Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

13 Jan 2016, 10:53pm
I know I've used this image before, but I always pictured the galactic bar and the people in it to look something like this:

Or perhaps this if it's a total dive:

13 Jan 2016, 11:46pm
What I found splendid about the Elite concept since the '80s, was its daring approach to project futuristic physics, engineering and technology. I'm sure not everyone on this thread would like to read endless discussions of engineering jargon. But, engineering;
as it happens in the case when someone is composing music, there's harmony to achieve and lots of alternatives which produce dissonance. I won't argue against those modern trends who adore dissonance; but, for a tower to stand tall you can only achieve so by using the rules of harmony. So, harmony is my way but I won't convict anyone for choosing dissonance as preferred aesthetics.

What I'm saying is simply the following:
When you're participating in a Science Fiction theme, either a game, a movie or whatever, you get the chance to design the future itself. As Jules Verne dared, one among many, as the original Elite® team also has, efforts which produced stunning physics concepts, as the remarkable spacecraft propulsion simulation of Elite, or the fancy centrifugal, orbital stations.

My point is, that my aesthetics get along well with all the pictures you proposed. One thing though; sipping alcohol on zero gravity must be a totally insane experience. One's head could explode in such conditions.
Centrifugal gravity is a prerequisite for residence out of planetary orbit.
Or else if we could suppose that technology has advanced to such an extend as to create planar gravitational field; well, you decide, the engineers design.

For most players the need to define the nature of gravity in the game is totally unnecessary. Despite that, increasing our awareness and understanding of the physics of the game honours the magnificent, inspired effort that the software developers of Elite have been doing for decades.
A game; a joke; a mind trap; or vivid Science Fiction.
My preferred version of the INGABA bar would be the first one of Mr. Lehman's pictures.
14 Jan 2016, 12:04am
Smaotønk. One thing though; sipping alcohol on zero gravity must be a totally insane experience. One's head could explode in such conditions.
Centrifugal gravity is a prerequisite for residence out of planetary orbit.

I fall squarely into the camp of lazy sci-fi writers and aficionados who assume gravity to be present on both ships and stations. Is it strictly in line with physics and/or lore? Hell no. Not even a little. But constantly reminding your readers that things are floating is a pain in the ass, and flies in the face of the way that many people visualize sci-fi settings. So, I sacrifice lore and scientific accuracy for the sake of telling the story.

This is probably the reason that my stuff will never, ever, ever be given the time of day by guys like Drew Wagar. It ignores canonical lore, is clearly wish fulfillment, and tends to focus more on human relationships than the pewpewpew. And I'm fine with that.
14 Jan 2016, 6:53am
I like the first picture as well. It's concept art from SC, right? I'll can edit subtle things to rectify the SC origin. Found a 6420x3564 size version of it and will photoshop out all SC references and put in Elite themed things.

Edit: I prepared a highlighted high res version (direct link)

  • Are there any special wishes as content of the blue areas? (use the reference number to adress them easily)
  • Did I miss any spot, despite the floating spaceship above #1 and on the right side in the background near #10? (which will be a pain to crop out, but I can give it a try)
  • I'll delete the Rocke??? text in the far back aswell. It's distracting.

#1 ???
#2 ???
#3 is obviously InGaBa (I will erase "Bar" under it then, or what's your opinion? "InGaBa Bar" sounds strange
#4 it says "lounge" at the sign, at least change that to a font used in Elite or do you want another text aswell?
#5 is a "Vote!" poster, how about "Vote Hudson!" with him underneath? (although I'm deeply Empire alligned myself)
#6 the symbol on his jacket can be changed to a wing emblem, like "Ghost Squadron"
#7 wing emblem again
#8 it's a very obscurred monitor screen, but I want to change the appearance at least to fit with #10
#9 can be a chart of rare goods to buy at the bar that fit
#10 will be GalNet news related
#11wing emblem again
#12 and #13 I don't like screens there. Seriously who looks at these monitors anyway?! I'll probably will delete them...

Last edit: 14 Jan 2016, 8:02am
14 Jan 2016, 10:25am
Some wing recruitment and wanted posters on the walls
14 Jan 2016, 10:35am
I have some images for the bar and docks sketched, but still didn't found a time to finish it. But the idea for the bar is something between the two images posted above.
14 Jan 2016, 12:48pm
ArtieI have some images for the bar and docks sketched, but still didn't found a time to finish it. But the idea for the bar is something between the two images posted above.

that's nice to hear. It crossed my mind that it might be a copyright thing if we use this image though? I guess if you already have sketches then I pace myself with the work on the SC artwork?
15 Jan 2016, 1:36am
Well, if it will be posted in forum with author's name mentioned, I think it won't be serious issue, but we cannot use it "officialy" at least not without author's permission. It will be better to have something own anyway.... or if there is some Frontier's concept art for indoor locations, that may be also interesting (but I didn't noticed any indoor images so far)
15 Jan 2016, 1:42am
ArtieWell, if it will be posted in forum with author's name mentioned, I think it won't be serious issue, but we cannot use it "officialy" at least not without author's permission. It will be better to have something own anyway.... or if there is some Frontier's concept art for indoor locations, that may be also interesting (but I didn't noticed any indoor images so far)

There are a few indoor shots that Frontier has put out:

-Screen grabs of multiple pilots walking towards their ships in the release trailer.

-Concept art of intra-ship combat (probably not useful, but it's there)

-Hanger bay concept art (a bit dark, but it shows a few commanders and ground crew)

I'll try to find them a little later.

EDIT: Aw, hell with it- I've got time for thirty seconds of Google searching

Regarding the second one: I'm 90% sure that the picture was commissioned by Frontier. Pretty dang sure the first one is legit, though.

Last edit: 15 Jan 2016, 2:50am
15 Jan 2016, 11:58am
M. Lehman
ArtieWell, if it will be posted in forum with author's name mentioned, I think it won't be serious issue, but we cannot use it "officialy" at least not without author's permission. It will be better to have something own anyway.... or if there is some Frontier's concept art for indoor locations, that may be also interesting (but I didn't noticed any indoor images so far)

There are a few indoor shots that Frontier has put out:

-Screen grabs of multiple pilots walking towards their ships in the release trailer.

-Concept art of intra-ship combat (probably not useful, but it's there)

-Hanger bay concept art (a bit dark, but it shows a few commanders and ground crew)

I'll try to find them a little later.

EDIT: Aw, hell with it- I've got time for thirty seconds of Google searching



Regarding the second one: I'm 90% sure that the picture was commissioned by Frontier. Pretty dang sure the first one is legit, though.

I think, that I have seen these picture before during the early dev dairies about the future expansions .
15 Jan 2016, 1:36pm
AreZeeI like the first picture as well. It's concept art from SC, right? I'll can edit subtle things to rectify the SC origin. Found a 6420x3564 size version of it and will photoshop out all SC references and put in Elite themed things.

Edit: I prepared a highlighted high res version (direct link)
  • Are there any special wishes as content of the blue areas? (use the reference number to adress them easily)
  • Did I miss any spot, despite the floating spaceship above #1 and on the right side in the background near #10? (which will be a pain to crop out, but I can give it a try)
  • I'll delete the Rocke??? text in the far back aswell. It's distracting.
#1 ???
#2 ???
#3 is obviously InGaBa (I will erase "Bar" under it then, or what's your opinion? "InGaBa Bar" sounds strange
#4 it says "lounge" at the sign, at least change that to a font used in Elite or do you want another text aswell?
#5 is a "Vote!" poster, how about "Vote Hudson!" with him underneath? (although I'm deeply Empire alligned myself)
#6 the symbol on his jacket can be changed to a wing emblem, like "Ghost Squadron"
#7 wing emblem again
#8 it's a very obscurred monitor screen, but I want to change the appearance at least to fit with #10
#9 can be a chart of rare goods to buy at the bar that fit
#10 will be GalNet news related
#11wing emblem again
#12 and #13 I don't like screens there. Seriously who looks at these monitors anyway?! I'll probably will delete them...

Ok, it looks like a nice image; not 100% comfortable w "borrowing" an image from SC, because eventually these things get shared on t'interwebs and imagine the furore when hardened "SC-fanboys" spot it and throw a fuss?!
Now, I'm a Chris Roberts *fan* cuz I loved his earlier games, so I'm not ED-fanboy-ing against SC, but you know there WILL be the immature ones; plus, if the original artist is at all sensitive or pro-SC, I'd be cautious if it could offend.. you know?

Anyway, while you're trying to work on it, here's a few thoughts then:

#1 - for ship above, grab an EAGLE model; maybe "pare it down" a bit, as if an "earlier model"
. . . so it can hint at "history" (Frontier: Elite ][, since first player ship was Eagle there)

#2 How about a "zoomed out" shot of eg a Cobra lined up into a beautiful station?
. . . or an "ad" for Inara as a Galactic InfoHub; Inara logo, plus some sales-y marketing line.
#5 Check with ARTIE re what "alignment"/following the InGaBa has (Fed/Imp/Alliance?)
. . . put a "recruitment" poster here, if aligned; or a "pirates warning" poster here, if not?

#6  Please put Fuel Rats logo.  They'd deserve recognition somewhere like this.
. . . plus, he's not dressed in combat fatigues; he's dressed in civilian garb.

#7 Ghost Squadron is a good idea here.  Check w Veyder, perhaps, for his input?

near #10 - the half-ship -- as #1, but maybe simplest to pop a "model" Sidey here
. . . with its nose pointing toward the central bar (but no weapons out)
#10 GalNet is a good idea; doesnt even need to look like it's filled with news...
. . . or better yet, grab a screen with a CQC logo and shot of some CQC action!  ;)

#8 .. so if #10 is for CQC, can put GalNet on this one

#11 - depending on #5, a Faction logo here (Fed/Imp/Alliance) would make sense.
. . . but if "independent" can be "Universal Cartographics" logo, as a "neutral" pilot,
. . . since he could be a Stellar Cartography Surveyor..?

#12 & 13 -- don't be discriminatory against short beings!  :D
Little aliens or humans can find these useful!  LOL

Last edit: 15 Jan 2016, 1:45pm
15 Jan 2016, 1:41pm
I didn't pursue to make my draft, because Artie said he had own plans and as you said too: using SC artwork by editing it might trigger some indivuals eventually - so that might be a bad shot to do anyway.
15 Jan 2016, 1:46pm
oh well; the ideas for the elements can still be used in other artwork, perhaps..

good of you to have started looking, tho, RZ.
15 Jan 2016, 2:18pm
Acen ONYXoh well; the ideas for the elements can still be used in other artwork, perhaps..

good of you to have started looking, tho, RZ.

thank M.Lehman, he found the picture. I just added my thoughts on it
17 Jan 2016, 8:42pm
Acen ONYXoh well; the ideas for the elements can still be used in other artwork, perhaps..
good of you to have started looking, tho, RZ.

thank M.Lehman, he found the picture. I just added my thoughts on it

... aaand Good of M. Lehman to have brought an image to inspire such thoughts.  :D

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