Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

09 Aug 2023, 3:28pm
Oh, yeah, really. Just posted a reply, will add a bit regarding to the article, haven't seen it mostly lurking around Discussions.
09 Aug 2023, 3:56pm
She will look at her wrist computer while laying in bed like she is, at some point It’s a bit like having your phone on your bedside table and checking it when waking up. One of the things she occasionally does is look at whatever’s on the news, so it would be best to distract her from it, or tell her not to.
09 Aug 2023, 4:20pm
Kasumi Gotoat some point It’s a bit like having your phone on your bedside table and checking it when waking up.
Phah. One of common human habits I don't have, for some reason which I don't know. But that reason definitely isn't being a broke arse with a Nokia 3310 that doesn't have a browser.
Though, yep, I know what you mean.
09 Aug 2023, 7:48pm
I used to have one(an old Nokia phone) until my late teenage/early adolescence years. Considering how indestructible those were while still fitting your hand easily, it wouldn’t surprise me if it’d lasted even until now. Not that I’d go back to it or anything unless really needed.

Was also completely out for the last 3 or so hours. Hence the late reply.
09 Aug 2023, 8:42pm
Willow: Can your character hand info to the guy from police (so my character)?
09 Aug 2023, 8:46pm
There's no reason for Willow to talk with your guy, and she's not the sort of person to go up to someone she doesn't know.
But they are in a bar. It wouldn't be that weird for your guy to go over and say hi.
09 Aug 2023, 10:19pm
Last log was changed slightly on beggining to reflect current occupation of my character-not local police but Omni Pol. And I changed name, too (to be less confusing, I think)
09 Aug 2023, 10:20pm
@Kira: you might take both our characters straight to the bar, I guess, unless you want them to exchange some more words being in private. If there's nothing more to say that demands privacy, we may just skip the boring mundane 'closing the room and walking back' part and appear right in the bar.
09 Aug 2023, 10:24pm
Just a little response. You can have them go there now.

So you want me to have them show up or nah?

Last edit: 09 Aug 2023, 10:38pm
09 Aug 2023, 10:57pm
I must now wrap it, it is already after midnight, response-if needed will be posted after some hours from now. This week I have vacation, so no job;) (until volunteer firefighters will need me)
09 Aug 2023, 11:34pm
I guess we should bring in a cake for getting to use the bar for its intended purpose.
09 Aug 2023, 11:38pm
Eh. it is just bad luck that most every time Vasil comes in that something crazy seems to happen.
09 Aug 2023, 11:50pm
Vasil VasilescuA glance right toward Jenna. Annnnd.... SUCCESS! he was ablet to get in a swallow of bourbon.
Totally made me laugh, almost spilling the tea all over the table IRL, lol

Kasumi GotoI guess we should bring in a cake for getting to use the bar for its intended purpose.
Un-meat-able microwave cake, to keep the atmosphere as weird as it is
10 Aug 2023, 2:05am
I am sorry if there is any confusion with the posting for Jenna. I occasionally forget which account I am on when replying
10 Aug 2023, 6:40am
So RP aside, I’m already at capacity for three characters(four if you count Silvia) with that mess surrounding Diaz, so I don’t feel like having to actively involve a fourth at all. Kira also has even less reasons to trust or want to get the newest OmniPol recruit involved.

I mean, she already doesn’t trust to get mercs involved. And with the Thargoids, she’ll at least know roughly where and when to expect a backstab if it does occur.

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