Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

03 Aug 2023, 2:59pm
Indeed it is.

Kira also doesn’t particularly take issue at a woman bigger than her. It’s more that she’d find it awkward to be the one moving in front.
03 Aug 2023, 3:02pm
Kasumi GotoKira also doesn’t particularly take issue at a woman bigger than her. It’s more that she’d find it awkward to be the one moving in front.
Lol. Also, generates funny moments IRL sometimes. With men trying to 'help' with heavy objects and so on.
03 Aug 2023, 6:31pm
So I’m listening to the logs of the Dedicant again right now, at least some.

Uh… yeah… it’s starting to become pretty obvious they had live Thargoids come after them there. And the Scythes can steal not just your cargo, but also passengers…

I think I’m just not going to do evacs any further. Kira might not be so lucky in knowing this, though…
03 Aug 2023, 6:53pm
the thargoids are done ask, they are now taking
03 Aug 2023, 7:40pm
Kasumi GotoSo I’m listening to the logs of the Dedicant again right now, at least some.

Uh… yeah… it’s starting to become pretty obvious they had live Thargoids come after them there. And the Scythes can steal not just your cargo, but also passengers…

It does give that impression, doesn't it? I'm wavering on whether Dedicant suffered a boarding action from real live "ground" Thargoids, or just the Scythe breaker limpet. The background noise in some of the logs is reminiscent of the tharg-breaker, and the cynical part of me doubts that FDev has finally gotten around to Thargoid ground combat.

Still, I hope that these logs presage the arrival of that very thing.
03 Aug 2023, 7:48pm
Not sure I would expect any on-foot goids, but one would think they exist nonetheless.

I'm just saying, the sound of metal (bulkhead) doors getting busted(or slowly forced) open, followed by the sounds of something non-human screeching as a human screams or shouts in terror... it's pretty convincing to me what's going on.
03 Aug 2023, 8:11pm
Uhh, it is not explosive grenade. It is wall cutting grenade based on guardian shard cannon ammo, mentioned in my first post today(that for L-6). Nothing explosive and perfectly quiet

Last edit: 03 Aug 2023, 8:17pm
03 Aug 2023, 8:15pm
Kasumi GotoYou like explosions, don’t you?

Not that I’m judging. I do too. Just not for half of the weapons that I use.

And yes I like explosions. And for settlement ops-simple raid after pirate occupation or takedown wanted individual I have tendency to use my L-6, which is silenced (thats too much for lol, so rofl. FDev, really?)
03 Aug 2023, 8:51pm
That post in off station will be the last for a while unless Silvia or Jenna is needed. I will be keeping an eye on the channels but will be absent for a time.
03 Aug 2023, 10:21pm
Glen van Rossthe cynical part of me doubts that FDev has finally gotten around to Thargoid ground combat.
Lol. They've just slapped a new 3d model and gun particles on a 'flying drone' mechanics; and they already have those stupid AI foot soldiers in ground CZs. So they perfectly can slap a model of a 'Thargoid Infantry Unit' on a bunch of existing scripts.
03 Aug 2023, 10:35pm
Lol. They've just slapped a new 3d model and gun particles on a 'flying drone' mechanics; and they already have those stupid AI foot soldiers in ground CZs. So they perfectly can slap a model of a 'Thargoid Infantry Unit' on a bunch of existing scripts.

That gives me nightmares
03 Aug 2023, 11:09pm
Jenna's interrogation is up for viewing
03 Aug 2023, 11:43pm
Oh, lol, that's horrible and gruesome. Just how I like.
04 Aug 2023, 3:15am
That was about as I expected it to go.
04 Aug 2023, 4:17am
Kasumi GotoThat was about as I expected it to go.

Kira certainly picked the easiest target to break. It kind of made Venus sad she wasn't able to "play" with them longer.

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