Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

06 Sep 2023, 9:15pm
Me - says I’ll make a short post to set the scene

Meanwhile, the short post

(You’ll all have read it by the time you read this, I’m just throwing the link in for future reference.)
08 Sep 2023, 7:16am
Vasil; in your log entry, aren’t you trying to refer to the Imperial Sanctum as the rescue megaship? Seems you might’ve gotten the names muddled(is that a word?) up a little.

Just being helpful. I might also have spent a little too much time around a few specific ones of them while doing evac work, so their names are kind of stuck in my head.

(And yeah, the Thargoids are so gonna blow a few of them to oblivion. I’d be very surprised if not… especially since, like, only four ever seem to be used for missions anyway.)
08 Sep 2023, 5:23pm
Kasumi Goto...Just being helpful. I might also have spent a little too much time around a few specific ones of them while doing evac work, so their names are kind of stuck in my head....)
No prob. It does not hurt to have others bring up possible continuity issues.

The Imperial Sanctum is the name of the rescue ship currently in the Cemiess system, in orbit around Emerald. Story-wise, the ERS does bring Imperials from other rescue ships, but the Imperial Sanctum is the main one since it is in orbit above the ERS home world. It will probably still be the closest one, even if it gets moved half the distance to the front lines.
08 Sep 2023, 5:42pm
Oh, I didn’t mean continuity issues. The names in the entry are actually a bit jumbled up so I thought I’d point that out. See below -

With the Allied Solace leaving orbit above Emerald and the relocating closer to the front,

We still have no idea where the Imperial Solace will go, meaning that we cannot pre-stage the transport contractors
08 Sep 2023, 7:38pm
Log is out, in the bar, let's hop.
08 Sep 2023, 8:00pm
Kasumi GotoOh, I didn’t mean continuity issues. The names in the entry are actually a bit jumbled up so I thought I’d point that out. See below -

Oh, crap I see what you mean now. Thanks for the heads up. Too many things bouncing around in my skull, I think.
08 Sep 2023, 10:03pm
Huh, midnight is. I sleeping should be now. Nah, I can't paraphrase one little old green uhm, lets call him a man from galaxy far far away from our one. But really, I should go sleep, so dont want from me response for next seven or eight hours
08 Sep 2023, 10:06pm
So, I vaguely recall Willow mentioning she didn’t have Kira’s(Kasumi’s) contact details, but I’m fairly sure Willow had a contact card slipped her way as well as Meowers. Unless it was forgotten in the excit(e?)ment.
09 Sep 2023, 9:01am
Not the type to contact a person on a mission.

Kasumi was as present as the breeze from the vent. She floated silent, not even breathing with her hand coiled back, ready to thrust the blade into the neck of a man that had caused her so much pain. Her pad vibrated letting Kasumi know she had a message, it was from Willow.

The noise, so easy to miss in everyday life rumbled like thunder in the silence. Her target turned and reacted instantly, his personal shield activated as his hand supplied lightning to unwelcome thunder in the form of laser bolts.

So yeah.

Last edit: 09 Sep 2023, 9:14am
13 Sep 2023, 5:02pm
This is the last chance for anyone to say goodbye to Silvia. I will be stepping away from RP for a while. I'll return eventually but for now I bid you all farewell. It has been a fun couple of months, I just have alot going on between irl stuff and focusing on other projects. I appreciate all of you and will see you all in the next one. Take care. Fly safe, live dangerously. Commander Silvia Sharpe signing off.
13 Sep 2023, 5:33pm
Creamy would if he could, but he's trying to find some sea to go with the massive beach he's on. Even a slightly damp puddle would do. (Not one he's made him self)

Good luck with your other projects, and see ya 'pon your return. Thanks for all the writing opportunities.
13 Sep 2023, 5:52pm
I was pleasured to write with you. I still remember that bar western stand off and situation where Silvia collapsed. It was bit chaotic, but after some time, when I was gathering things which I did to log, I encoutered that passages and it was perfectly "acted"
Godspeed CMDR
13 Sep 2023, 6:25pm
Of course guys. Thank you all for everything. It really has been a pleasure to write with each and every one of you. I hope to one day return.
13 Sep 2023, 6:33pm
Kira doesn’t want to disturb Silvia in the back room so she might wait for her to come out. Or you can make Silvia drop by when she comes out. Leaving that one up to you, I’ll respond accordingly.

And have fun in non-Elite land. I’m sure there’s some green pastures over there too.
13 Sep 2023, 7:33pm
OOC the knife Silvia just presented was for Willow specifically just and FYI.

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