Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

27 Nov 2023, 7:09am
Kasumi GotoHave I mentioned that I think Imperials still suck.

(With a few rare exceptions. And yes, that is more of a statement than a question, so no question mark.)

I can think of a few Imperials I have flown against and chatted with, who are opponents with integrity; but not all can find it within themselves to be so.

I am less sanguine about the Empire's political leadership, and wouldn't expect any of its moral blemishes to disappear rapidly even if allegedly progressive, reformist candidates succeeded to the throne. Ship of state turns slowly, and all of that... But like you, I also think there is a significant disconnect between words and deeds from certain aristocrats.

Kasumi Goto ... the whole execution RP deal is something best explained by Miseri, who was caught by Anti-Club Accord players in a Type 9 in LHS 1163.

I don't know how to feel about that. It's an "anarchy" system, so it may be technically permissible, but it feels like vigilantism under flimsy colour of law. Azimuth is still the most influential faction in-system, it's the headquarters of an Azimuth squadron; it's a company town, for all intents and purposes, that has been taken over by a gang of vigilantes. That C.S. Lewis quote about moral tyrannies comes to mind.

The policymaking levels of Azimuth leadership should absolutely be subject to inquiries, prosecution and penalties, but these things need to happen in the public eye, with due process and under rule of law. Government of laws, not of men and all that. The Anti-Club accord is not a recognized government, it is accountable to no one, with no checks, balances or restraints. Handing down capital charges from an unaccountable body is a step removed from Robespierre's Reign of Terror.

What has Miseri a.k.a. Anri la Rosa actually done to warrant charges of a capital crime? Pilot's Federation rating of Expert suggests she does not spend many hours murdering other commanders. She is on record promoting freedom of religion for Far God cultists while President Hudson was busy turning them into criminals. She's on record proposing Azimuth's Thargoid research and data be freely shared between superpowers and (the then-disbanded) Aegis. She's on record proposing Azimuth admit guilt regarding the Musashi incident and Aden Tanner's alleged mutiny.

The worst that I can see is that she materially aided Azimuth's collection efforts and expansion plans, per her Logistics division's area of responsibility. I don't see any foreknowledge of Proteus Wave effects, or knowledge of any of the Project Seraph efforts. One woman cannot be the focal point of our anger at Azimuth; the real architect of those misdeeds paid for his efforts with his own life.

P.S. Miseri, if you are being held as a lawful combatant and not a civilian, there are a limited number of capital offenses specified by UCMJ, but more importantly, per the 1949 Geneva Conventions, the crime you're being accused of must be an explicit violation of the accords, more severe than simply fighting against enemy forces in battle.

Last edit: 27 Nov 2023, 7:41am
27 Nov 2023, 8:15am
Mr van Ross you again show yourself to be an upstanding member of the vox populi of our wonderful elite galaxy
Thank you for coming to my defense but I assure you the ACA has good reason to pull me over
(OOC Mr behind the mask and I talked about all these things for RP beforehand it is totally non malicious)
I have a lot more on my hands then the tentative connection to Azimuth Biotech
I have left a trail of clues in notes and logbooks that would indeed warrant the attention someone who was savvy to the inner workings of our
local Space Illuminati
To quote Fiona Apple
What i need is a good defense, because im feeling like a criminal
27 Nov 2023, 9:29am
Glen van Ross I don't know how to feel about that.

All I can say here is, I have no involvement or stake in said execution or the trial leading up to it anyway, and I’m led to believe the ACA operates under some form of law due to not being anarchy-based itself. If you’d like to see the declaration yourself…

Of course, by now, proceedings are probably underway already. Since this is also an RP event - under which grounds I am sharing this in an OOC manner, as I would respect its confidentiality in character, but Il’ll not leave this up for viewing if told to remove it - you’d have to ask people more involved in it(I have no real participation in or out of it) for specific details, but there is a list of charges with a defense allowed. Will it be a trial viewable by the public? Dunno…

Last edit: 27 Nov 2023, 9:38am
27 Nov 2023, 12:04pm
What in the wide, wide world of sports...

I knew I was going to love it as soon as I hit the first sentence; good old crimes against the revolution. Jacques Mallet du Pan's remark (“Like Saturn, the revolution devours its children”) seems like it will apply to these eager revolutionaries, sooner or later.

By her own logbooks, she is probably guilty of all charges—so um... Good luck with that defense. That said, anybody who gets the Law of Armed Conflict drilled into them, from petty officer to admiral, would agree this falls under the rubric of "fighting the enemy in battle" and none of it meets the standard of capital offense, war crime, or crime against humanity.

Thank you for sharing that, and have fun to the RPers involved. It ah... only reinforces my concern over due process, judicial independence, and an unaccountable hierarchy dispensing death sentences.
27 Nov 2023, 12:08pm
I mean, at least they are giving me a trial, thats pretty fair of them all things considered here

And im not dead yet, lets roll the dice and see what happens
27 Nov 2023, 12:15pm
I’m sure Torben’s going to send some Black Flight to rescue his most important asset, I mean, operative of course. And they could have had me be involved in that trial, so there’s one thing it’s not doing wrong.

As for whatever happens to the ACA… I’ll be holding it after Nemesis(or, as it is otherwise known, AI Salvation) regardless. If it’s only to watch as Seo puts an end to that miserable thing.
27 Nov 2023, 12:28pm
I dont think so,
Im not the person ive been leading everyone to believe
Ive weaved a web of deceit since i started this act of my story almost two years ago
Twisted strands of half truths mixed with out right manipulations and fabrications

If Blackflight was coming to "save" me, I think I will prefer to take my chances with Mr No Names "justice"
27 Nov 2023, 12:29pm
You can always join them.
27 Nov 2023, 12:32pm
Kasumi GotoYou can always join them.

Im not certain the "anti club" accord will take to kindly to the addition of a Lap dog of The Club to its members roster

I mean thats like you joining azimuth tbh
27 Nov 2023, 12:35pm
Ehh, it’s never too late to turn around on those idiots. Do you really want them around to keep screwing up with the Thargoids so a third war breaks out?

We might not want to be at odds if the Constructs make an untimely appearance because of a certain someone that investigations into were mysteriously halted…
28 Nov 2023, 5:12am
MiseriAlso a good Ancilla candidate
And what does that mean?
28 Nov 2023, 5:38am
you would have made an amazing special operations agent
you have the skills that pay the bills so to say thats all,

So in other news, gonna be going on a very long vacation to the outer frontiers
28 Nov 2023, 6:34am
Miseriyou would have made an amazing special operations agent
you have the skills that pay the bills so to say thats all,
Nah, I prefer to do my stuff in the open. And sometimes I'm also a clumsy oaf. :p
28 Nov 2023, 10:35am
So in other news, gonna be going on a very long vacation to the outer frontiers

See, turned out fine. Well, as fine as it gets considering you’re basically considered persona non grata in the Bubble… by the ACA. Not sure everyone else cares so much.

Maybe you’ll be back by the time the box tickers have finished turning the “war” into “Box Ticking Simulator 50193744291 Supreme”.
28 Nov 2023, 11:05am

Performing Thargoid Arse Inspection before it has become a mainstream war-winning activity.

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