Rant corner

12 Dec 2023, 4:56pm
Glen van RossFDev, I want to love you, but... why did you have to go and repaint the Hazard Kits and call them Extraction Kits. Nobody is driving a Cobra, T-6 or T-9 to the Titan.


What would be the point in buying the same ship kit twice? (Anaconda Hazard + Extraction)?

If you already have it, you already have it. Just in a slightly different colour.
15 Dec 2023, 12:58am
Was looking forward to playing Cyberpunk 2077 on my new PC and found out that it's now completely impossible to configure the keybindings for left-handed players. Even switching the mouse buttons isn't possible any more. Why even have a keybindings section in the settings if only the original layout can be used anyway? For example, if you reassign the primary interaction key F to some other key, the game will still use F to select dialog choices and for some other things. You just can't change it. The same goes for a dozen other keys.

They put in accessibility options for all sorts of fringe minorities, but making the game accessible to the left-handed population seems to be an impossible task for CDPR.
15 Dec 2023, 2:07am
The new update for CP didn’t even go out to PS 4 players, and it’s not going to. So PS 5 players get a new, and supposedly much better game, PS 4 get the same old buggy mess.
28 Dec 2023, 12:02am
It is always a buggy mess
28 Dec 2023, 2:48am
Hmm, ED no longer updated for old consoles, CP no longer updated for old consoles ... could it be that old consoles are simply too old to run the new stuff?
28 Dec 2023, 6:17am
Yes, as well the optimisation is no longer priority option.
07 Jan 2024, 10:07pm
Hey can't we get signatures for our posts?
08 Jan 2024, 12:30am
Signatures are not really a thing on the inara forums, unlike on the Frontier forums for Elite.
08 Jan 2024, 12:31am
Blackvertigo1Hey can't we get signatures for our posts?

You probably want to post that over in the requests channel.

Or you could just do it manually. But like Kasumi said, we don't really do that here.

Last edit: 08 Jan 2024, 12:41am
23 Jan 2024, 1:44am
Kasumi GotoSignatures are not really a thing on the inara forums, unlike on the Frontier forums for Elite.

Well, some things just not going to happen i guess.
30 Jan 2024, 3:28pm
So, the “restructuring" that Frontier were doing is actually a lay offs.
... Let's hope they will sell out soon rather than late.
20 Feb 2024, 10:29pm
SakashiroHmm, ED no longer updated for old consoles, CP no longer updated for old consoles ... could it be that old consoles are simply too old to run the new stuff?

Not really. Just wanting to eliminate running costs by focusing on PC only. My 10 year old laptop can run ED just fine, and the XB1 is light years ahead in hardware capability.
21 Feb 2024, 4:36pm
Alright, Im'ma rant for a second here about the new Federation plot point, delaying the inauguration because of earthquakes on the president-elect's home planet.

What the HELL?! This doesn't happen, for starters. Inaugurations don't get delayed because of personal tragedy. Otherwise, every official-elect in such a system would see their friends, families and hometowns with big targets on their back -- especially in a day and age where everyone's got a weaponized space ship and can just drop mines on a settlement and be off scot free.

Further, we don't have seismic monitoring on planets we've terraformed in the year 3310? We have seismic monitoring on the only planet we know of in the year 2024 -- and better construction techniques. TF did they make these buildings out of, dried Play Doh and uncooked pasta?

This is just dumb so far, and inb4 it's got a Sinister Plot Twist about the current president wanting to retain power longer or some dumb shit.

That is all. Carry on.
21 Feb 2024, 5:58pm
I'm sure they paused it for a very good reason. Something buried deep in the game code. Like if they cut Winters' bio by six characters, all multicannons stop working.
21 Feb 2024, 6:47pm
Calteru TaaloAlright, Im'ma rant for a second here about the new Federation plot point, delaying the inauguration because of earthquakes on the president-elect's home planet.

I'm with you on that, I thought it was a silly, half-assed reason to delay. And if an entire "northern continent" is affected the point that tens of millions of people are killed, and there are massive tidal waves ravaging the coasts, then there is probably some crazy tectonic stuff going on.

I don't think much will come of it, though. If it is not important enough to have a community goal, it must not be important to the game.

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