Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

01 Aug 2023, 12:19am
Jenna Marquezif saying "girl strength"
I hope that was said in-character.
01 Aug 2023, 12:26am
I will want to clarify that the ‘bodybuilder’ comment toward Meowers in my post is supposed to be a compliment.
01 Aug 2023, 12:31am
I hope that was said in-character.

What do you mean exactly? Only kind of confused
01 Aug 2023, 12:38am
Kasumi GotoI will want to clarify that the ‘bodybuilder’ comment toward Meowers in my post is supposed to be a compliment.

Ah, no worries. She can't hear your thoughts anyway.
What I'm more concerned about is that fight, obviously uncoordinated between participants, so instead of a fight it looks more like writing an overpowered blow and then writing how did your character recover from the none less powerful thing done by the opponent.

Jenna MarquezWhat do you mean exactly? Only kind of confused
I mean, sexist comments. Like, Vodan is an arsehole, no surprise. And I've seen quite a lot of that stuff IRL. Don't want to see it here. So, I hope it was 'Vodan's brain' behind that line.
01 Aug 2023, 12:46am
MeowersI mean, sexist comments. Like, Vodan is an arsehole, no surprise. And I've seen quite a lot of that stuff IRL. Don't want to see it here. So, I hope it was 'Vodan's brain' behind that line.

Oh yes I truly do hope so as well.
01 Aug 2023, 1:07am
Willow Thorn...Now, a pirate and ninja were arguing over her. This was a battle that had been blazing for millennia. Who was Willow to stop these ancient enemies setting a score older than the bubble?"

Nice. Been a while since I've seen any references to Real Ultimate Power!
01 Aug 2023, 1:24am
Can’t say that was intentional on my part, at least. Don’t even know what that is.

Also, need to catch sleep really badly so I make it through the day tomorrow, so I’ll be available to continue the ‘events’ later. If they do carry on.

(Yes I said I’d sleep. The attempt was made.)

Last edit: 01 Aug 2023, 2:29am
01 Aug 2023, 3:41am
Gosh with all this crazy stuff going on it sure is nobody else is there that could add an unstable element to all these hijinks

01 Aug 2023, 11:06am
Kira will have more dealings of the Thargoid kind, I can tell you that. Not that it should come as a surprise to anybody.

Venus also seems awfully keen on pointing out that ‘Kira knows nothing about her’… but also basically knows nothing about the individual she is trying to threaten. Like that her ‘adventures’ are very much allowed. Or that she has certain ties to some influential Imperial figures. Or at least one, that also has a tendency to get on Arissa’s nerves a lot.
01 Aug 2023, 10:01pm
Kasumi Gotocard with my message details
May I ask, what kind of details? Like, to let Meowers contact Kira later, or some kind of other information? I've been busy IRL last couple of hours, maybe missed something.
01 Aug 2023, 10:02pm
Contact details. I didn’t find the right word in my head when I wrote that(it’s getting late). Will correct now.

They also won’t include her real name.
01 Aug 2023, 10:04pm
Sure! By the way, Meowers still doesn't know (or doesn't remember) the name, since... Lol, IRL I can't remember was it said (and which one) or not. Meowers is bad with memorising names and faces as much as I am IRL, but remembers events well.
01 Aug 2023, 10:06pm
Kira did mention it(her Kasumi alias) a few posts back. Unless it went by unnoticed by Meowers.

She usually doesn’t forget names easily, and has certainly remembered Willow’s. But well, having your nervous system fried and replaced by Thargoid stuff probably isn’t good for the memory.
01 Aug 2023, 10:10pm
Ah, okay, then I will make Meowers 'remember' the name at some point, since IRL OOC me, a woman behind the keyboard, has also a cr*p memory, lol, and I kind of can't remember exactly which one of the aliases was used during the interaction with Meowers since I read everything and Kira is 'Kira' for me, but she might be still 'Kasumi' for Meowers.

Edit: Ah, lol, she literally said it, verbally, a bit earlier. Things are a bit chaotic, like your usual bar chatter

Last edit: 01 Aug 2023, 10:20pm
01 Aug 2023, 10:13pm
As far as Meowers is concerned, she only knows Kasumi.

Silvia and Willow technically know both, though for the latter it’s more a matter of whether she realizes or suspects they are actually the same person.

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