Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

13 Feb 2024, 3:43pm
Six shots from an AR-50 to kill a 71 kg human in a gown? Oh my gosh, they might've used expanding rounds or even incendiaries! That's a war crime! It takes no less than fifteen of Premium Grade Pioneer Supplies AR-50 ammo to take a half-dead lab subject down!

(and don't ask me how did I get to know that)
13 Feb 2024, 3:58pm
Kasumi GotoHow it reads to me :
... a man who should have received psychological support was left to himself and understandably snaps a bolt after getting hit with the fact that he was abducted by Thargoids and that his family is [probably] still missing.

My head-canon (back in October or something when I did a bunch of Titan extraction dives) is that we would have kept these folks in pods until delivery to an examination and processing centre. As in, stack them in an unpressurised hangar, and don't do anything to alter their state until you're in a place where the people and the pods can be meticulously examined (physically, internally, genetically, etc). Safer for the extracting carrier, safer for the returnees.

The average aircraft carrier sickbay is a 50-bed hospital ward with 3 ICU beds; it does have ORs, X-ray machines, anaesthesia, dentistry facilities, physiotherapy equipment and a tiny, tiny lab, but it's not equipped like a research lab. That's kind of my baseline for imagining what my FC could reasonably do. Examining the structure / materials / chemistry of the pod, the alien life support systems (and the people hooked up to them) would require lots of different disciplines and equipment. Vista Genomics could probably fill some of that gap, but I wouldn't be cracking the pods open unless I was certain that remaining in the pod was a hazard to life.

(Also in unrelated news, thanks FDev for turning my squadron's HQ system into a natural disaster scene. I had inauguration posters all ready to go, and you ruined it)
13 Feb 2024, 4:14pm
Glen van RossThe average aircraft carrier sickbay is a 50-bed hospital ward with 3 ICU beds; it does have ORs, X-ray machines, anaesthesia, dentistry facilities, physiotherapy equipment and a tiny, tiny lab, but it's not equipped like a research lab. That's kind of my baseline for imagining what my FC could reasonably do. Examining the structure / materials / chemistry of the pod, the alien life support systems (and the people hooked up to them) would require lots of different disciplines and equipment. Vista Genomics could probably fill some of that gap, but I wouldn't be cracking the pods open unless I was certain that remaining in the pod was a hazard to life.
Yeah, that bites me in the arse sometimes when I write my stuff. Getting stuck between keeping things 'realistic' as much as it's possible for a sci-fi, and that leeway for imagination. Like, modern day aircraft carriers are very, very large vessels over than 300m in length bow to stern, but Elite FCs are several kilometres long. Rescue ships and stations are even larger. Even with Elite ships being generally a few times larger than modern day aircraft, it's still a lot of space. On the other hand, highly-advanced ground facilities like labs and hospitals could be larger than their modern day equivalents too, even if we don't have them in game. Like, the stuff is big and you can put more interesting equipment on a FC rather than on a modern day naval ship even if it's big (by modern standards), yet a spaceship is no place for any cutting edge lab and research facilities unless it's specifically designed to be a vessel of that purpose, in expense of its other capabilities, as far as my understanding goes.
13 Feb 2024, 4:16pm
I'm unironically an AR-50 enjoyer. It gives my inner 13-year-old the Aliens Colonial Marine vibes.

Sure it's not as effective per-shot as the plasma weapons, but I can engage NPCs from a lot further away. And if you're going to places where enemy players are going to be, the Aphelion + AR-50 is a killer ground PvP combination.
13 Feb 2024, 4:23pm
Yeah, it has something 'classic sci-fi' in its look, though I'm never getting tired of ranting about how ED weapons suck, compared to modern day guns, even if, on a timeline, the distance between ED weapons and modern guns are longer than that between the modern guns and first muzzle-loaded smokepowder pebble-shooting cast iron tubes on sticks. Yeah, game design and engine limitiations blah blah blah but nah, that's 'not my cup of tea'.

And, no machineguns (or their 34th century equivalents) in ED. Meh.
13 Feb 2024, 4:33pm
I take bigger offense at the lack of a handheld railgun-sniper type weapon. And no, the Executioner doesn't even count for that niche generally. I could dodge its projectiles walking at a leisurely pace unless fired point blank. And nobody is supposed to fire a sniper weapon at point blank or even close range.
13 Feb 2024, 5:16pm
i have a close range sniper,
its called a shotgun with slug ammo
13 Feb 2024, 5:39pm
I don't think that's exactly fair.
13 Feb 2024, 6:05pm
Shotguns are fair. Don't listen to what those WWI Germans say.
13 Feb 2024, 6:08pm
Not so much if you're not looking for a shotgun, slug or no.
13 Feb 2024, 8:25pm
And, no machineguns (or their 34th century equivalents) in ED. Meh.

But we have silenced rocket launchers!
13 Feb 2024, 8:48pm
Adam 'The detective' ŠtefánikBut we have silenced rocket launchers!
And magic shotgun optics that, by the name of Braben, makes the spread pattern tighter!
13 Feb 2024, 9:56pm
Braben magic also makes the plasma projectiles float, as you've so often ranted about to me. So maybe that shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody.

(Really though, even if it's 'fun' in a sideways distraction kind of way, Odyssey does seem to provide a lot of easy roasting material. The "silenced" vacuum weapons being one... because it's literally just removing a chip which 'sends' sound to the suit of the person being shot at. Which in itself is... actually really, really stupid and makes no sense when it should be a thing in the suit doing it. Or it puts a chip into the weapon that tells the other suits "Don't make sound for this gun", which is equally dumb. Also pointless for a rocket launcher for reasons I shouldn't have to name.)
13 Feb 2024, 10:20pm
Kasumi GotoThe "silenced" vacuum weapons being one... because it's literally just removing a chip which 'sends' sound to the suit of the person being shot at.

I always thought that was kind of a half-assed, wonky explanation for how weapons are silenced. Instead of the chips, it could have been rationalized that the suits use the data they gather from the world around them (the suit radar or whatever) to simulate sound. If that was the case, what would have been awesome is if, in game, the simulated sound was generated only by targets that were detected or marked. Would make sniper-type folks and their slow moving plasma rounds a bit more dangerous.
14 Feb 2024, 12:11am
It might also help if I couldn't dodge their fire by... being completely unaware of their presence and simply moving around while fighting another enemy.

But yeah, it's kind of a cheap explanation. Also doesn't work very well imo, considering how the suits can clearly just do the thing themselves from shots hitting surfaces. Or the rocket launcher's explosion.

(Personal shields acting as magical one-shot protection unless the game decides to be funny or it's an Intimidator also don't help the matter of the Executioner. As things stand the only thing that makes it half worthy of being called a weapon is that it can kill an unprotected individual with a single shot. Maybe.)

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