Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

07 Aug 2023, 9:21pm
Now I must go to sleep too, since I need finish that cleaning tomorrow ASAP, 'cause my head would explode from overpressure. Bye for now;)
07 Aug 2023, 9:23pm
Is Willow going to try and track down a carrier is that what I am reading? Is Silvia really that much influence that so many people would go looking for her?
07 Aug 2023, 9:33pm
Silvia SharpeIs Willow going to try and track down a carrier is that what I am reading? Is Silvia really that much influence that so many people would go looking for her?

If somebody needs good pirate fighter, crafting master, detective-like guy and bit overthinking individual, my character is available. Pay him enough (average gallactic price, lol) and he will do it until it is legal. But he has weak spot for abandoned settlements with scavengers present. Kinda fun vipe them out with Scarab. (why use Frontier's toy guns when we have something proper on Scarab?)
07 Aug 2023, 9:56pm
Silvia SharpeIs Willow going to try and track down a carrier is that what I am reading? Is Silvia really that much influence that so many people would go looking for her?

Nar. So I'm in the mood to type something, but there's only so much fixing the station I can take. Willow is flying nowhere with one hand, but I am feeling her salvage roots calling again.

Some dumb ass decided to injury her so she could hang around without the guys, and it would give her a reason to try and be more sociable. But it seriously cripples what she can get in to right? Didn't think that one through. One of those, seems like a good call at the time, things.

SUTTORADBut he has weak spot for abandoned settlements with scavengers present. Kinda fun vipe them out with Scarab. (why use Frontier's toy guns when we have something proper on Scarab?)

Yeah, Willow has a thing for abandoned settlements too. Steal every thing that isn't nailed down. Then steal the rest, and the nails too.
07 Aug 2023, 10:04pm
Willow ThornYeah, Willow has a thing for abandoned settlements too. Steal every thing that isn't nailed down. Then steal the rest, and the nails too.
Lol. Meowers has a soft spot for listening to and reading logs (again, drawn from IRL me, I like to read and listen things in games, getting to know what and why happened etc) at abandoned places. Getting to know why, for what reason they were abandoned.

Totally liked Fallout Vault logs. Atmosphere.
07 Aug 2023, 10:30pm
Oh yeah. It's a shame elite is mostly RG missions.

Finding recordings and logs takes it to another level. But I'd still steal there shit. A girls got to make bank you know.
07 Aug 2023, 10:36pm
Willow ThornFinding recordings and logs takes it to another level.
Yeah, but they should be created by the developers and game designers and so on. Rare occasion here...
07 Aug 2023, 10:58pm
Meowers (hmm... actually, never thought about what real life actress might be an ideal cast for Meowers, lol)

Gina Carano
07 Aug 2023, 11:38pm
Vasil VasilescuGina Carano
Hm. I got the idea. Though... She's shorter than Meowers, and she's a martial arts professional, and Meowers isn't. Sadly, I watch movies too rarely to think of someone.
Like, yeah, Gwendoline Christie seems the best match for now, even if the face is totally different, that might be altered with a make-up to some extent.
08 Aug 2023, 3:26am
I’d say things about Kira in regards to the character discussion, but they would oddly be mostly similar to some of what’s been said.

Maybe being an overly curious individual is not that out of the ordinary. Although I guess most don’t push it to the point of learning how to break into databases you’re definitely not supposed to see not for malicious intent, but just because you’re nosy. (No need to worry, this is not replicated IRL… though I do sometimes think I should be more than nearly completely inept at matters involving coding.)

She doesn’t just power settlements back on periodically to just nab the stuff, though(which, she wouldn’t like to admit it, provides her with a bit of a hit). Has to be some component of being helpful to it, but I guess you get both powering a site back on.

Both that nature and liking to poke around in places also leads her to go to certain [moody] places probably best avoided, though. Like the recently discovered
Thargoid barnacle-thingies in the Bubble.
08 Aug 2023, 11:00am
Silvia SharpeIs Willow going to try and track down a carrier is that what I am reading? Is Silvia really that much influence that so many people would go looking for her?

Creamy would come to the rescue.. .. But he doesn't even know where he is right now.
He's got a simplistic view on chivalry, so he couldn't help him self.
But he's not the brightest star in the sky, so he wouldn't know how to work out where to look.
And he wouldn't be armed, so the rescue wouldn't go well.

But if good intentions were enough, Silvia would be home in time for tea!
08 Aug 2023, 11:03am
I’m sure he’ll be out of Tatooine the desert wasteland soon enough.

Once Vodan’s knock on the head wears off, that is. And you’ll probably get some fun - and chaotic - results for the rescue of Silvia itself once we’re around to that.
08 Aug 2023, 11:22am
Hm. Actually, if Silvia is out of reach, then Meowers is the only person to receive the COVAS. So, maybe, Creamy isn't late on the Silvia Quest Train at all.
08 Aug 2023, 1:42pm
08 Aug 2023, 1:58pm
.. .. Departed Sol and reappeared within a single transport ship jump range to T Tauri ....

Right right I see now. I'll just make a quick edit..

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