Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

26 Feb 2024, 5:21am
Sleep deprivation leads to all sorts of interesting side effects.
26 Feb 2024, 5:34am
I like it when death is listed in 'side-effects'. It's almost as ironical as seeing 'depression' there in case of antidepressants.
26 Feb 2024, 10:18am
haha, because 'depression' really means bored which means uk funny farm inmates are hand picked because people who are just bored are relativley low-risk to the staff, this however leads to a situation such as...

when the loony bins are full
the lunatics will walk the streets!

definition school now =D revoloution is a full rotation of an object & a depression is a shallow dip in a surface

edit/ death was also in print listed as a viagra side-effect yup listed as any other side effect would be but do we really need the kind of people who use it =D
26 Feb 2024, 10:19am
Oh, okay, I'm safe, maybe, but how did you get out of your padded room? :p
26 Feb 2024, 10:24am
not sure how you took that in that case, maybe spend more time reading lol, but if it helps up until last year i was legally checked for psycho-defects, oh & if it helps even more for years before working for that guy i worked for a mental health solicitor so i know more psychology than most nhs employees combined,
not to mention its only been a fake medial condition since the 1980s the first use of the word depression in that context was on a daytime british lame-brain chat tv show =D

no messing around now if i had to put money on me or you being put into one of those cells... =D
so you either think 'revolutions' are real, you certinaly dont know where to put your apostrophes =d or you've done viagra =D or would >< as for the rest of what i wrote none is untrue so i'd lay off with the accusatons

Last edit: 26 Feb 2024, 10:30am
26 Feb 2024, 10:29am
Nah, sorry, it didn't help, but I appreciate your fervour in spreading your wisdom. Sure, our entire Earth is still rotating thanks to the people like you. Could you please explain it in more detail, since I'm a puny peasant and I desperately need some classes in the Definition School Now?

edit: I'm already interested what effect Viagra might have on me. Though, not to the point of doing human experimentations being the scientist and the subject at the same time, lol.

Last edit: 26 Feb 2024, 10:40am
26 Feb 2024, 12:37pm
Vasil VasilescuSleep deprivation leads to all sorts of interesting side effects.

Right now, all it’s doing is making me still feel sleepy and my eyes sore.
27 Feb 2024, 5:36pm
so someone who can look up two definitions may as well be the god Atlas to you =D
28 Feb 2024, 12:05am
...Just figured out, a side effect of the 'Purgatory'. Now there's less chances for me to be called 'softie' because I like tea-and-talking RPs, since I wrote that damned thing! :p
29 Feb 2024, 2:42pm
*Crackling comm signal*
Hello commanders.
Does anybody know whether it's possible to get closer to the Helix nebula?
I'm 0.5 lightyear from CSI-21-22270 travelling at 1793 pseudolights in the direction of the nebula.
29 Feb 2024, 3:15pm
Probably not because of the way the star systems are instanced in the game. I've tried flying in supercruise between systems .25LY apart. It took a few hours and all that ended up happening is that I am .25LY away from the System A star, 0LS away from the Sytem B star, there is no Star B, and the game says I am still in System A.
29 Feb 2024, 3:22pm
Also, if you're talking about entering the nebula itself and looking at the visual effects. Nebulae are being re-rendered with jump sequence being essentially a loading screen, Elite doesn't have any on-the-fly starscape rendering mechanics, the stars you see on the background, that aren't a part of the system you're in at the moment, are static pictures, literally a background layer. So you can't enter the nebula via 'in-system' FTL flight, you have to jump there, jumping serves as a signal for the game-engine to re-render the world around you using the new system as a pivot point. That's also the reason why you don't have a parallax effect for the closest stars, even if you go in-system FTL for quite a long time (imagine Hutton distances but flown in one of the central systems).

Last edit: 29 Feb 2024, 3:28pm
29 Feb 2024, 3:26pm
Thank you!

I am going to take my 0.6ly and consider it a lesson learned.
I'll go claim some rewards then.

I wasn't sure that was the case for this one. This isn't very large. It's a planetary nebula.
I'm around three times Hutton distance now.
01 Mar 2024, 4:39am
Hutton, Hutton...
03 Mar 2024, 5:14am
Why nobody wants to bring me cat media? I'm buying it for the max price! A memory stick full of funny cat pics and videos for almost the same amount of money you can get for selling 1t of carrier space diesel Tritium!

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