enjoy it;) Silvia, is everything in it correct? I remember skelet of our RP, but not all details
31 Oct 2023, 9:33am
For the most part yes the events are correct
31 Oct 2023, 10:53am
Silvia SharpeFor the most part yes the events are correct

03 Nov 2023, 4:38am
Kasumi: what is timeline of Matter of Mind, Unverified recording, Exposure series and your last log? And in Matter of Mind is first timestamp correct? Can my character investigate that signal about you? Just regular work of OmniPol (I guess it is about you)
03 Nov 2023, 7:40am
The Exposure series is - so far - placed before those logs in the timeline. There might be a point where the current events are referenced in it, but we’re still working that one out for the details.

And your character is of course free to look into it, just be aware that I have my own plans in that regard which I am sticking to. I have been a bit busy and got half a dozen(6) drafts written down for it already…

… because I just have too much time for writing at my hands. Or at least, did in the last week. And he(your character) doesn’t necessarily know that it is Kira behind that signal, however you’d like to write that in. Or that she even has a Thargoid connection.

(Yes, the first time stamp is correct. I didn’t give a specific one to the main part of the entry, but you can think of it as taking place on the 29th or 30th. So she won’t be in the area.)

Last edit: 03 Nov 2023, 7:50am
03 Nov 2023, 12:36pm
I was refering to 25.9.3309. Really September? And I meant that snooping around that signal-just another normal day at work, not by hint who is missing
03 Nov 2023, 12:38pm
Remind me where my brain was that day? October, of course. Not that anyone’ll now notice if I correct it. (Going to do it anyway.)

But yes, feel free to search.
03 Nov 2023, 2:34pm
Kasumi GotoBut yes, feel free to search.

Thanks, willco. Although might not now
03 Nov 2023, 2:49pm
Why not? And there’ll be a message about it later providing its origin… likely origin… to the public. I’m just waiting for the current piece of the Exposure series(yes it’s weird, and I don’t care… thanks Meowers for convincing me to out myself like that) to go down the page a bit more.

I guess you could do it at that point. Or, perhaps, just follow the string of entries along. I’m making it look like a ‘public’ thing, but there won’t actually be anything for players to get involved in. Partly because it’s hard to do in-game, me thinks, but also since I have a story to tell and that takes priority.
03 Nov 2023, 2:51pm
Kasumi Gotothanks Meowers for convincing me to out myself like that
I hope that wasn't an irony :p

Anyway, Meowers is a great companion character for weird unhinged stuff. :p
03 Nov 2023, 2:57pm
I don’t know what it is with me and typos today, I swear that was not supposed to be ‘thanks’, but ‘thank’. Small difference in words, big difference in meaning…

Anyway, I’m still debating. Very much fun to write, but I bet people are absolutely going to cringe at some of what’s to come. Or maybe they won’t.
03 Nov 2023, 3:49pm
Embracing your inner cringe is the way to glory! :p
03 Nov 2023, 4:24pm
I’ll duck for tomatoes and pitchforks once the more controversial parts start coming out.
03 Nov 2023, 10:20pm
MeowersEmbracing your inner cringe is the way to glory! :p

Did you tired to push and pull it? Maybe it moves, and be freed to run amok. or you just got cringed by your inner cringe.
But talking about getting cringe? I promise i see any more fakery and things getting destroying entire fleets single handedly cringe.
12 Nov 2023, 3:06am
Hello, sorry if this isn't the place to ask this, but Ive been looking for any squadrons that are RP heavy, do they not exist or have I just been unlucky so far in my search?

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