Rant corner

25 Feb 2024, 11:34pm
Did it occur to you that goids act like an immune system by treating humans like infection, aggressive humans to be killed and not that aggressive to be isolated?
26 Feb 2024, 10:56am
MeowersWhy do Thargoids need a 'portal' if they are capable of appearing anywhere they want without it?

Really, there were no thargoids in human space before except some odd places where they fought guardians and in those places they are not showing up endlessly and prior to the attacks they are gathering their forces somewhere in nearby systems... it is all pathetic fallacy there are no thargoids but FD scripts...

logic mate brick wall too much of the time >< & sandboxes + story dont usually mix well in the first place then devs/marketing typically cave & add that kind of thing much later in development, but ED is only half a sandbox right? if this base building thing turns out to be real then it might be a sandbox, is why not even 6 months into ED im not too fussed about rushing to catch up to do thargoid stuff.
if a sandbox does not create its own storys then either it is not a sandbox or youre not playing it properly
28 Feb 2024, 10:09pm
Shg56Titans are portals to thargoids home world(s) that's why there is not shortage of goids of any kind in the system around them.

That is why the new ships will be able to use those portals and visit the cat-piss.
28 Feb 2024, 10:32pm
Episparh[ That is why the new ships will be able to use those portals and visit the cat-piss.

I've been thinking about something similar. Since the humans' engines are mere toys compared to what the Thargoids can do, the new ships could simply have an improved jump drive. With an immensely improved reach humanity can finally meet the AI constructs which survived the Guardians...
28 Feb 2024, 10:43pm
...or it would malfunction mid-jump, and the Raxxla would eat you.
28 Feb 2024, 11:18pm
04 Mar 2024, 9:53pm
Argh, randomness. If it were not for it being sheer random encounters, I might think the Thargoids are purposely hunting me. Interdicted between systems 8/10 times on supply runs and 5/10 times in system on the way to the station. 3/10 successes reaching the target with my fat-assed Type9. I suppose this makes up for all those times I never got jumped by goids.
04 Mar 2024, 10:02pm
Vasil VasilescuArgh, randomness.
And those dimwit landing pad managing 'air traffic controller' morons love seeing me buzzing the tower with a Hydra on my tail, so they light up the furthermost pad for me. They're saboteurs, I swear.
04 Mar 2024, 11:45pm
So anyway, I’m an idiot and posted things in the wrong section because apparently starting with an R is enough similarity -

Now you know what it’s like when my carrier sends me to the opposite side of where I’m approaching from.
17 Mar 2024, 5:15am
First is peace now it's war... You know what? I'm really starting to fed up with peoples only capable to think in extremes. Never was my thing, and for granted just gives me nausea.

Besides? Everything has it's time and place.
19 Mar 2024, 7:21pm
Srsly, those decals are a cheap arse hackjob. Not just new Titan decals, but many others as well. They float like ten centimetres above the surface, at least on a FDL. Not to mention you can't get them in black.
19 Mar 2024, 9:18pm
You need to insist with Frontier more then, clearly. Seeing as one post on the forums didn't do it.
19 Mar 2024, 11:40pm
Ah, I have too much of my own shit to sort out these days, and, honestly... Saying that I have low expectations would've been too polite.
21 Mar 2024, 7:27am
MVP is general modus opeeandi of FDev, accept it and move on.

Minimum Viable Product
02 Apr 2024, 12:29pm
Some peoples greatest mistake to think we care about any of their excuses and explanations. They were heard us, and this non - negotiable.

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