Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

08 Aug 2023, 5:12pm
What’s on those bacon sandwiches? Kira might have her eye on one of them if it’s something simple without cheese, mayo and other similar stuff in addition.

She does have a thing for bacon. Not so much vegetables.
08 Aug 2023, 5:16pm
Bacon. And more bacon. And even more bacon. Some cheese slices too, but she can ask to remove it or remove it by herself. No gooey dripping stuff since Meowers (and me IRL, lol) don't like it, more due to aesthetic reasons.
08 Aug 2023, 5:17pm
She’ll definitely remove the cheese herself and hand it over. Much like me, there’s only about two specific types she wants and they are usually found sprinkled over noodles in grated fashion.

Or mozzarella cheese on pizza, I suppose. But nothing past that. Melted cheese is terrific. Also stinks more often than not.
08 Aug 2023, 5:20pm
Yeah, and I totally hate mayo. Some other sauces are somewhat okay if served separately as an option, but not inside the sandwich/burger/etc, since I can't stand those things leaking and falling apart. I'm somewhat of a tidy person.
08 Aug 2023, 5:25pm
I don’t even have an issue with them because of that(though I also don’t like stuff that makes a giant mess too much). It’s more just the taste.

I’m also very picky about my food. I despise most things green in most foods because I think it has no business in it, rather than being on the side.

And onions. If there is one thing that I hate exists and is used in food, it is onions. I cannot say it enough how much I hate them.
08 Aug 2023, 5:45pm
Kasumi GotoAnd onions. If there is one thing that I hate exists and is used in food, it is onions. I cannot say it enough how much I hate them.
May I just nod in reply, lol?
Like, the ancient person who decided that it would be great to eat them, my another subject for brutal kicking all the spiritual crap out of, in the afterlife. Not to mention that I may have an allergic reaction if there's too many.
08 Aug 2023, 6:03pm
I can’t say I have an allergy, but their texture and taste is just absymal. I swear the devil himself came up with that… I don’t even know what it is classed as, to torture people.
08 Aug 2023, 6:09pm
Ow. Haven't seen many other people who pay attention to texture. Yeah, totally agree with that one. When it comes to food... For me, it should be looking aesthetically acceptable. Not like a differently coloured version of the same substance after it was processed by the body. And, mostly, good looking meals are also good in matters of texture, as I noticed. For me personally, at least.
08 Aug 2023, 6:18pm
Can texture not refer to the softness/hardness of a food too? EG I would hate to have onions in pasta(there are monsters who would do this).

Looks… well, I certainly don’t mind myself a good-looking meal. As you said, that usually means it is also going to be good. (I don’t particularly go for asthetics when cooking at home… but I also never do anything that would qualify as complex, and mostly for myself.)
08 Aug 2023, 6:55pm
Kasumi GotoCan texture not refer to the softness/hardness of a food too? EG I would hate to have onions in pasta(there are monsters who would do this).
Yeah. It's, kind of... Ah. I don't know how to describe it from my perspective properly. But that's about how does it feel to eat this. What kind of response you're getting when placing that food into your mouth. More than taste, hardness and temperature. And, yeah, people who put onions in pasta... Some of their ancestors definitely served in the inquisition.

Kasumi GotoI don’t particularly go for asthetics when cooking at home… but I also never do anything that would qualify as complex, and mostly for myself.
Same. Mostly, I'm making simple meat meals for myself, getting the rest of the vitamins and other good things from supplements. Except days when I don't have the time and/or the energy to cook at all and have to resort to microwave stuff. But even the microwave stuff has to look acceptable. I don't know exactly how do those eating habits work but I prefer to stay hungry rather than eating something I don't like to see on my plate.
08 Aug 2023, 6:58pm
Human brains do be funny like that. Something could look awful but actually taste good and have great nutritive value. Guess it might be some holdover from an old reflex that currently serves no purpose, but evolution hasn’t gotten rid of it.
08 Aug 2023, 7:46pm
Maybe some aesthetics is involved here too. Animals don't have the sense of it, but a human may think they aren't going put something they don't like to look at into their mouth. Even knowing it's edible and nutritious.

Btw, feel free to 'end the day' in RP or maybe Kasumi wants to whisper something while she isn't asleep. Each option is good.
08 Aug 2023, 7:51pm
Don't think she'd really say much, instead just throwing in under the bed covers. Maybe some 'thoughts' that Meowers doesn't seem to catch on that she is always in a state of active exchange even when asleep, due to the way the implant works. Though Kira may have forgotten to mention, out of the assumption that it is well known, that Thargoid tech is biomechanical and at least partly alive.

Don't really have many plans for the interactions immediately following this, so... yeah. Ideas are welcome. Or contributions from whoever else wishes to. Probably only have an hour or two today left before I start to feel really sleepy, though.
08 Aug 2023, 8:09pm
Yeah, same here, like, three more hours tops and I should go Zzzzz.
You said that, RP-wise, Kira should go and do some Thargoid site poking for 2-3 RP 'days'. So, we can move both back to the bar for something else that might be on your mind, or part our ways after leaving the rented room and going to our ships, since Meowers should return to the 'refugee camp' where she's doing AX instructor and flight leader stuff. Comms there are okay, so any message should reach her without unnecessary delays.
08 Aug 2023, 8:12pm
Well, I still need a little bit of setup from the RP sections before I throw out my next log entry, after which I plan to have Kira absent for a little while.

So that can follow… but I’m not quite sure what to do for that interim segment. Also need to rewrite one or two segments on said entry still, as I’ve had it as a mostly finished draft for a while now, with adjustments made as things developed.

Might I also say I expected both individuals to stay fully clothed even when sleeping? Kira certainly did, in the presence of another person.

Last edit: 08 Aug 2023, 8:27pm

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