Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

26 Apr 2024, 12:15am
Ha ya. It's be a trip for me.

I will reply in the bar in about an hour or so depending on traffic.
26 Apr 2024, 3:38am
Kasumi GotoMeanwhile, a cheese mystery is afoot, and I have to admit this was so stupid and cheesy(pun totally intended, now let me find the door) that it amused me a decent amount.

And somehow, it seems like we're all just more busy (or dead) than usual at the same time.

Hmm, I dont like cheese much but this was good
27 Apr 2024, 12:29pm
I absolutely hate to do this but I am going to need to step away from the RP channels again. I'm sorry to leave things in an ambiguous state.
27 Apr 2024, 1:18pm
Aw. But, okay. We can shelve the interaction, or something... maybe. And only if you want.
29 Apr 2024, 9:37pm
I may have had too much fun adding that silly writeup about someone fighting to fit her oversized body parts into even an adequately sized suit. You're allowed to call me "A silly kind of stupid, and a mad idiot at the same time".
01 May 2024, 6:17pm
I (sort of don't) apologize for making Azimuth look like an incompetent mess. Again.
02 May 2024, 5:04am
Kasumi GotoI (sort of don't) apologize for making Azimuth look like an incompetent mess. Again.

They did it to themselves plenty
02 May 2024, 3:01pm
They could at least have thought of a better career change than “Well, what if we just profit off of the war we created shamelessly, and no we won’t be held responsible, by the way”.

I suppose that’s something Torben can consider when his company ends up as a smoldering wreck and he’s stuck in a cell for the next half-century. If not longer.
02 May 2024, 3:51pm
Usually, some kind of sin-buck is found, and Torben will resign and from then on have wild parties in a luxury Beluga.

That is, if Hothis doesn't plunge the world into the abyss first
02 May 2024, 3:59pm
I’m sure the (good kind of) idiot with her excessively large female body features and a certain pirate will get in the way of things. Eventually. Preferably without any incidents that involve a narrow vent to be crossed.
02 May 2024, 4:36pm
Then I just have to squeeze Salvation back into a body again, any kind of body since I doubt his own is functional (or even exists, at all), but preferrably ugly, just to beat the living shit out of him for that 'box ticked' feeling.
04 May 2024, 11:15am
See, we're working the inappropriate body shape into the story in perfectly reasonable ways...

I cannot say that with a straight face. Or without a strong urge to giggle stupidly.
05 May 2024, 5:18pm
05 May 2024, 7:22pm
I think some people fancy the modified plasma chargers. That's about it.

Azimuth's PR department won a few points by not restricting the modified AX multicannon and the experimental weapon stabilizer to their holdings, I guess.

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