Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

23 Nov 2023, 5:20pm
Kasumi GotoWhy did we have to make that ending part so massive? (And it’s not the only thing in it that ended up big…)
23 Nov 2023, 5:23pm
you two! Ay dios mio!
23 Nov 2023, 5:23pm
Hm… it occurs to me that I never thought of the possibility that the failsafe in Kira’s mind control chip was triggered remotely or after a certain interval of time following loss of connection, rather than because the Thargoids tampered with it.

Not that it changes any of the deal. Minimal enough that I don’t feel like going back to change one or two lines in whichever entries it has been mentioned in.
23 Nov 2023, 5:24pm
Silvia Sharpeyou two! Ay dios mio!

You don’t know what is coming. And I still blame Meowers for convincing me.
23 Nov 2023, 5:26pm
Kasumi GotoHm… it occurs to me that I never thought of the possibility that the failsafe in Kira’s mind control chip was triggered remotely or after a certain interval of time following loss of connection, rather than because the Thargoids tampered with it.

Not that it changes any of the deal. Minimal enough that I don’t feel like going back to change one or two lines in whichever entries it has been mentioned in.

no need to change anything in your story from the past. maybe some new information could arise that provides more insight into the implant itself, revealing previously unknown/ incorrect information. background information is hard to keep track of and is very likely to get muddied up.
23 Nov 2023, 5:35pm
Probably more like unknown. I suppose it could also just be handwaved away as getting installed via remote software update in the ~two years from implantation to failsafe activation, in case Kira discovered it and managed to disable its connection rather than try to get it removed.

But still a rather minor factor relative to what it did. Probably doesn’t need/isn’t really worth changing or addressing that much. Not like she has it in her head now. (As I was talking about the chip Azimuth planted in her head that resulted in her getting a new, Thargoid-sponsored nervous system.)

On a side note - been playing with the idea of using the fact that she was kind of ‘dead’ to explain away why the Thargoids might’ve been so successful at ‘converting’ her in a relatively short period of time(a month between abduction and reappearance) with no ill effects other than ‘phantom pain’(for lack of a better expression) due to false signals, and the headaches induced by the connection. With body and immune system inactive, there wouldn’t have been much in the way of it.
23 Nov 2023, 5:47pm
makes sense to me. It may not need any explanation if you feel there is no need for it.
23 Nov 2023, 5:51pm
Ah, it’s probably something I’ll just throw into an entry as a side detail at some point. As a “worth mentioning” thing, even if not hugely influential. Give it a bit more credibility than “It just works”.

… of course, Thargoids likely having much more advanced genetic engineering capabilities than us is still required to say why combining water and ammonia-based genetic material doesn’t immediately kill or horribly disfigure the person with it.
23 Nov 2023, 5:59pm
well ammonia is highly soluble in water so it could be that the high concentration of ammonia is diluted to a more reasonable level to prevent disfiguration or even prevent death. it would also explain why kira can survive both in a high ammonia atmosphere and earthlike with little side effects
23 Nov 2023, 6:09pm
Perhaps. There are aspects I’m still trying to wrap my head around, like how she might survive in a lower temperature environment where ammonia is liquid but water would (probably, don’t quite know the different temp thresholds for ammonia off the top of my head) freeze, if she didn’t wear a suit for any reason. Maintaining an ideal body temperature for both would be pretty difficult, I’d think. And there’s the matter of superficial contact with the skin.
23 Nov 2023, 8:29pm
Silvia Sharpeyou two! Ay dios mio!
Why not? These are important story-progressing parts! :]
23 Nov 2023, 11:08pm
Kasumi GotoPerhaps. There are aspects I’m still trying to wrap my head around, like how she might survive in a lower temperature environment where ammonia is liquid but water would (probably, don’t quite know the different temp thresholds for ammonia off the top of my head) freeze, if she didn’t wear a suit for any reason. Maintaining an ideal body temperature for both would be pretty difficult, I’d think. And there’s the matter of superficial contact with the skin.

Hmm could be that the ammonia in her bloodstream is of a high enough concentration that it prevents her from freezing solid in the -33C and below temperatures required for liquid ammonia. The ammonia in an earth like world environment would be reduced to a diluted solution similar to sweat as the ammonia would boil off and be absorbed by the water. That or the thargoid implant could have created an ammonia secreting gland that is either active or inactive based on her environment. Think of it like the pancreas but for ammonia instead of blood sugar control.

Now since ammonia is highly toxic to humans, the organs Kira does have remaining would be all but useless unless altered like what you have explained already for her. The thargoid implant would be changing her organs to handle the ammonia better and prevent acute toxicity/ ammonia poisoning.

Finding solutions to strange mysticalities is fun for me. Feel free to pick my brain in DMs if you'd like.

MeowersWhy not? These are important story-progressing parts! :]

I never said anything about not lol. Your series is definitely something entertaining.
23 Nov 2023, 11:19pm
Silvia SharpeI never said anything about not lol. Your series is definitely something entertaining.
Ah, that was an irony :]
But, yeah, those are some kinds of 'points of no return' more or less.
23 Nov 2023, 11:19pm
Silvia SharpeNow since ammonia is highly toxic to humans, the organs Kira does have remaining would be all but useless unless altered like what you have explained already for her. The thargoid implant would be changing her organs to handle the ammonia better and prevent acute toxicity/ ammonia poisoning.

That’s what I was going with. Altered through various implants attached to the different organs. Which I believe I might have mentioned in our RPs, though I can’t quite remember.

Definitely a thing where she has not just the cortical implant, but others in her body on vital organs and such to allow it to ‘communicate’ with them and keep them doing what they should, given the extent of brain damage sustained from the Azimuth chip failsafe. Those ‘secondary’ implants have been busy at work there, that much is sure.

I’m not yet sure her immunity to the toxic effects of ammonia will have any practical purpose in the (my) story at some point… but it’s still stuff I decided to consider anyway. Partly because then, it’d be simpler for the Thargoids to keep her around without the necessity for extensive life-support apparatus. Seeing as their… probable… experiment, appears to have succeeded.

I haven’t yet had any determining thoughts in regards to the addition of new organs. Partly because… where would they go? I’m not sure there’s that much space in the human body left to fit new things into.
23 Nov 2023, 11:57pm
the pancreas is only about 15cm in adults. So a similarly sized organ could fit with relative ease. The human body already produces ammonia in the small intestine and kidneys so maybe just altered those in order produce a sufficient level of ammonia. the ammonia immunity would simply be to prevent kira from being killed by the ammonia being produced inside her body.

Kira and Silvia discussed at a decent length the physiological changes to kiras neural network and internal organs.

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