Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

17 Nov 2023, 12:05pm
If Silvia and crew could get their damned Krait off the planet of mysteries they could help but I suspect there might be a reason a powerplant at 60% can't support all core systems.

Don’t worry, Meowers will have it covered. And where she’ll need to pull Kira out of trouble from, I don’t think Silvia would want to go… aside from a very high risk research mission, if you get the idea.
17 Nov 2023, 12:33pm
Well either way know they'd be willing to help but are currently fighting for their lives
17 Nov 2023, 12:55pm
Oh, I know. Debt of blood and all that, with Kira putting herself at risk to save Silvia. But she wouldn’t get to argue about any of it anyway.
17 Nov 2023, 2:15pm
MeowersSome official stuff is also released, lol.

Couldnt help but think "No you" when I was reading this.

MiseriYou guys know any good Space lawyers

I dont think the space lawyers i know would be slimy enough to back Azimuth. Though maybe if the pay was good they migh be persuaded.
17 Nov 2023, 2:19pm
Rackham managed to get himself PR consultants and lawyers. I think there’s plenty willing to work for Azimuth, given the right price.

And I’ve now got to think about whether there’ll be a response about this from Aegis regarding Kira, or if they’ll refrain from comment… as they usually have when Azimuth’s leadership opened their big, stupid mouth.
17 Nov 2023, 2:43pm
Ya I kind of caused a mess with their outburst. Sorry
17 Nov 2023, 2:50pm
Everything they do causes a mess, even if it’s not physical.
19 Nov 2023, 6:06am
I dont think most people are actual going to be willing to work with Azimuth much longer tbh
in game lore Imperials have all but terminated support and I see Winters Federation doing the same shortly
Literally the only people willing to work with them are criminals and pirates such as Archon

I heard people from Azimuth are even started to be arrested in some areas of the galaxy
19 Nov 2023, 8:09am
MiseriI dont think most people are actual going to be willing to work with Azimuth much longer tbh
in game lore Imperials have all but terminated support and I see Winters Federation doing the same shortly
Literally the only people willing to work with them are criminals and pirates such as Archon

I heard people from Azimuth are even started to be arrested in some areas of the galaxy

Well, you had a corporate convention in July, attended by representatives from other companies—Herculean Machines, Space Lanes Cargo, and Holloway Bioscience Institute. Might not be Core Dynamics or Gutamaya, but it's something.

Given that the Azimuth C-suite wasn't immediately hauled in front of a dozen Congressional sub-committees to account for HIP 22460, and still hasn't been held liable for the billions displaced, killed or abducted during the Second Thargoid War... They apparently have enough political juice to avoid even inquiries, let alone prosecution. Or maybe they just have an autographed get-out-of-jail-free card, a la Clear and Present Danger:

"The President of the Federation of Star Systems authorizes the board of directors and executives of Azimuth Biotech to conduct 'Operation Proteus Wave' including all necessary funding and support. This action is deemed important to the security of the Federation etcetera, etcetera, etcetera."

You don't have one of these, do you Anri?

Everybody loves to blame Wycherley for the debacle, but the policymakers of the Alliance, Empire and Federation also threw their weight behind Azimuth, giving it defense establishment cooperation and capital ship support. And whether they would ever admit it is one thing, but every AX pilot with the Mbooni permit and modshards is likely still technically allied with Azimuth Biotech. A significant chunk of them got it after the fun revelations of Project Seraph and Hyford's Cache. So you've also got reputation-damaging dirt on about a third of the Pilots' Federation.
19 Nov 2023, 9:37am
They’re still… kind of failing to be particularly relevant with anything, except for the experimental weapon stabilizer. I didn’t see any massively popular reception over the marginally improved pre-engineered AX multicannon, that’s for sure.

And where do those of us that have the Mbooni permit from the Proteus arc (nonsense) but also kind of didn’t just blindly follow the lure(what was I going to do with AX toys when I didn’t fight Thargoids… though I had enough distrust to give stuff to Ram Tah during Cornsar. and also support Aegis in my limited capabilities of the time), and used said permit when the war those idiots attracted arrived to aid defense efforts*, fall?

I’d have done a lot worse without those modshards, that’s for sure. If I could’ve gotten them from Aegis, though, not a question.

*I am no longer allied to them in the BGS, just “friendly”. The only reason for me to change that is for a potential trigger tied to said rep… which I’d probably quickly learn about anyway, if I didn’t get a message from them for being a “supporter”.
19 Nov 2023, 2:55pm
I am not in a position to cast stones, being one of the folks who panic-bought the permit during an Azimuth-rebuilding CG after HIP 22460. With the Stargoids/UIAs inbound, and Glorious Bright Sentinel destroyed, there was a few months where it wasn't possible to get a Mbooni permit at all, and FOMO got to me. "What if the Bubble burns, and I don't have premium AX kit?"

But I do groan every time I see my faction rep with them, and repeat for the tenth time "One day, I'm going to do something about that. Just have to finish up this other thing first..."

I agree that story-wise Azimuth has fallen off a cliff. Whoever writes the Galnet articles could have gotten months of mileage out of them, post-22460. Just have them behave like a normal corporation trying to restore consumer trust. Azimuth-funded hospitals, refugee centres, PR ads with puppies and kittens and smiling children everywhere. But I suppose they didn't want to confuse the players and have them think that maybe Azimuth is actually turning over a new leaf, so it's all scowling and gnashing of teeth at every little thing Aegis does.

Last edit: 19 Nov 2023, 3:10pm
19 Nov 2023, 3:09pm
Bright Sentinel(not so bright now …), actually.

But yes, they’re pretty terrific right now. And I think the writers did that intentionally, instead of having them at least try [making an effort at] pretending they were better. I don’t mind it.

Did give it an observation period where I worked neither for nor against them… let’s just say, they passed none of the marks.
20 Nov 2023, 1:12am
Kasumi GotoBut yes, they’re pretty terrific right now. And I think the writers did that intentionally, instead of having them at least try [making an effort at] pretending they were better. I don’t mind it.
Stories need villains and FDev provided us with one.
20 Nov 2023, 3:37am
They could’ve gotten away with AI Salvation alone. Or, I guess I should say, “Nemesis”. (imagine me doing air quotes in a mocking tone here)

Then again, I suppose it wouldn’t be quite the same if we didn’t get to tear down Azimuth ourselves, and lead a bunch of Thargoids to the Eternal Vigilance to shut that idiot up for good. I’d say once and for all, but seeing death once wasn’t good enough for the galaxy’s biggest madman and egomaniac [to date*].

*I’m sure there will be another at some point.
20 Nov 2023, 4:08am
There's certainly a place for Big M and her yelling "CHARGE!" in that future. :]

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