Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

12 Aug 2023, 9:44pm
I can keep her around. It’s not like the Thargoids are going anywhere, and ultimately, I’m the one who gets to decide what they do when in her stories.

I was also hoping to get to that point.
13 Aug 2023, 12:44am
MeowersAnd me get big stick. Space orc! Waaagh!

Oi! Bring yer choppas an lotsa dakka! We gots us a WAAAAGH!
13 Aug 2023, 1:45pm
Apparently, I managed to forget my post was only half complete. That has now been amended.
13 Aug 2023, 3:09pm
Sorry, I've still got a real nasty head, and typing is not a good feeling right now.
We'll have to cut it short.
13 Aug 2023, 3:18pm
Can also leave it for later. I don’t mind. Rather do it right and proper than to rush through it if you’re not feeling it right now.
13 Aug 2023, 4:35pm
This is going to last. I'll pop another post, then I'm going to stay away from screens for a few days. Writing on my cell isn't good.
19 Aug 2023, 1:32pm
You know, Kira was not actually there yet.

I also forgot to mention the slight detail that the armor and accessories will be above the [black Dominator] suit she is wearing.
19 Aug 2023, 1:36pm
Very well then edited.
19 Aug 2023, 9:17pm
I wonder if Willow is aware of the most probable cause of those slaves people going missing.
19 Aug 2023, 9:19pm
Shh, don't spoil it for us who are not on a grand adventure
19 Aug 2023, 9:20pm
Oh, I’m not planning on spoiling it. Curious to see where the interaction is going nonetheless.
22 Aug 2023, 3:00pm
For those who’ve read the post already, I made an edit to include the following segment in it.

In the shadows of a corridor slightly further from the action, Grenshaw was contemplating his next move while ensuring he didn’t bleed out, observing me over the carrier’s camera system, or what remained functional of it. If he failed at this, he’d probably be dead, and falling back would likely be considered as a failure by Diaz, unless he brought me back.

But I’d already proven I wouldn’t come easily, and judging by the excessive strength for my body, he assumed I was the likely cause for the bruises Jules originally returned with, and there being less leftover tranquilizer than there should’ve been. Now that he had a proper moment, he also reported back to Diaz.

“The bitch that attacked Gardner Point is here, that’s what! I knew she was going to be trouble.”

“And you can’t handle a single woman on your own? Have you forgotten how to fight?”

As expected, Diaz’s voice was full of impatience.

“No, but she’s a damn handful. No idea what kind of shit she’s filled with, but it makes her way stronger and faster than she has any right to be.” Grenshaw’s voice was filled with a hatred for me, which would have made me smile in amusement if I’d heard him. “And those idiots that were supposed to help me keep that boarding party off the carrier are all dead! I could really use some damn backup!”

“I sent Jules down to the hangars. She won’t be causing any more trouble, but I expect that you won’t fail me again.”

The channel was cut off abruptly, leaving the second half of the sentence in the air as a damning statement. Grenshaw looked at the cameras again, and found me facing toward the landing pad, one hand raised to head level.

A plan formed in his head, accompanied by another sadistic grin, and he pulled out a pen containing a dose of sedative about three times as strong as anything Jules had carried. Alone, it had little chance of working, but he expected for Jules to arrive soon, which would help subdue me, with the use of the sedative.

First, however, he planned to make it hurt.
25 Aug 2023, 11:30pm
Willow found quite the rabbit hole there.

I’m also now (kind of) wondering what poses she had totally-not-Kira do for her in their little photo session. It’s not exactly something I thought about until now.
30 Aug 2023, 8:37am
I think I should celebrate my first Elite rank with log
30 Aug 2023, 10:15am
That worked out for NOGITSUNEGARI

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