Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

10 Feb 2016, 11:38pm
A range of luxury drinks made from distilled, fermented grains and fruits, usually containing a high percentage of alcohol. The narcotic effect means it is illegal in some jurisdictions.

— In-Game Description

A luxury drink made from fermented fruits, containing alcohol, a mild narcotic, and is grown organically. Occasionally illegal because of the alcohol content.

— In-Game Description

Traded under a variety of brands. A very mild narcotic. Occasionally illegal due to its association with antisocial behaviour, but also widely consumed in many cultures.

— In-Game Description

Take some artistic licence In canon Elite lore, ships have no gravity in them. I write all my stuff assuming they do because I prefer it that way.

Last edit: 10 Feb 2016, 11:44pm
11 Feb 2016, 1:45am
I agree with the gravity thing. The ships are designed like they have artificial gravity in them so I assume they do and that the reason that stations dom't have it is because they are huge and sustaining artificial gravity doesn't work on such large structures.
11 Feb 2016, 4:17am
Yeah, I think I even referenced artificial gravity on one of my logs. Handwaving everywhere, you can handwave rum.
12 Feb 2016, 12:29am
It's not only that "ships have" or "ships haven't" gravity. The main issue in 'trans-solar' voyage remains defeating the Inertia (force), which is much more crucial than manipulating gravity. I'll try my best to be simple and brief as ladies are watching.

Here's some elementary math for you:

The closest solar system to our solar system (Sol) is approximately 10Ly distance.
Calculate you, Mr Einstein, how many days would it need for a 'pilot' to accelerate to light-speed (1c) with a constant acceleration of 3g (marginally suitable for living organisms).
That will be several weeks I suppose. Briefly, unless there's the way to untangle a mass (object) from Inertia forget trans-solar voyage.
Who can do that best?
A pilot who wants to travel to a foreign solar system, let's say in a month's voyage shall have to accelerate and decelerate within a ship (container) which will withstand thousands of g's of acceleration when entering and exiting the "Universal Instance". And within this ship the pilot shall be unaffected from the inertia reaction of the severe acceleration.
One can clearly assume that the effect of inertia will exponentially decrease after a c/10 speed. Experiment is yet there to verify the assumption.

If one is to cancel the effect of inertia on a mass then that one has surely comprehended and understood the source and action of gravity; thus can also replicate a Gravity Field on demand. That will cost some extra dime I assume!

So, year 3100? I'm sure those issues concerning gravity and inertia have been solved or the trillions of homos have long been munching the intestines of planet Earth.

In our game the ships have no gravity yet. There's only centrifugal gravity in the stations and magnetic components on the uniforms which enhance the functionality of the pilot's motion in the craft.
Remember, not everyone is a pilot in year 3100. There's billions of population living on terrestrial planets, if I understand the lore of the game right.
Pilots are a respected profession of relatively few individuals compared to the sum of entire population.
19 Feb 2016, 7:32pm
I profusely apologize for not posting any new Logbook entries as of late (except a very short one), but I've found myself captured in a new hobby inside E:D: Photography. Especially Cobra Mk.3's have a big variety of paintjobs, and I'm bound to get snapshots of as many as possible. Which also has the nice side effect of gathering a vast amount of pictures to choose from for future Logbook entries.
19 Feb 2016, 10:10pm
CoragonI profusely apologize for not posting any new Logbook entries as of late (except a very short one), but I've found myself captured in a new hobby inside E:D: Photography. Especially Cobra Mk.3's have a big variety of paintjobs, and I'm bound to get snapshots of as many as possible. Which also has the nice side effect of gathering a vast amount of pictures to choose from for future Logbook entries.

Apology accepted.

I'm looking forward to the results!
20 Feb 2016, 7:20am
Well, here's a bit of an appetizer. Going to fetch ships both in regular space and in HazRES for the asteroid background. So they can be used depending where you set your Logbook entry to happen.

Since some people experience problems with me using Photobucket, I changed over to Imgur. Tried my best to sort things in the albums there. Check it out and tell me what you think

Last edit: 22 Feb 2016, 6:30pm
24 Feb 2016, 8:37pm
Alright, here's a bit of a in-game lore question so to speak...

How much of the old aka original Elite lore is usable these days / are there updated sections regarding the different ships? Also, are there more detailed / updated writings about the Remlock system in particular? Found some interesting reads at these links, please tell me what you think of them or if you have newer information you'd like to share. Thank you in advance.

Pilot's Reference Manual (Cobra Mk.3)

Elite Homepage - Manual
29 Feb 2016, 2:13pm
actualy Coragon ( and ty for the E1 links) it is all used all , be it hundreds of years later. each version of elite ''twisted'' details in a minor way (for game play reasons) , so now at elite 4 (if you ignore the Vax multiplayer version in the early 1990's as E2 , but DEFINATLY the reason for frontier and why my sig on the FD forums is allowed !) you still have most of the concept tho some of the details differ.

rem lock was the way (e2) frontier used to implement time scaleing into the (one player) game . e4 (ED) had to abandon this as time scaleing in a multi player game is , how do i say this , ''awkward'' ... to say the least.
they have changed rem lock to be the escape system (replacing escape pods) in that you enter pure R E M and return to the last locked position as a built in featue (rather than optional) of every ship

.... hope that helped , and that i was clear (touch drunk ATM )
29 Feb 2016, 2:31pm
Thanks for the heads up on the topic. And you were clear enough for me at least Implemented the usage in my latest Logbook entry.
29 Feb 2016, 2:36pm
CoragonThanks for the heads up on the topic. And you were clear enough for me at least Implemented the usage in my latest Logbook entry.

ty , been a blury day for me . just happy to help if i can
29 Feb 2016, 11:33pm
Loving all the stuff you guys are planning. Esepcially the cocktails
05 Apr 2016, 10:06am
In what is quite possibly the weakest entry of my story to date:

The Sirius Job, Part 5

That writer's block...
12 May 2016, 4:52am
Simon DaturaI agree with the gravity thing. The ships are designed like they have artificial gravity in them so I assume they do and that the reason that stations dom't have it is because they are huge and sustaining artificial gravity doesn't work on such large structures.

Quite on the contrary - because the ball and stick shaped stations are rotating, even slowly, such a massive object moving at whatever speed from the outside, means that on the inside, people will be pushed outward. Spin something fast enough and walla- instant gravity.

Now, those free floating stations on the otherhand...
17 May 2016, 1:00am
I always figured if you have an FSD, you can manipulate gravity, ergo ships could have artificial gravity. Stations have no FSD, so must rotate to generate gravity.

Outposts don't rotate, but are small enough that perhaps some manner of gravity device based on FSD tech could be used on them.

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