Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

24 Oct 2016, 10:19pm
Luke PM me if you wish to use it in your diabolical plot. Else just shove a metal slug in it at extreamly high velocities.
24 Oct 2016, 10:55pm
Ryan256Hmm.... I've been out of the RP forums for quite a while. There are currently 117 unread posts in the galactic bar and 52 on the docks. Anything good going on that I should go through reading them all for?

Why yes. Everything that is mine. Because I'm narcissistic. Allow my posts to transport you into a world beyond your imagination. Skyrim, Kahjiits, Aisling cosplay, white knights, drones that snicker at other drones. Medics who's sole job is to stand there and scowl, making people feel awkward. Aislings prancing like the noble gazelle of the African Savannah. Fetish Discord channels. Code Red Mountain Dew and Twizzerls. Complicated Starbuck coffee orders. Three wolf moon shirts and rip off Katanas. It's all here for your browsing pleasure.

Last edit: 25 Oct 2016, 12:22am
24 Oct 2016, 11:16pm
Stryker Aune
Ryan256Hmm.... I've been out of the RP forums for quite a while. There are currently 117 unread posts in the galactic bar and 52 on the docks. Anything good going on that I should go through reading them all for?

Why yes. Everything that is mine. Because I'm narcissistic. Allow my posts to transport you into a world beyond your imagination. Skyrim, Kahjiits, Aisling cosplay, white knights, drones that snicker at other drones. Medics who's sole job is to stand there and scowl, making people feel awkward. Aislings prancing like the noble gazel of the African Savannah. Fetish Discord channels. Code Red Mountain Dew and Twizzerls. Complicated Starbuck coffee orders. Three wolf moon shirts and rip off Katanas. It's all here for your browsing pleasure.

24 Oct 2016, 11:21pm
Stryker Aune
Ryan256Hmm.... I've been out of the RP forums for quite a while. There are currently 117 unread posts in the galactic bar and 52 on the docks. Anything good going on that I should go through reading them all for?

[...]Aislings prancing like the noble gazelle of the African Savannah.[...]

24 Oct 2016, 11:24pm
Stryker Aune
Ryan256Hmm.... I've been out of the RP forums for quite a while. There are currently 117 unread posts in the galactic bar and 52 on the docks. Anything good going on that I should go through reading them all for?

[...]Aislings prancing like the noble gazelle of the African Savannah.[...]


Now there's a man with some Prismatics!
25 Oct 2016, 9:49am
Nice horn.
25 Oct 2016, 10:25am
25 Oct 2016, 1:34pm
Stryker Aune
Ryan256Hmm.... I've been out of the RP forums for quite a while. There are currently 117 unread posts in the galactic bar and 52 on the docks. Anything good going on that I should go through reading them all for?

[...]Aislings prancing like the noble gazelle of the African Savannah.[...]


What has been seen.... cannot be unseen. Much to my dismay.....
25 Oct 2016, 3:05pm
For those that may be curious as to why I did that horrible RP, it was an outcropping of a simple request by Cartlidge. He had asked me to play an NPC. A disposable one at that. And the Aisling cosplay was born. From that, my irritation and frustration with some RP I’ve seen here in the past started pouring out. I decided to intentionally create awful RP as a warning to others who may think it is a good idea to play special snowflake characters. It just ends up making you look just plain silly. And neither is your character immune to the natural consequence of their actions. So many times have I seen Edgy Death Lord McDeathers outright murder someone then waltz right off. Its like they live in some sort of vacuum. Its idiotic. Ten murdered the Asling cosplay. An act that would outright illicit a manhunt and Cartlidge asked me to play security. He was willing to accept responsibility for his characters actions. But instead, I did what most people do. I created a lame excuse for escape. An inept security drone, and two medics that were completely checked out.

Furthermore, I created this as an example of what happens when one tries to shoehorn in lore from other universes into Elite Dangerous. Elite Dangerous is a large universe, but it is not large enough to accommodate Skyrim, Star Trek, Star Wars or whatever. The end product is that it creates bazaar storylines that make absolutely no sense.

Something even as simple as the “yellow circles” created confusion and contention. Forcing in lore from The Fifth Element left Cartlidge feeling frustrated because it directly affected his character and he really didn’t know how to handle it in a way that would make sense to the story he was trying to progress.

And worse, people hijacking existing RP and forcing their weird crap on them. I cannot imagine how this affected Luke, Luke had made mention in the OOC forum, that he didn’t know what to make of all of this, because he uses RP as a basis of his logbook writing. Now he’s stuck holding a bag of just plain garbage trying to figure out how to fit it all in with his character. All because I wanted to do what I wanted, with no regard to anyone else. You see, RP isn’t about you, or how amazing your character is, its about co-creating a story. And the story needs to have an element of “suspending the disbelief.”

How are you suspending the disbelief?
25 Oct 2016, 3:22pm
For the record, I'm still convinced that the "yellow circles" were on the bot itself and not on the walls.
25 Oct 2016, 3:31pm
Cartlidge1000For the record, I'm still convinced that the "yellow circles" were on the bot itself and not on the walls.

Maybe I should have made it a female. Just for even more added awkwardness. "Put your hands on the yellow circles."
25 Oct 2016, 4:02pm
I was strongly tempted to write a reply to that involving a joke about some romantic tension between Cartlidge and Ten, given that Ten is very "robot-like."
25 Oct 2016, 4:28pm
@Stryker: Part of me is sad to see it all end, part of me is glad. Don't worry about my logbook writing as the current one I'm working on is set before Luke even set foot in the bar. Although the goings on at the moment will have an effect on future logbooks, if/when I do them, buuut I'm sure I'll think of something

@Cartlidge: Dammit Jacob!! Now my next line won't seem original!!!
25 Oct 2016, 4:38pm
@Stryker are you referenceing mork and mindy?
25 Oct 2016, 5:12pm
Amarthanor@Stryker are you referenceing mork and mindy?

Why yes, yes I am. Glad somebody caught the reference!

Last edit: 25 Oct 2016, 5:22pm

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