Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

19 Nov 2016, 8:38pm
I really need to pay more attention
19 Nov 2016, 8:39pm
Though you cant blame me as it's been over 2 weeks since there was a post in the bar xD
23 Nov 2016, 5:40am
Just a PSA: stations have gravity. It's why they spin. People don't "drift through hatches"
23 Nov 2016, 5:42am
I know. I didn't mean "literally drift," rather the way they ambled in. (familiar with centrifugal force)

Last edit: 23 Nov 2016, 5:55am
23 Nov 2016, 5:43am
Whaaaaaaat? I thought they just spun to look cool...
23 Nov 2016, 8:54am
Is it already time to explain the difference between a frag and an incendiary grenade again?
23 Nov 2016, 8:55am
One is hot and the other goes bang, and I'd rather not be too close to either.
23 Nov 2016, 9:03am
Well, yes. But depending on what grenade you're using it either burns a hole into the floor (and the floors below it) or sets an area on fire. Neither of that is stopped by throwing a helmet and himself over it. The only thing, you're achieving is turning yourself into a human torch
23 Nov 2016, 10:04am
Xeknos(So, votes in favor of ignoring whatever special panda-ing just tried to happen?)

It's not a problem.
23 Nov 2016, 11:22am
Excellent. Post retracted.
23 Nov 2016, 4:05pm
I was thinking more molotov less thermite in terms of effect and strength but I'll just roll it into his Scotch was poisoned.
23 Nov 2016, 4:23pm
Sorry, but even then it would've turned you into a human torch.

You know, an unprotected face while curling over a untight container full of burning liquid? Probably not the best idea one can have
23 Nov 2016, 4:28pm
Deadeye SnipesI was thinking more molotov less thermite in terms of effect and strength but I'll just roll it into his Scotch was poisoned.
Good of you to be understanding. That's quite rare and I applaude you for it.

I think I speak for everyone when I say it's ok to insert yourself into other peoples arcs, as long as it's subtle. That's not to say big events can't transpire so long as they develop naturally. Just scroll back a bit through the RP and you'll see several such events.

From my view, yours just seemed to go from 1 to 100 in just a few instances culminating in an instance that affects everyone in the immediate vicinity, with no warning.

I hope you take this for what it is, an invitation to carry on, a thank you for understanding, and a bit of friendly advice with how to proceed in future posts. That said, (to paraphrase Captain Barbosa from Pirates of the Carribean) these aren't rules, they're more like guidelines.
23 Nov 2016, 4:29pm
Deadeye SnipesI was thinking more molotov less thermite in terms of effect and strength but I'll just roll it into his Scotch was poisoned.

Good of you to be understanding. That's quite rare and I applaude you for it.

I think I speak for everyone when I say it's ok to insert yourself into other peoples arcs, as long as it's subtle. That's not to say big events can't transpire so long as they develop naturally. Just scroll back a bit through the RP and you'll see several such events.

From my view, yours just seemed to go from 1 to 100 in just a few instances culminating in an instance that affects everyone in the immediate vicinity, with no warning.

I hope you take this for what it is, an invitation to carry on, a thank you for understanding, and a bit of friendly advice with how to proceed in future posts. That said, (to paraphrase Captain Barbosa from Pirates of the Carribean) these aren't rules, they're more like guidelines.

Well put Luke
23 Nov 2016, 4:45pm
Thank you Marra

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