Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

28 Sep 2016, 4:16am
You're question is rhetorical but I'll answer it anyways. No it wouldn't be acceptable in a university level paper. So why would I break what apparently now is a fundamental rule to writing itself? Because I was not aware that one day my logs were going to be critiqued like a manuscript by the Inara Writer's Guild. Heck if you're going to critique me, could you give me something actually worth my attention? Like plot holes maybe? I'm sure I have plenty.

To put it simply, my answer is I do it because I don't give a shit. I wasn't trying to be unique or different or anything, I just did what I found enjoyable. Excuse me for not taking this as seriously as my actual work.

On a side note I feel like this thread is becoming the equivalent of a YouTube comment section fast. Perhaps we should call a ceasefire?
28 Sep 2016, 4:20am
XeknosThere's also something to be said for classical music somehow persisting through the ages, while Iron Maiden, to be honest, probably won't survive much longer past 2100.

This just proves my above point. It's feasible for Mozart to survive millenia but not a band that has been going strong for the best part of 40 years and still produces best sellers and sold out shows??

Let me answer your question with a question - in the early 1900's, what was the music being played? A lot of it doesn't see a lot of mainstream play now - and if it does, it's been so heavily modified that you can hear the musical roots but not much else.

I think the musical complaint is a little weaker than the rest of Fox's post, but what's more likely to happen is that rock is probably going to look entirely different in 1300 years' time. Some of the building blocks that we recognize will still be there, but it won't really be rock anymore.

So, no, it doesn't really prove your point. But, that said, we can only base the music of the future on the frame of reference we have now.
28 Sep 2016, 4:36am
XeknosThere's also something to be said for classical music somehow persisting through the ages, while Iron Maiden, to be honest, probably won't survive much longer past 2100.

This just proves my above point. It's feasible for Mozart to survive millenia but not a band that has been going strong for the best part of 40 years and still produces best sellers and sold out shows??

Let me answer your question with a question - in the early 1900's, what was the music being played? A lot of it doesn't see a lot of mainstream play now - and if it does, it's been so heavily modified that you can hear the musical roots but not much else.

I think the musical complaint is a little weaker than the rest of Fox's post, but what's more likely to happen is that rock is probably going to look entirely different in 1300 years' time. Some of the building blocks that we recognize will still be there, but it won't really be rock anymore.

So, no, it doesn't really prove your point. But, that said, we can only base the music of the future on the frame of reference we have now.
Just because the music isn't listened to as much anymore doesn't mean it no longer exists. I actually made a point to state my character specifically went looking for the older stuff, just the same way you would do now if you wanted to listen to pre-WWI era stuff.

Yes, music changes and as it evolves it becomes less recognisable to it's predecessors. But in the same way that single cell organisms still exist today, the originals would still exist in music. There may be a huge underground fanbase or just 3 people in the entire galaxy, but the music would still be there.

If you decided your character was fed up listening to "ye olde tunes" I could accept that. But to critiscise it in a manner that suggests it "goes against the rules of Elite" just implies that the issue is you don't like the same music as me and therefore I must be wrong. Mozart, Beethoven and Queen are not the only musicians capable of making music that will survive the test of time.

I get it, there is something against the "cultural norm" to play music that isn't considered "cool" or "modern" in bars, even today. But even in real life I play music that I like on jukeboxes. It is, after all, my money and someone else playing P-Diddy's latest track is to me what plkaying Iron Maiden appears to be to you.
28 Sep 2016, 4:36am
Moreover, I think bringing up logbooks is kind of outside of the point. What you do in your logbooks is more or less your business, because if it's bad we can just ignore it. It's easy to write off "Did more Sothis runs, one step until 'Conda" posts fairly easily.

In public, though, with these RP rooms, the mistakes are much more visible and, in many cases, may reflect poorly on us as a community. IN my opinion, really good RP tries to sort of emulate real life within the boundaries of a setting - in this case, what real life looks like in 3302. I don't know if you've looked outside the window recently, Ryan, but we sort of exist in the "brown paste" anyway. Hell, most of us are probably even part of the brown paste. It's just now the brown paste has access to spaceships and can travel the stars. I have absolutely no argument with some of us RPing the brown paste if it gives the universe a bit of a realistic texture.

Make us a diverse and cool group! Just don't... pretend your Naruto special panda in the process.

EDIT: I listen to Iron Maiden, and I never quite agreed with that particular point that Fox was trying to make, so I'm not particularly interested in arguing the point. That said, if you want to RP yourself as the ONE guy in 3302 who still listens to Iron Maiden, well... please refer to rule 1 above.

Last edit: 28 Sep 2016, 4:42am
28 Sep 2016, 4:47am
Like I said before, I do apologize for using colors in the role-play scene, and I intend to stop. I guess I started the logbook argument because it was lumped in with Lehman's rant and since I'm the only one currently in the scene using colors, it felt like a direct attack on my own work, which was a little annoying.
Either way, I'm dropping out of this mess for the time being. I have things that need to be done. Once again I apologize to those I have annoyed. Fly safe everyone!
28 Sep 2016, 4:48am
I think we've reached an agreement here, then. Maybe Artie can move that list of rules into one of the forums.
28 Sep 2016, 4:55am
XeknosEDIT: I listen to Iron Maiden, and I never quite agreed with that particular point that Fox was trying to make, so I'm not particularly interested in arguing the point. That said, if you want to RP yourself as the ONE guy in 3302 who still listens to Iron Maiden, well... please refer to rule 1 above.

I'm sure there are plenty of others who do so, or may eventually wish to do so. I'm not implying it is difficult or that I stumbled across the Ark of the Covenants Musical equivalent. I just happen to be the first one here, nothing more.

I can RP better by stepping into my characters shoes, hence most of his traits are directly pulled from my own life. Things that are said or done in RP I take from what I did in-game and when possible, real life too. If that involves playing Avenged Sevenfold while I jump from Sol - Sag A*, that's what I'm saying happened. If sitting in a bar playing the same tunes is too unbelievable to you, I refer you back to the point that 1000 year old songs are listened to nowadays whether it is the cultural norm or not. The fact that it's in a bar is merely a question of setting.

Again, if you wish to have your character storm in with cries of "wtf is this shite", go for it. Just stop trying to imply that Beethoven still exists in 3302 but Sabbath is a ridiculous prospect.

Edit: I will happily agree to restrict my music choice too but I will still mention it if it comes up. As I said, I see no reason to believe that Blue Danube can survive until the 3300s but any music from the 20th/21st Centuries should be considered out of bounds.
28 Sep 2016, 5:04am
I think a few characters DID say "What's this garbage" and one guy even turned it off. It's also worth nothing that I, personally, don't have a problem with your musical choice - that hill isn't worth dying on.

What I'm more focused on is the litany of bad RP that's snuck into the forums.
28 Sep 2016, 5:05am
aaalright boys. How about we move away from the trivial matter of the music. It seems to have gotten away from us.

Lets instead focus on creating cohesive, interesting, engaging and well thought out RP instead? What do you say?
28 Sep 2016, 5:17am
To be fair, saying "what is this rubbish" is not the same as saying "it doesn't belong in this universe".

But I digress, I will no longer insinuate it is still playing. However I stand by the fact that despite its age, the 21st Century media would still be accessible to those who look for it.

Also, if it's that important to you that no one be too "special", I ask that someone look over my chgaracter Bio and decide whether or not it is acceptable. Because I'm not having this discussion again over something else I decided weeks ago.
28 Sep 2016, 5:22am
Cartlidge1000Like I said before, I do apologize for using colors in the role-play scene, and I intend to stop. I guess I started the logbook argument because it was lumped in with Lehman's rant and since I'm the only one currently in the scene using colors, it felt like a direct attack on my own work, which was a little annoying.
Either way, I'm dropping out of this mess for the time being. I have things that need to be done. Once again I apologize to those I have annoyed. Fly safe everyone!

This may be difficult to believe, but it was actually very difficult for me to write that "rant" (and yes, it was rather rantish!). I'm very aware of how condescending I was risking coming off as, and believe me when I say that spouting unsolicited advice and requests goes against my nature. It's not my intention to meddle, and it's not my intention to dictate to a bunch of internet strangers how they should write something like Elite fic. And yeah, if I was in the shoes of someone who casually writes here, my first impulse would probably be something like "Who does that Lehman guy think he is? Just for that, Ima write in just neon green from now on!"

I hope you don't. But I'd understand if you did, because that's how people are.

We just want to have a conversation about bringing out the best RP and logbooks possible- though yes, logbooks are a matter of personal taste. For many, they're simply a fun way to jot down what they did in the game that day. For others, they're the platforms upon which short novels are written. The Elite universe is vast, with room for so much possibility- and we'd love to explore that creative space. We hope that you and everyone else here joins us in that endeavor.

Last edit: 28 Sep 2016, 5:37am
28 Sep 2016, 5:28am
Lehman has the right of it. I think I come off as a little harsher because I spent 7-8 years roleplaying in World of Warcraft, where all sorts of egregious lore-raping and bad roleplay occurs, so my responses are necessarily more intense.

That said, I'd much rather the RP community here to grow and for us to help each other become better writers and roleplayers. Criticism, when constructive, tends to be the best way for all of us to improve. Hell, even despite all of this, I know that I'm not perfect and need a hand from time to time too.
28 Sep 2016, 6:01am
I do think it worth mentioning that what one person considers "lore breaking" may not be seen as such by others.
28 Sep 2016, 6:14am
I think that happens very rarely. And it's almost always worth mentioning that the people who -don't- think the more is being broken are the lore rapists and shitty RPers who aren't interested in learning.

Last edit: 28 Sep 2016, 6:22am
28 Sep 2016, 6:49am
I think "lore rapist" is a strong term. Certainly there may be the occasional person who throws the lore book out the window.

But there are those, like myself, who don't have access to the entire encyclopaedic knowledge of the universe, as well as those, like myself again, who wish to take slight liberties with said lore. To bundle those people in with those who don't care for lore is to say "You aren't welcome here" and this is where it can get hostile.

And so with that, I have to ask, what category do I fit into then? Have I thrown lore out the window for the sake of my own entertainment or have I merely taken a small liberty that has little to no effect on the overall universe?

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