Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

23 Jan 2024, 9:21pm
Vasil sounds like he's having a fun time with things for and on that carrier.

(Fun to be used in relative terms. Not to mention that there is a... very decent chance of Montioch going back to Thargoid controlled on this Thursday.)
23 Jan 2024, 9:40pm
"Vasil's Leisure&Fun Space Yacht". Sounds great, lol.
23 Jan 2024, 10:40pm
Kasumi GotoVasil sounds like he's having a fun time with things for and on that carrier.

(Fun to be used in relative terms. Not to mention that there is a... very decent chance of Montioch going back to Thargoid controlled on this Thursday.)

Yeah, the post has been "in the works" for a while. Considered changing the system, but figured I'd leave it as is and deal with the consequences later since I'll probably not get around to another post until after the weekly update. Or, maybe, several updates.

Meowers"Vasil's Leisure&Fun Space Yacht". Sounds great, lol.

By coincidence, I had something similar in SWG. I hosted charted cruises for in-game RP using a variety of ships. Of course, SWG had fully functional ship interiors you could custom decorate, which was great for in-game RP.
23 Jan 2024, 10:45pm
Vasil VasilescuYeah, the post has been "in the works" for a while. Considered changing the system, but figured I'd leave it as is and deal with the consequences later since I'll probably not get around to another post until after the weekly update. Or, maybe, several updates.
Oh, those synch issues... Earlier, I liked to search for planets and systems for my stories to take place in, but now, with that whole Titan mess and without EDDB available to go through the spreadsheet... It's paining my arseholes. Luckily, the Galaxy is a big place and just imagining stuff could still give plausible results.

(and the 'Jungle world' for the Purgatory. ED has none of these, it's either 'ELW' or not, even if it's jungle, tundra, swamp, desert-with-some-water like the planet Creamy is now on, etc.: I remember those background pics in MoO2, they were awesome at their time)

Last edit: 23 Jan 2024, 10:51pm
23 Jan 2024, 11:27pm
Meowers..It's paining my arseholes...

Uh, I guess thanks for sharing that you have more than one.

MeowersI remember those background pics in MoO2, they were awesome at their time

It took me a minute to realize that meant Masters of Orion 2. I was wondering what molybdenum oxide had to do with anything, or even if the MoO2 compound is even possible, which, apparently, it is. Thanks to you, I learned that MoO2 is purple and costs about $2.00 per gram, or about 12 times the cost of a fully-loaded purple Lamborghini Huracan, which is ends up being roughly $0.17 per gram.
24 Jan 2024, 12:06am
Vasil VasilescuUh, I guess thanks for sharing that you have more than one.
That's a line from Borat, lol. He's... somewhat struggling with English. :p

Vasil VasilescuIt took me a minute to realize that meant Masters of Orion 2. I was wondering what molybdenum oxide had to do with anything, or even if the MoO2 compound is even possible, which, apparently, it is. Thanks to you, I learned that MoO2 is purple and costs about $2.00 per gram, or about 12 times the cost of a fully-loaded purple Lamborghini Huracan, which is ends up being roughly $0.17 per gram.
Why am I wasting my life on this website rather than oxidising molybdenum...
24 Jan 2024, 12:16am
MeowersUh, I guess thanks for sharing that you have more than one.
That's a line from Borat, lol. He's... somewhat struggling with English. :p

Oh, verra nice!
24 Jan 2024, 2:23am
Meowersand the 'Jungle world' for the Purgatory. ED has none of these, it's either 'ELW' or not, even if it's jungle, tundra, swamp, desert-with-some-water like the planet Creamy is now on, etc.:

It's even funnier when you do read about things like the Earth-like world in Altair(A-type star) having a really hot, humid climate with all kinds of exotic wildlife and stuff while mostly being covered in a really messy jungle... then the in-game model is just 'generic random ELW with water and all-green terrain scattered around, sometimes with poles. Not even Earth is a perfect green place, so you can't tell me the equatorial and bordering regions of a world like Duamta 4 with an average surface temperature of 56C would be anything more than a giant strip of desert. Especially with a 50h rotating period giving an even longer exposure of each side of the planet to that sun(F type).

Even if we can't land on them in-game(I don't take the logs that try to write around this as a lore thing very seriously in those aspects), it would have been a nice touch. I even see it sometimes where a water world with a relatively low surface temperature (for sustaining liquid water) has a lot cleared water around the equator than anywhere outside that. Or how some low-pressure ammonia world with an average temp of -93C(while the freezing point of ammonia is somewhere around -78) still looks the same as one that would support the biosphere in more extended areas of its surface.

Vasil VasilescuYeah, the post has been "in the works" for a while. Considered changing the system, but figured I'd leave it as is and deal with the consequences later since I'll probably not get around to another post until after the weekly update. Or, maybe, several updates.

On the contrary, I think it makes it more interesting as a plot element. And maybe I'm just a little too fond of things that get in the way of Miss Senatorial Ambitions and make her liable to be upset. ducks into cover
27 Jan 2024, 5:15pm
Kasumi GotoAnd if it’s about the RP sections themselves, people move on from things. Or they have other RP things going that, quite simply, don’t allow their characters to be present. Which, as I think of it, accounts for almost all right now.

I RP a lot these days (and I mean A LOT, like daily for hours) but not in ED. The game just isn't designed for it.
27 Jan 2024, 7:40pm
Most of my RP also happens off screen. Or… pretty much all of it so far, depending on how you look at it. (EG those gameplay-inspired logs with some story woven in. Or that use some vague presence in a specific area as a background for a story piece.)

But yeah, I’m also kind of of the opinion that ED is not particularly supportive of in-game RP unless you do some specific BGS related nonsense(which I would use as a backdrop rather than the ‘main’ part of a log). And you can’t really build much off of ‘I met this random guy in deep space’ if you’re somewhere out in the middle of nowhere.
27 Jan 2024, 10:00pm
Kasumi GotoAnd you can’t really build much off of ‘I met this random guy in deep space’ if you’re somewhere out in the middle of nowhere.
The Path of a Rear Admiral.

I'm a Rear Admiral now! I got into my Corvette and went to HazRes to kill thousands of pirates! Then, I took a delivery mission because a worker on a surface settlement had forgotten his lunchbox. But the settlement was overrun by pirates too! So I donned my Dominator, took my Executioner and AR-50, jumped into the SRV and engaged them! I killed them all! Then I went to HAB, to CMD and finally to PWR to steal everything that wasn't glued to the surface! And also I stole their power regulator! I have so many bounty vouchers now that I'm going to get myself a carrier in a week! Then, I really should travel to [REDACTED] to meet [REDACTED] and do [REDACTED] until they [REDACTED] and then I [REDACTED] them right into [REDACTED]. o7 CMDRs!

See? A breathtaking story written in two minutes!
27 Jan 2024, 10:04pm
I could write a better story about riding a Medusa off into the sunset like a cowboy would a horse. And why did they call them cowboys when they rode horses?
27 Jan 2024, 10:08pm
Kasumi GotoI could write a better story about riding a Medusa off into the sunset like a cowboy would a horse.
I never asked for this but now I want to read this. Lol. Do it.
27 Jan 2024, 10:25pm
Kasumi GotoI could write a better story about riding a Medusa off into the sunset like a cowboy would a horse. And why did they call them cowboys when they rode horses?

Major Kong was a nuclear cowboy at the end of Dr Strangelove.
27 Jan 2024, 10:36pm
I never asked for this but now I want to read this. Lol. Do it.

I probably won't, to be fair. But you can enjoy a little more fun, stupidity and seriousness in my latest log now that I finally got through with it.

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