Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

19 Jan 2024, 12:07pm
Vasil VasilescuI have to admit a bit of envy for all of you that have time to write. I don't even have much time to plan things out, much less have a series of posts ready to go.

Brother, I feel you. I post so infrequently that it's almost comical. I just jot down ideas when I have the time and expand on them further when I have even MORE time than that. Which is why some of my posts have months of time between them.

Still, I enjoy it even if people have no flipping clue what I'm yammering on about by the time I post another part of the story because it's been so long.
19 Jan 2024, 12:10pm
I've been through the same, two long delays while posting the Duty, and it was my godsdamned first experience of posting something that wasn't completed in my drafts beforehand and I promised to keep the schedule more or less even twice but the life kept wrench-bashing my sorry and very, very malfunctioning head, lol.

At least the current thing is completed now and I could post it non-stop to the finish.
19 Jan 2024, 12:16pm
Duty was such a huge undertaking! I applaud your perseverance and seeing that one through to the end.

Big "Purgatory" fan now too
19 Jan 2024, 12:24pm

In my world of my screwed up brain cells, dropping something I've already started publishing, no matter what it is, is a cardinal sin punished by death of cringe.
19 Jan 2024, 2:48pm
I’d do the same. Luckily, I’ve been able to see everything I wanted to write through(even if it may not appear directly connected as a ‘series’).

Those idiots “defenders” are going to make something worse than the Titans crash on our heads, calling it now.
19 Jan 2024, 4:58pm
Kasumi Goto Those idiots “defenders” are going to make something worse than the Titans crash on our heads, calling it now.

Lets review the checklist.
  1. Have inexhaustible numbers
  2. Operate in hive fleets with names like "Taranis"
  3. Have organic technology
  4. Won't negotiate, only attack

Sounds like a WH40K Tyranid invasion.
19 Jan 2024, 6:40pm
Easy to say when you know as much about them as what lurks within Witch Space. Which is, basically nothing.
19 Jan 2024, 6:53pm
Vasil VasilescuOperate in hive fleets with names like "Taranis"

Well to be be fair, we gave them the cool thunder-god nicknames; that's on us.

In reality we would have gone with something far less cool, they'd all be words starting with "T" or "H" (for Titan or Hive), and be about as cool as NATO reporting names for Soviet fighters (Farmer, Fishbed, Frogfoot).
19 Jan 2024, 9:19pm
Glen van Ross In reality we would have gone with something far less cool, they'd all be words starting with "T" or "H" (for Titan or Hive), and be about as cool as NATO reporting names for Soviet fighters (Farmer, Fishbed, Frogfoot).

Don't forget Firefox, the MiG that Clint Eastwood stole from the USSR way back in 1982.
19 Jan 2024, 11:42pm
Or a new wooden mockup, put together by drywall screws, the Su-75 "Checkmate" a.k.a. Femboy.
19 Jan 2024, 11:45pm
So what you’re saying is, humans are boring and the aliens with the flower ships that make funny sounds aren’t.
19 Jan 2024, 11:50pm
Both of it Hit'n run, in different ways. The point is the same hit fast & hit hard than disappear.
20 Jan 2024, 7:47am
Hmm, whole RP is kinda quiet. Yes, few folks are doin some story stuff but where is that older day fame? New posts almost ecery hour. It can suggest only one (I think): that mist people who is doin here RP stuff are actualy students and right now is exam time.

P.S. And it looks like Ram Tah is goin to build Proteus 2.0 I am really interested what will happen
20 Jan 2024, 4:19pm
Or it’s because the game is going through yet another low phase while the story has failed to progress meaningfully in basically months, maybe even since August when they introduced the Scythes. The spires? Yeah, sure, they make a nice setpiece but haven’t really moved things that much either, since removing a Titan’s control sphere did basically nothing.

And if it’s about the RP sections themselves, people move on from things. Or they have other RP things going that, quite simply, don’t allow their characters to be present. Which, as I think of it, accounts for almost all right now.

(Edit) And Ram Tah is not building the Proteus Wave 2.0, at least not in spirit, and probably also not physically. The effect that this (probable) Titan killer weapon will have, however…

Last edit: 20 Jan 2024, 4:33pm
20 Jan 2024, 7:11pm
Well, at least it's not a black ice, but who knows? Our guy maybe also has the anti Thargoid version of black ice in his pocket, and all what it takes is a flip of a switch.

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