Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

23 Nov 2023, 10:08am
Miseri I am currently biding my final days in a holding cell awaiting my judicial hearing
Hm. Then it isn't a sort of fun I'd honestly recommend. Moreover, it is to be avoided.

Last edit: 23 Nov 2023, 10:57am
23 Nov 2023, 10:26am
I have made my bed and now i lie in it... it may wind up being a bed six feet under
one cannot expect to run away forever and now I will answer to those who I have trespassed against it seems
23 Nov 2023, 11:00am
At least you have your communicator with you to write stuff maybe related to rescuing, if that fit your plans. Last time I was in the mental hospital, they relieved me of all means of communication.
23 Nov 2023, 12:02pm
I’m sure it’s better than the predicaments Kira might find herself in soon. Because she keeps defying death… even where it might have been better to take it.

I do wonder if Miseri is at all aware of the situation of her… pseudo-/unofficial counterpart.
23 Nov 2023, 12:37pm
Kasumi GotoI’m sure it’s better than the predicaments Kira might find herself in soon. Because she keeps defying death… even where it might have been better to take it.

I do wonder if Miseri is at all aware of the situation of her… pseudo-/unofficial counterpart.

I didnt even know had a pseudo intellectual counterpart
23 Nov 2023, 12:41pm
I wouldn’t say intellectual. More like the relative opposite in places within the whole mess surrounding Azimuth, Thargoids and more lately the Bubble in general.

Unless you want to see Seo as such. But two of us versus one of you is going to end up being unfair.

Also doesn’t really answer the question of whether Miseri knows about Kira in-character.
23 Nov 2023, 12:52pm
I do not think our characters , or at least mine would know who you are. But the question everyone should be asking isnt does Miseri know my character

Its what does your character , what do any of your characters actually know about me...

MeowersAt least you have your communicator with you to write stuff maybe related to rescuing, if that fit your plans. Last time I was in the mental hospital, they relieved me of all means of communication.

I do not think anyone will be coming to save someone like me, the only people I would have thought to ask are the very ones who have me in a cell at this time.
23 Nov 2023, 12:59pm
Its what does your character , what do any of your characters actually know about me

Well, for starters, she is aware that “The Maid”, otherwise also known as Miserichorde, is an avid Azimuth supporter who likes to throw the Mbooni permit around as an advertisement tool. And that she was recently caught by the ACA.

Beyond that? Kira may or may not have caught some transmissions going back to Azimuth because of her dubious interest in hacking stuff that she’s not supposed to(and monitoring Azimuth comms in general). The message that was sent after the Wandrama disaster that ended in Azimuth’s retreat might have delighted her… just a little bit. But none of those… let’s call them, deeper details of the background or anything.

And no, unfortunately, no details about Nemesis have slipped. Otherwise, she’d have jumped on that like she would a fresh chocolate cake.
23 Nov 2023, 1:02pm
MiseriI do not think anyone will be coming to save someone like me, the only people I would have thought to ask are the very ones who have me in a cell at this time.

Figure out a way for Silvia to control a feral fox and get a faulty powerplant operational, oh and somehow break the laws of physics and have her jump 60kly to where you are and she'd be more than willing to burn the place to the ground and possibly save someone who is in need......... well that is if she doesn't know said person is in support of the corporation that is trying to steal her research and tech.

Last edit: 23 Nov 2023, 1:10pm
23 Nov 2023, 1:34pm
I promise if I had found anything on Nemesis , i would not have hesitated to share it with the proper non azimuthian contacts

In the end, i was spent my time chasing too many trails , all grown cold...
not just about Nemesis, but everything..

I guess at least people will remember me for my tagline about the permits
The trial is in a few days... im not going to lie.. im nervous.
Ive heard of do or die performances but never had one so literally set upon me

I appreciate the sentiment Ms Sharpe, but ... but you should save a show of heroics like that for someone deserved of it.
I am ok with this trial, its ok for things to go on , Anri got herself into this mess, she has to face the consequences of her actions now.

Btw, ive always thought what if our characters ran into each other it would have been funny, you see she has never seen a fox
She literally wouldnt know what to call that little fuzzy thing with you.
23 Nov 2023, 1:47pm
MiseriBtw, ive always thought what if our characters ran into each other it would have been funny, you see she has never seen a fox
She literally wouldnt know what to call that little fuzzy thing with you.

A little fluffy ball of joy. That if provoked with rip your throat out.

Everyone deserves a shot at redemption. Some that redemption comes in the form of death.... others the form of second chances.
23 Nov 2023, 2:52pm
MiseriThat would be me Meowers, I am the executee of the impending execution by mr no name and the rebel alliance

I am currently biding my final days in a holding cell awaiting my judicial hearing

I hope they have informed you of all the charges laid, and provided defence counsel (at their expense). Your counsel needs some time to prepare a defence strategy, as well. Even the Nuremberg defendants got all of that.

If you've harmed Mr. No Name or the Rebel Alliance directly, then the principle of Nemo iudex in causa sua (no one can judge a case in which they have an interest) should apply. I am all for bringing Azimuth leadership to trial, but justice must not only be done, it must also be seen to be done.

Otherwise <Al Pacino voice> "I'm out of order? You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order!"
23 Nov 2023, 4:16pm
A defense will apparently be allowed, but I’m not expecting (m)any successful counterarguments to go through.

At least death is better than having your insides turned upside down and into weird hybrid structures nobody really understands, with Thargoids in your head. Even if it’s not good

(I’m aware of some of the inner workings, but why would I spoil any fun and surprises that may occur? And no, I am definitely not part of any of it, neither judge, jury, nor executioner. Or witness, for that matter. *still throws silent and disapproving glance from the side*)

Last edit: 23 Nov 2023, 4:44pm
23 Nov 2023, 4:38pm
Meh. I'm just going to yell stuff and shoot stuff. As I do usually.
23 Nov 2023, 4:45pm
There’s going to be plenty of shooting for Meowers to do in two (or three) weeks anyway. Why did we have to make that ending part so massive? (And it’s not the only thing in it that ended up big…)

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