Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

16 Jan 2024, 2:27pm
And if it wasn’t, you’re basically doing Frontier a favor. Because we totally know Azimuth would have done this kind of thing at first given opportunity.

(And done a worse job of it than the Thargoids themselves would’ve.)
16 Jan 2024, 3:34pm
The effort Fdev are putting into the galaxies story is equal to the effort they are putting into the game.

A random student in a middle school creative writing class could come up with something on the same level.
16 Jan 2024, 10:36pm
I don't even know wtf is going on anymore. I dipped out of the FDev narrative a while back. As far as I'm concerned, all y'all's stories are now the narrative
16 Jan 2024, 11:14pm
Without Frontier’s narrative mine wouldn’t exist, but, you’re not missing too much. Story moves at a pace slower than a glacier and they’ve left what looks like important plot stuff hanging on an empty thread for over a year. Or set off an attack of the Witch Head nebula where an - unimportant/redundant - engineer goes missing for a couple of weeks with no real way to interact with the scenario meaningfully…

Then suddenly all the systems except the engineer location are abandoned, the engineer is back with absolutely zero fucking explanation ever given. And the players just sit there scratching their heads, wondering WTF is even supposed to be happening with it. Or was.
17 Jan 2024, 12:05pm
Azimuth is the new Unit 731 :p
18 Jan 2024, 6:01am
Maybe I should think about not writing entries over a dozen pages long at 12 text size in Word before complaining that I am getting nowhere, as though I’m not getting the creative material out of my head.

… and yet I wouldn’t have known well where to split it so you get another far too big piece of text.
18 Jan 2024, 1:40pm
Sometimes it's plainly impossible to make a post with everything you want to include in it, in the level of detail you want, within the 'conventional' boundaries of an average post length. Average for this website. Anyway, we aren't writing for those spoiled by Twitter and TikTok, with the attention span of a goldfish, who struggle to read and comprehend something longer than fifty words.
18 Jan 2024, 3:08pm
MeowersSometimes it's plainly impossible to make a post with everything you want to include in it, in the level of detail you want, within the 'conventional' boundaries of an average post length. Average for this website. Anyway, we aren't writing for those spoiled by Twitter and TikTok, with the attention span of a goldfish, who struggle to read and comprehend something longer than fifty words.

U making a wiki or wot?
18 Jan 2024, 5:01pm
MeowersSometimes it's plainly impossible to make a post with everything you want to include in it, in the level of detail you want, within the 'conventional' boundaries of an average post length. Average for this website. Anyway, we aren't writing for those spoiled by Twitter and TikTok, with the attention span of a goldfish, who struggle to read and comprehend something longer than fifty words.

Might’ve helped if I didn’t stay awake until around about 7 AM to force my idiot brain to finish the thing.

But well, it’s still fun to write about. Maybe a little too much fun to detail those struggles of ‘How to work with that oversized body’, looking at the length of that text.

(And I hope you like those small bits of ‘Trying to nake this look plausible’ for the more serious matters that relate to being a hybrid.)

… that community goal could in no way or shape go wrong, I’m sure. Why do I hear sarcasm detectors going off?
18 Jan 2024, 6:28pm
Creamy Goodness IIIOMG
U making a wiki or wot?
Wiki of what? Human experimentations?
18 Jan 2024, 8:56pm
*Hides the reams and reams of past works posted and yet to be seen*

An observation on your current eager posting habits. Never catch me doing that sort of thing.

*Closes draw where I keep my SSD with half finished ideas and writings that are ok, but went nowhere*
18 Jan 2024, 9:11pm
Ah, the thing is, I want to close the Purgatory arc before 21 February, I have the three-years celebration post planned on that day (since my first post was published the same day three years ago) and I want to carry the ongoing story to the finish successfully and have some time left to prepare the artworks/renders. And the Exposure ended a little later than expected, mostly because we both got carried away writing it lol, so I'm, kind of, in a bit of a haste at the moment, yet still sticking to posting new parts after existing ones fall below the second screenshot on the main page. So, normally, I don't like to post stuff so frequently but I have to, at the moment.
18 Jan 2024, 10:20pm
I have to admit a bit of envy for all of you that have time to write. I don't even have much time to plan things out, much less have a series of posts ready to go.
18 Jan 2024, 10:27pm
Vasil VasilescuI have to admit a bit of envy for all of you that have time to write. I don't even have much time to plan things out, much less have a series of posts ready to go.
Well, that means we (or I, in particular) don't have time for something that's also interesting. So... Prioritising stuff.
18 Jan 2024, 11:06pm
Vasil VasilescuI have to admit a bit of envy for all of you that have time to write. I don't even have much time to plan things out, much less have a series of posts ready to go.

Well, that means we (or I, in particular) don't have time for something that's also interesting. So... Prioritising stuff.

Prioritizing means Adulting and Adulting is highly overrated. It is why I have no time.

Last edit: 18 Jan 2024, 11:18pm

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