Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

14 Sep 2023, 1:13pm
Real old movies tell us you can get some out out of prison without dynamite.
14 Sep 2023, 1:45pm
Kasumi Gotothe old-fashioned thing of rescuing prisoners by blasting them out of it
I wonder, like, do they consider adding 'collateral damage and casualties' for unsuccessful sub-surface thing launches? :]
14 Sep 2023, 1:48pm
I was wondering the same thing. Seems a bit unsafe to use explosives to launch the pods out. Unless it’s a drill with a swarm of mini-limpets inside…

Either way, I’m not convinced the Titans are gonna react very positively to more than just getting tickled by the puny humans.
14 Sep 2023, 2:08pm
It changes the mini game if when you miss the peek, you kill 5 prisoners!
14 Sep 2023, 3:08pm
Willow ThornIt changes the mini game if when you miss the peek, you kill 5 prisoners!

So, if you don't rescue people, you still end up denying the Thargoids their experimental meat puppet prisoners. Sounds like a win-win situation.
14 Sep 2023, 5:38pm
So yeah, I kind of cheated on the timing of the log entry rather than wait 2-3 days for it(and my brain is making me hate myself), but I’ve been impatient about getting it out for a while. Especially since it’s been over a month since the update and I usually prefer to be kind of timely with the stuff.

Vasil Vasilescu
So, if you don't rescue people, you still end up denying the Thargoids their experimental meat puppet prisoners. Sounds like a win-win situation.

If you don’t have issues with yourself for it. I’d rather not have to think that I killed the occupants of those pods rather than to have rescued them.
15 Sep 2023, 5:51pm
Since I have IRL more job related stuff, I wont be so frequently in ED so my ships can get bit dusty in hangar, but I think I will have enough time for RP.
15 Sep 2023, 5:57pm
IRL work is for suckers. Don't be a sucker.
16 Sep 2023, 5:14am
Easy to say, but I cant.
16 Sep 2023, 11:55am
And what should we do to make a living? :p
16 Sep 2023, 12:00pm
Raise pitchforks at the ‘normies’ for them thinking that it is a crime to want to be able to survive without ‘working’?

I’m joking… kind of.
03 Oct 2023, 3:03pm
Jørn The Barbarian..."Blod för Tyr" he yelled...

Though it is a battle cry for one of the Ruinous Powers, I really had to resist the urge to shout back, "Blood for the Blood God!"
03 Oct 2023, 3:09pm
03 Oct 2023, 5:16pm
Sounds like you’re all having a great time over there.

Well, except Willow.
03 Oct 2023, 6:10pm
The Thorn girl I could reap with a ganders sickle, but Jim is worth my axe.

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