Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

07 Jan 2016, 5:10am
M. LehmanIt does seem like kind of a redundant prize. Someone willing to write fanfic about the game is very likely to already own it.

Maybe one of those sweet beanies?

Yeah, even a pack of skins (paint jobs) might be better. I hardly have enough time for the one toon, much less two. I'd make an effort for the socks though

Those socks [i]are[i/] pretty dang sweet. Just like a writer to work for socks, huh?
07 Jan 2016, 7:39am
It certainly isn't the strangest prize I've ever won in a contest.
11 Jan 2016, 10:59am
Well, I have to admit I never looked in here before I wrote my little story. Now I know this is not welcome here due to lore, I will quit this. I never wanted to cause conflicts. I apologize. Fortunately this will keep me from hardly writing in English which is relatively uncomfortably for me.
I hope I am still welcome to use the other great features of this board. In future no disturbation of Lore anymore by me.
11 Jan 2016, 11:22am
Jo`Baccaroo [UGC]Well, I have to admit I never looked in here before I wrote my little story. Now I know this is not welcome here due to lore, I will quit this. I never wanted to cause conflicts. I apologize. Fortunately this will keep me from hardly writing in English which is relatively uncomfortably for me.
I hope I am still welcome to use the other great features of this board. In future no disturbation of Lore anymore by me.

Why do you think you are unwelcome the story line you had about skyrim you can easily change it to Elite lore .
write your story as a Skyrim story and just modify it to Elite and post it here .

You like the character you have from skyrim use it change it from kajit to human and you are there.
11 Jan 2016, 11:55am
Jo`Baccaroo [UGC]Well, I have to admit I never looked in here before I wrote my little story. Now I know this is not welcome here due to lore, I will quit this. I never wanted to cause conflicts. I apologize. Fortunately this will keep me from hardly writing in English which is relatively uncomfortably for me.
I hope I am still welcome to use the other great features of this board. In future no disturbation of Lore anymore by me.

Why do you think you are unwelcome the story line you had about skyrim you can easily change it to Elite lore .
write your story as a Skyrim story and just modify it to Elite and post it here .

You like the character you have from skyrim use it change it from kajit to human and you are there.

I'll agree with Frankfort. Just rewrite some parts it with Elite lore aspects to be a human and it's totally fine. I like your character. Imho you can keep the whole "3rd person talking aspect" kajit are known for. That's a nice quirk of your character and adds alot of RP
11 Jan 2016, 1:04pm
I also agree. The fur could be synthetic or somehow bio-engineered. Simply use your imagination!
I mean if someone can do this!

Now in 2016! Imagine what you can do in 3302!
11 Jan 2016, 4:36pm
OliviaVesperaI'm a little busy so i won't be posting this week.~

So the potential RP could be..

X walks into the bar, and spots a blonde lady commander passed out in the back corner booth, snoring peacefully away...

11 Jan 2016, 5:01pm
Jo`Baccaroo [UGC]Well, I have to admit I never looked in here before I wrote my little story. Now I know this is not welcome here due to lore, I will quit this. I never wanted to cause conflicts. I apologize. Fortunately this will keep me from hardly writing in English which is relatively uncomfortably for me.
I hope I am still welcome to use the other great features of this board. In future no disturbation of Lore anymore by me.

I've never found your story to be an unwelcome bit of lore. I think it was the others for naming you khajit and talking about coins and having wares. otherwise i was with jame's belief with regards to bioengineering and prosthetics.

OliviaVesperaI'm a little busy so i won't be posting this week.~
:p yes passed out drunk!

So the potential RP could be..

X walks into the bar, and spots a blonde lady commander passed out in the back corner booth, snoring peacefully away...

11 Jan 2016, 10:26pm
In fact I introduced me as Kahjiit, an Character that is not existing in E : D and took TES Lore into another game universe. This is true. I am not feeling myself unwelcome, and i can accept the Kahjiiti-Stories are not fitting in here by the opinion of the patrons and Leaders of the Site, also this doesn`t offend me. But I also don´t want to be a ......Guy who had payed Millions of Creditz to biomedically or surgically being transformed into a pseudofeline Humanoid. Now to put this RP stuff aside i am not in making things half the way. Whole things or nothing - thats me. For this my german Clanmates are accepting my kind of RP lorefitting or not ( I had wrote a long story to declare why it could be that there is an Kahjiit in E : D Universe and a few other Adventures of the not existing Mr. Kahjiit)for those who are able to read german (HERE) and it has the benefit that i am able to write in my language there.
So I hope that you all understand I "am" Jo`Baccaroo, not an surgical accident, an synthetic lifeform or such things. I won´t change a single thing, except the circumstance of not visiting/writing myself into  RP Dock or RP Bar anymore. This may be a little bone-headed but so am I and to sing with Mrs. Bassey "I am what I am!" Dont worry, I stop singing now no need to run away

Last edit: 11 Jan 2016, 10:40pm
11 Jan 2016, 10:48pm
Jo`Baccaroo ...

german perfectionism at its finest, right on CMDR!
11 Jan 2016, 11:32pm
Well, if there won't be a word "khajiit" used and will it be played "both ways", everyone can be pleased - for someone who will accept mixing with TES lore it will be this character khajiit, for the others sticking purely with Elite lore it will be weird person after cosmetic surgeries. So if the posts can be edited that way, it will be really great. It doesn't change things too much, will keep it opened to any of the mentioned interpretations and still be by the lore.

Just as I said, please let's don't make a circus here with various mixed themes and keep RP believable in terms of Elite universe...

Last edit: 11 Jan 2016, 11:42pm
12 Jan 2016, 12:31am
I would just rather we keep the two lores separate, if we could. People are creative enough to be able to come up with multiple character concepts without needing to recycle a character from another MMO. Especially if it's wildly different in tone. (I suspect reusing a character from Eve would be okay as you wouldn't really be able to notice.)
12 Jan 2016, 1:30am
Jo'Baccaroo could very easily still be human(oid) with more-than-average facial hair and possibly-seen-as "malformed" facial features (too wide nose, etc).. the "tail" might be seen as a trailing piece of an "odd" outfit -- and since peoples of varying worlds will have varying styles of dress/clothing, or even physical appearance, we could always run with the idea that he is "Khajiti" from a village named Khajit in a remote system many will not know...

The galaxy is HUGE; the "lore" is limited, in a sense, to the familiar Bubble, wherein most of the population is Human; this notwithstanding the existence of the Thargoid race somewhere, and their opposite number, the Oresrians...
So it can be considered "likely" that what MIGHT even be an offshoot of humanity, "evolved" with extra body hair etc etc etc in this far-flung system, on this remote world, where they have such a city/village.......
12 Jan 2016, 1:48am
We will also see what future game updates brings. In one of the past stream David Braben indirectly hinted there may be also additional non-human races present (other than Thargoids)...
12 Jan 2016, 2:36am
Acen ONYXJo'Baccaroo could very easily still be human(oid) with more-than-average facial hair and possibly-seen-as "malformed" facial features (too wide nose, etc).. the "tail" might be seen as a trailing piece of an "odd" outfit -- and since peoples of varying worlds will have varying styles of dress/clothing, or even physical appearance, we could always run with the idea that he is "Khajiti" from a village named Khajit in a remote system many will not know...

The galaxy is HUGE; the "lore" is limited, in a sense, to the familiar Bubble, wherein most of the population is Human; this notwithstanding the existence of the Thargoid race somewhere, and their opposite number, the Oresrians...
So it can be considered "likely" that what MIGHT even be an offshoot of humanity, "evolved" with extra body hair etc etc etc in this far-flung system, on this remote world, where they have such a city/village.......

While possible, it also violates the "don't be a special snowflake" rule of RP. I don't want to seem like a hard ass on this, but I come from WoW role play, where people kept throwing Lore right out the window. I will be damned if I allow the same to happen in a burgeoning ED role play community.

The thing to set someone apart ought to be their actions, not being a member of some long-lost Special Panda race.

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