Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

28 Sep 2016, 6:54am
I was quite enjoying the RP here - there were (and are still) some well thought out characters with depth, played convincingly without needing to be Mary Sues or snowflakes.

That thing with the music - doesn't bother me at all.

Coloured dialogue? Yeah, I find that patronising. I'm quite capable of following the narrative to tell who's speaking.

The quality of English also matters a lot to me. I want to enjoy what I'm reading, not be rolling my eyes at every other line because the basics are being neglected. I know English isn't everyone's first language - it isn't mine, so I check every word with a red squiggle under it and Google words I'm not sure about.

And finally, I've seen a few cases where OOC > IC, which totally breaks it for me. You're roleplaying a character - not yourself. Your motivations are irrelevant. I understand that this can get very difficult - I roleplay a sadistic villain and I hope you believe me when I say that it does not come naturally! I really have to think about it, cross-referencing her background and experiences to formulate what I hope are convincing responses.

Although I've enjoyed my time RPing here, I doubt I'll do it anymore. It's been fun and thanks to those who have respected the lore and have given me memorable experiences - you know who you are

28 Sep 2016, 7:14am
I would say that smaller liberties tend to not be an issue if it isn't explicitly flying in the face if the universe at large. I've read your character bio, and can't find anything that would suggest you're lore-bending/breaking - your surgery seems reasonable, and while the taste in late 21st century media is odd, it isn't what I'm getting at.

When we refer to lore breaking, we talk about people who create new races out of whole cloth (remember, the existence of the Thargoids/whatever this race that's being introduced is) is blowing the minds of EVERYONE in Elite lore, which means that ANOTHER non-human race casually floating around would be a really big deal. Similarly, the destruction of a planet in the Kremainn system would be a huge event, and the fact that it isn't represented in game is problematic. Those are the kinds of things we're talking about, and when people seem to do these things casually in order to prove themselves special or set themselves apart is what we have a problem with.

Which sort of meshes with the sense I've been getting from you - you feel as though you're being unfairly attacked and are responding to that, when I think you've misunderstood what our point was.
28 Sep 2016, 8:29am
Sorry for dropping off there guys. I kinda got too busy to keep going. Now I gotta figure out where to re-insert my character.
28 Sep 2016, 8:39am
OOF I should have grabbed ahold of that situation in the off station one before it went Star killer base... I think a silent running pirate fleet would have been more appropriate. and could have some interesting twists...

Xeknos, what do you think?
28 Sep 2016, 8:58am
Certainly makes far more sense than a planet randomly getting destroyed by technology that likely doesn't exist in the Elite universe.
28 Sep 2016, 9:13am
You think I could play it off as an optical illusion from the atmosphere? Or just wait until someone deletes that?
28 Sep 2016, 9:19am
I don't think many (if any) planets of Kremainn have an atmosphere thick enough for such an illusion that I am aware of. That and rayleigh scattering caused by atmospheres doesn't really create such illusions described as far as I know.

And yeah, I am a Nazi for details generally, even for shit that people won't even check.
28 Sep 2016, 9:21am
So it might just be best to wait...
28 Sep 2016, 9:26am
Let whoever posted it delete it. It's silly.
28 Sep 2016, 10:09am
And all this happens when I'm at work. Great.
28 Sep 2016, 3:22pm
Alright, going to add my mustard to the whole subject now since I couldn't earlier due to work.

As I've already said in the Inara Discord as the subject came up, for me the coloring has nothing to do with patronising the readers at all. That never occured to me since nobody got that subject up until recently.

There were readers sending me PM's about how they actually liked the different look from the otherwise dull normal writings. So I felt reassured and kept it this way, making it my personal style. The coloring also brings more life into the writings for myself, whereas others are seeing it as cartoonish. And just because there were millions of books written before without the use of colors, does that mean there never be changes? What does the Elite lore say on books? Do they exist at all anymore? How are things written in 3302? Details please.

My earliest logbooks are a few months old, and up until now nobody seemed to be actually bothered with the coloring. So please understand that the sudden uproar just baffles me.

I agree that the coloring in the public section aka the InGaBa isn't needed, but everyone should be allowed their own way to express themselves. With that said, future visits will remain without color from my side, but logbooks are complete different topic. Everyone is free to ignore others writings that they don't agree with regarding the looks and so forth.

I agree that lore breaking nonsense like being best buddies with a major powerplay figure, blowing up planets or inserting alien races from other games into E:D is something that should be talked about with the respective writers. And I mean talk and not that gutter speech that occurs in the Inara Discord when two or three of the IN-crowd people are shooting their mouths off at other peoples writings. Without said person even being around in the first place.

Get in touch with the person, explain the problem, have a constructive conversation, find a solution. Those who are perceived to be the Top Gun writers here know the saying With great power comes great responsibility . If you want the whole community to thrive and have the RP level at a constant high that's what it takes.

You always say that you want us to get better, but how things look and sound that us mostly refers to a tight-knit group that eyes everyone else suspiciously and brings the hammer down on even the slightest of mistakes. Am I exaggerating? Maybe. But that's how I perceive it as of late.

And while we're at that topic - stop to label people. I'm referring to that Edgelord stuff you repeatedly slammed in my face on Discord until it became a whole new level of annoying. Which made me respond with linking inane shit as Xeknos put it just to return the favor. I'm still kinda curious how you folks even came up with that.

On the topic of music - what exactly is played in the Galaxy in the year 3302? Did nobody collect most of the music anywhere? Did something occur that made everything go up in flames like the Library of Alexandria, destroying all the data? Someone please enlighten us.

Ex Umbra o7
28 Sep 2016, 5:12pm
Coragon(snip)On the topic of music - what exactly is played in the Galaxy in the year 3302? Did nobody collect most of the music anywhere? Did something occur that made everything go up in flames like the Library of Alexandria, destroying all the data? Someone please enlighten us.(snip)Ex Umbra o7
I think the issue was more that there's an apparent taboo at playing music more than a decade old in pubs rather than it no longer existing. It took me a while to realise that hence the drawn out debate.

Without starting another argument I do still maintain the whole thing was, and is, ridiculous but seen as I am in the minority I have conceded to stop playing it in the bar. Although I maintain that the music would still exist and be freely accessible especially since the Docking Computers predate even our modern music by several hundred years.
28 Sep 2016, 5:39pm
As I've already said in the Inara Discord as the subject came up, for me the coloring has nothing to do with patronising the readers at all. That never occured to me since nobody got that subject up until recently.

There were readers sending me PM's about how they actually liked the different look from the otherwise dull normal writings. So I felt reassured and kept it this way, making it my personal style. The coloring also brings more life into the writings for myself, whereas others are seeing it as cartoonish. And just because there were millions of books written before without the use of colors, does that mean there never be changes? What does the Elite lore say on books? Do they exist at all anymore? How are things written in 3302? Details please.

I understand that you might have a personal preference for colouring your dialogue and that is fine. But you're putting your writing on a public forum, which tells me that you must also want others to appreciate your work. I believe you when you say it's not your intent to patronise the reader, but you don't get to say how your readers feel about that. It's nice that you've had positive feedback about it, but there's been feedback to the contrary too.

Indeed, there have been millions of books written without coloured dialogue and I honestly can't see that ever changing. I've never seen anything outside of amatuer writing to adopt such a convention. Have you? Details, please...

I agree that the coloring in the public section aka the InGaBa isn't needed, but everyone should be allowed their own way to express themselves. With that said, future visits will remain without color from my side, but logbooks are complete different topic. Everyone is free to ignore others writings that they don't agree with regarding the looks and so forth.

Noted. I might start writing mine entirely in Welsh

Get in touch with the person, explain the problem, have a constructive conversation, find a solution. Those who are perceived to be the Top Gun writers here know the saying With great power comes great responsibility . If you want the whole community to thrive and have the RP level at a constant high that's what it takes.

You always say that you want us to get better, but how things look and sound that us mostly refers to a tight-knit group that eyes everyone else suspiciously and brings the hammer down on even the slightest of mistakes. Am I exaggerating? Maybe. But that's how I perceive it as of late.

On this, I agree with you. For my part, I have been and will always be willing to help anyone with their writing, even if it's just proof-reading. I must admit that I have limited patience with people who don't want to learn and who stubbornly think they are always right. That brings the bitch out in me
28 Sep 2016, 6:19pm
I'm not a writer by trade. In fact, In college the only writing courses I took were on how to write scientific reports, so naturally my stuff is bland, and really technical. It wasn't until a few months ago that I wanted to do something more creative and I felt a pull to write. With that being said, this is all just my opinion and must be considered with the same weight of that as a grain of salt.

The music: I didn't see a problem with that. A bit dated, but I think that was what the OP was trying to go for. Personally if my character made it into the bar, he would have pulled the plug, just to start an incident. (RP hook)

Spelling, grammar: My spelling, and grammar are pretty bad, I know that, but I do make an effort to make sure the post is readable. It is important. Please make an effort.

Colored text: In your personal log books, by all means go nuts with it. Personally I find it distracting, and a bit hard to "read" around, but that's my problem. I would suggest keeping that to a minimum in the forum RP for the sake of continuity.

Lore breaking events: Just don't. Don't do it. Ever. It's really irritating. Your not best friends (or should I dare say, intimate) with Aisling. Your not Denton's right hand man. Your not rubbing elbows with and snobbing it up with Hudson. Your not the captain of your own capital ship. Your not some space station commander. Nor are you able to manipulate the E:D universe in its entirety. That means no planet-wide destructive events. No uber alien races in your pocket. Your not some mutant penguin super-soldier. Keep to the lore. It provides boundaries to operate within. So if you want your character to be taken seriously, then act according to what the lore defines.

Marra leaving: No don't! We would be lost without you! Who would represent the under-represented Pegasi sector? Please, please, I'm begging you.....well..... thinks for a moment squinting an eye and looking up..... okay, ya its begging. Please don't go!
28 Sep 2016, 6:36pm
Stryker AuneI'm not a writer by trade. In fact, In college the only writing courses I took were on how to write scientific reports, so naturally my stuff is bland, and really technical. It wasn't until a few months ago that I wanted to do something more creative and I felt a pull to write. With that being said, this is all just my opinion and must be considered with the same weight of that as a grain of salt.

The music: I didn't see a problem with that. A bit dated, but I think that was what the OP was trying to go for. Personally if my character made it into the bar, he would have pulled the plug, just to start an incident. (RP hook)
Marra leaving: No don't! We would be lost without you! Who would represent the under-represented Pegasi sector? Please, please, I'm begging you.....well..... thinks for a moment squinting an eye and looking up..... okay, ya its begging. Please don't go!
Me neither. I RP here simply because I enjoy escaping reality. I have written a couple of fiction stories in school that were marked highly but that's about it.

Dated is exactly what I was aiming at and pulling the plug would certainly have livened up a dull period at the bar.

I also agree Marra shouldn't leave!!! You still need to come get those nosey gits responsible for bugging your conversation with Coragon, y'know, whoever that was.... *whistles*

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