Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

08 Aug 2023, 9:51pm
Depending on her other expressions like mimics, gestures, voice, Meowers might figure out something is on her mind. Other than that, I guess we might just play it out and see what happens.

Quickly finding something else and random to look at in the room would probably be a sign.

Brain also switched into ‘Go sleep’ mode so I might just do that now.
08 Aug 2023, 9:55pm
Kasumi GotoQuickly finding something else and random to look at in the room would probably be a sign.

Brain also switched into ‘Go sleep’ mode so I might just do that now.
Sure. Anyway, we'll see tomorrow. Meowers isn't that good in reading non-verbal signs, but she can't miss an obvious one. So, the last sentence Meowers told Kasumi is applicable to you too now, I guess.
08 Aug 2023, 10:28pm
SUTTORADLog is out, image is out, bar was visited, so what I planned on today, is done.

Being caught on duty with a mug of brandy is the best way to get your badge revoked, lol.

I know, but it is after duty... but I will edit that

Fixed, little bug
09 Aug 2023, 2:47am
You guys keep making a fuss and Azimuth might wind up sending me there to snoop around
09 Aug 2023, 6:20am
MeowersSo, the last sentence Meowers told Kasumi is applicable to you too now, I guess.

There wasn’t much need for ‘slowing down’ involved. For once, I ‘passed out’ within a minute or two. Unfortunately, I woke up about an hour early and didn’t get any more sleep in so six hours will have to do. And I dislike coffee with a passion. Acceptable smell, absolutely horrendous taste.

MiseriYou guys keep making a fuss and Azimuth might wind up sending me there to snoop around

I would strongly recommend they avoid such actions. For the sake of their operatives, anyway. Not much that can be done to make the PR image worse than it already is.
09 Aug 2023, 6:42am
Kasumi GotoThere wasn’t much need for ‘slowing down’ involved. For once, I ‘passed out’ within a minute or two. Unfortunately, I woke up about an hour early and didn’t get any more sleep in so six hours will have to do. And I dislike coffee with a passion. Acceptable smell, absolutely horrendous taste.
I'd rather say coffee doesn't have such an energising effect on me (anymore, lol)... I have to chug it throughout an entire day to stay more or less productive in case of bad sleeps, in exchange for, most likely, having an excruciating headache at evening. So, mixing and shuffling work/rest hours to get some sleep somewhere in the middle of the day is definitely better. I think... I'm 50% for tea, 25% for coffee, 25% for other drinks like coke or smth like that. In cafes or other public places I order coffee mostly since it's difficult to screw it up to the point where I don't want to drink it, and I can't say so about tea and my peculiar tea preferences. Earl Grey, strong, cold, preferably iced, no sugar, 400+ml cups. I don't drink tea from thimbles and pen caps.

Kasumi GotoI would strongly recommend they avoid such actions. For the sake of their operatives, anyway. Not much that can be done to make the PR image worse than it already is.
Maybe they're embracing the insanity and doing eccentric stuff since they have nothing to lose anymore.
09 Aug 2023, 6:50am
I just have to live without it somehow. Honestly surprised I went the last two days without sleeping somewhere halfway through the day.

And I would prefer if more of Azimuth went down the ‘Maybe we shouldn’t try to make ourselves the most hated corporation in galactic history’ route, over ‘bat-shit insane superweapon builder and unethical experiment performer’.

Anyway, maybe I’ll have ideas what to do [here] by the afternoon or evening. Sort of doubt it, though.
09 Aug 2023, 7:07am
Kasumi GotoI just have to live without it somehow. Honestly surprised I went the last two days without sleeping somewhere halfway through the day.
Can totally conceptualise that: the ability to use lunch breaks for sleeping is a blessing. Literally can't work without it now.
09 Aug 2023, 8:55am
So anyway, currently thinking it would make sense if Kira and Meowers just showed up at the bar for some simple chatting. They’ve had enough talks of the deep kind for now.

… if you want to have a ‘situation’ over in their current personal space, that’s an option too.
09 Aug 2023, 8:56am
Meowersthe ability to use lunch breaks for sleeping is a blessing. Literally can't work without it now.

I miss being able to use my lunch breaks as a nap break. Been too busy at work for that to be a possibility recently
09 Aug 2023, 9:30am
Kasumi GotoSo anyway, currently thinking it would make sense if Kira and Meowers just showed up at the bar for some simple chatting. They’ve had enough talks of the deep kind for now.

… if you want to have a ‘situation’ over in their current personal space, that’s an option too.
Then move them to the bar if you like that option more, I guess. Meowers values her personal space too but mostly it goes again obvious things. Depends on how important it is for Kira.

Silvia SharpeI miss being able to use my lunch breaks as a nap break. Been too busy at work for that to be a possibility recently
Argh, being busy almost all the time too. But, with all those measures to deal with sleep etc. I'm just smearing my working hours all over the day with longer breaks here and there. Totally want to normalise that, but, well, that's a dream. Lol.
09 Aug 2023, 10:39am
Then move them to the bar if you like that option more, I guess. Meowers values her personal space too but mostly it goes again obvious things. Depends on how important it is for Kira.

Well, she certainly wouldn’t mind staying there for a bit longer, especially if both of them are up in ‘morning’… I may have given her my trait of being what the Germans call a ‘Morgenmuffel’. Which I don’t know the English word for, but basically, she hates being up early.

If they are to have a conversation there, Kira will definitely ask or send signs that she’s not going to do that with one of them half-dressed.
09 Aug 2023, 10:59am
...then you aren't going to do anything bad by keeping them in the room for that interaction. As there are two character personal things to show and RP around.

And, well, being a Morgenmuffel is something completely known to me, to the level of 'getting out of the bed in afternoon'.

Last edit: 09 Aug 2023, 2:29pm
09 Aug 2023, 12:49pm
Well, whatever the case, you can go with it where you like from there(where I posted).

Last edit: 09 Aug 2023, 1:15pm
09 Aug 2023, 3:24pm
So uh, yeah, Meowers might want to prevent Kira from seeing that GalNet article.

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