Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

18 Feb 2024, 7:15am
Ah, there's no such thing as too much absurd. :3
18 Feb 2024, 8:28am
Are you sure these two idiots(points finger at self) are not going to cause an absurdity overload for people in the same room with them?

I do wonder how Meowers now feels about that person who was responsible for that VR nonsense to occur. Well, mostly/partly responsible.
18 Feb 2024, 2:05pm
First, you have to find people who may want to stay in the same room with them. That is a task of its own I guess. Though, Kira might be more popular for some... Reasons. :p
18 Feb 2024, 2:28pm
Meowers Though, Kira might be more popular for some... Reasons. :p

Ah, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

And I’m sure if no one knew they were going to be there, it wouldn’t be as difficult to ‘arrange’ this.

(Am I weirding people out enough?)
18 Feb 2024, 2:35pm
Anyway, now we deserve a brand new pair of "I'm with stupid" shirts. Of... Custom sizes, lol.

p.s./ooc: I'm certainly stupid because all the way I wanted to make a 'Three Years' post after finishing the ongoing arcs, like a quick funny recap of my stuff, thinking it's 21 Feb, but my first post is dated 11 Feb three years ago and I've just noticed it, lol. Me no smart!

Last edit: 18 Feb 2024, 2:43pm
18 Feb 2024, 2:46pm
Anyway, now we deserve a brand new pair of "I'm with stupid" shirts. Of... Custom sizes, lol.

I wish. But if you want to give Kira such a shirt as an experimental render, I might not argue. Even if you plaster the font all over her chest because there is nowhere better to stick it on any shirt she wears now.

(Maybe after all the other silly extra stuff that’s already on the to-do list of fun stuff in a 3D modeling program.)
18 Feb 2024, 8:12pm
Hehe, Meowers goin' to Fully Overpowered mode. Perfect log
18 Feb 2024, 8:47pm
But Kira gets questioned for going over the top with the fun parts of her body? Pffff.
18 Feb 2024, 9:36pm
Kasumi GotoBut Kira gets questioned for going over the top with the fun parts of her body? Pffff.

Still skyscraper tall cyborg is less overshoot than (nothing against you or your character) thin Kasumi with weird size of some body parts
18 Feb 2024, 9:43pm
I would disagree, and if it is just seeing what results surgery can already (safely) achieve in our current time. (Even if it is not what was used to create this silliness.)

But you prefer what you… prefer. I for one am not into uber tall people too much.
19 Feb 2024, 10:26am
Well, my 'motto' is "stupid and let stupid", if others' stupidity doesn't harm anyone, then why not. There are certain things I find creepy but uh. As long as they don't shove it into my face, it's okay. And Kira's kind of fun is fun, lol. Meowers has a psychological rationale behind all that but it's scattered along the logs, I don't want to focus on it for too long.

p.s. Those logs contain kind of 'private' information, only a few people, including Meowers herself, know what she is, exactly, and she will have a made-up facade story for other people, but that's a material for the upcoming post, final in this 'series'.

Last edit: 19 Feb 2024, 10:42am
19 Feb 2024, 3:03pm
It was clear from the start since it (obviously) says at the start of those logs that they are private recordings only accessible to few.

A different but sort of related subject, Meowers’ arms look a bit short(er) to me. Is that just a visual thing because of angles and the fact they are quite bulky or intended as part of the body build? (Or maybe it’s because there’s a lot of leg and not as much upper body, looking at the whole picture in the gallery again.)
19 Feb 2024, 3:28pm
Hm. I don't know. Normally, human arms end somewhere just below the pelvis (with fingertips being on that level), and, in relaxed pose, you rarely keep them stretched out as long as possible. Also, yeah, Meowers is bulky and muscular and she has to keep her arms a little wider, a couple degrees but that makes a centimetre or two difference in overall. Plus, her hand isn't flat and stretched out on the third render. I have a 'general average' human model to start with in the plugin, so it has average proportions. Yeah, her legs are on the upper end of standard human leg-to-body ratio range, but it has nothing to do with arms.
19 Feb 2024, 3:45pm
I guess it's just my brain being stupid as usual then.
26 Feb 2024, 4:53am
So my brain is basically telling me to give up, and I might have to smack it(and the skin and bones casing it has) on a pillow. Technically finished that log entry but I don't have the energy to go over/review and then publish it, now(while leaving the RP to be finished once I've slept), so it will just be for later today.

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