Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

02 Aug 2023, 9:57pm
Kasumi GotoI also don't think her and Meowers would fight, anyway. Kira certainly wants to avoid that. And hopes her unwilling Thargoid connection won't be grounds for conflict.
Yeah, I don't think so too. It was just a theoretical picture of different characters with different features, and how should they use them. In theory, again.
02 Aug 2023, 10:08pm
Kasumi GotoOther question: Were the ‘stun projectiles’ used on Kira little darts?

Sort of. There are tazer rounds that police can load into a shot gun that deliver a shock for a period of time. The rounds that Venus used would be similar to those except instead of a shock the rounds have a concentrated nerve agent in them that would be delivered over a say 5 second span.
02 Aug 2023, 10:10pm
Well, I guess it has sort of started to kick in. Bit too late for it to do more than inconvenience Kira, though.
02 Aug 2023, 11:20pm
Last double post for tonight - I’m sure it’s relatively obvious by the way Kira looks and talks(and that it is in the bio), but she’s actually still quite young(25, at least by the year she picked as being born in). Figure that might be relevant for current ongoings, and certainly will be after I publish my next entry. Would be well to remember that if/when further interactions occur.

No spoilers… other than, it is not related to the ongoings with Silvia.
03 Aug 2023, 7:08am
are you all gonna be coming down to T Tauri???
Do you want me to let them know youre coming, should i pencil you guys in for a tour after your meeting?
I can ask Allison if its ok for you guys to get to see the offices too!

Also I am glad that my antics got you to laugh that makes it worth putting these absolutely insane ramblings down for you all!
03 Aug 2023, 8:32am
Not unless it is required.

And it won’t be to bring wine and presents.
03 Aug 2023, 9:10am
Oh.. yea I suppose this isnt a social call, No tea party then , thats a shame

I guess you guys wont be going in thru the front door, just try to keep staff casualties to a minimum is all I ask
03 Aug 2023, 10:11am
Good news. Weather is enough good to not be in emergency state. Floods were bad, but there were worser. So I had enough time to sketch up new guns design (old was only quick one) but since I dont know every bit and bolt of hybrid tech, I will be brief. Now only colorize them to know their hydbrid origin from first glance. And I have new weapon- Shard anti-material grenade. Can be launched from stock Karma L-6, it is effective against settlement walls, mainly doors (why bother with e-breach, profile cloning or arc cutting panels in pirate overtaken settlement?) or ship hull (though without shield). It is something like two stage weapon (for that it takes whole ammo storage in L-6 - 1 shot possible)- first shot is circular which drasticaly reduces integrity of target, then second battering ram-like shot takes down wall. Images will be posted somehow (I must figure out how to post them directly) later, without grenade-it is only ammo
03 Aug 2023, 10:17am
MiseriOh.. yea I suppose this isnt a social call, No tea party then , thats a shame

I guess you guys wont be going in thru the front door, just try to keep staff casualties to a minimum is all I ask

Hind Mine is going to stay in one piece unless otherwise required.

The plan currently doesn’t involve T Tauri (or Mbooni) anyway, so you’re safe there.
03 Aug 2023, 10:28am
Now I get another idea-modify Tormentor for that grenades. And because all cant be super, I will mess timer which will sometimes causing troubles. Idea is to mount on it longer barrel, at end of the barrel will be place for one shot grenade launcher, which must fire first, and plasma round from Tormentor will be delayed by timer- that will serve as that ram but I m not planning it soon, since firstly I need use L-6 variant
03 Aug 2023, 10:59am
You like explosions, don’t you?

Not that I’m judging. I do too. Just not for half of the weapons that I use.
03 Aug 2023, 1:32pm
SUTTORADat end of the barrel will be place for one shot grenade launcher, which must fire first, and plasma round from Tormentor will be delayed by timer- that will serve as that ram but I m not planning it soon, since firstly I need use L-6 variant
Barrel grenades, reinvented
03 Aug 2023, 2:14pm
SUTTORADIdea is to mount on it longer barrel, at end of the barrel will be place for one shot grenade launcher, which must fire first, and plasma round from Tormentor will be delayed by timer- that will serve as that ram but I m not planning it soon, since firstly I need use L-6 variant

Uhm that sounds like it would be dangerous for the user. Shooting a grenade with plasma is a recipe for disaster
03 Aug 2023, 2:24pm
The idea sounds like the grenade would fly off to hit the target, then be followed by a plasma shot at a safe interval.

I’d just set up two different triggers for both.

@Meowers No idea how to handle the transition to the docks, so if both of ‘us’ show up at the Marshmallow(a bit of an odd name for an FDL, if you ask me), that would be good.
03 Aug 2023, 2:56pm
Kasumi Goto@Meowers No idea how to handle the transition to the docks, so if both of ‘us’ show up at the Marshmallow(a bit of an odd name for an FDL, if you ask me), that would be good.
Ah, no worries. With just a handful of things to 'interact' with and no suprise events planned, it's okay for one to write both characters going somewhere, as I think.

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