Elite: Game talk

16 Nov 2015, 11:57am
Sidenti TaaloIt's so WEIRD to see Delkar so empty despite its in-system pristine Metallic mining sites and exceptional proximity to quality trading routes. What, is it haunted or something?

Have kept a mining-coinda there for months, along with a short range vulture for a break at the HAZ-res.

Great little system. I think the distance from the station to the rings puts off people. Silly really, but there is now't queerer than folk...
16 Nov 2015, 7:56pm
Im stuck at federal rank of midshipman.. maybe federation think i dont have the guts
17 Nov 2015, 12:37am
Docking in port with docking computer...left for a few minutes while ship was auto docking, returned to dreaded grey screen again!  Darn it!  Another 15 mil down the tubes.   Ship destroyed by station.  Would you like another go chump?  I am going to wait for horizons as game is being frustrating.  By the way killed 18 pirates but only 3% increase.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Nov 2015, 12:54am
17 Nov 2015, 1:52am
WILD BILL CODYDocking in port with docking computer...left for a few minutes while ship was auto docking, returned to dreaded grey screen again!  Darn it!  Another 15 mil down the tubes.   Ship destroyed by station.  Would you like another go chump?  I am going to wait for horizons as game is being frustrating.  By the way killed 18 pirates but only 3% increase.

I am not a hater of the DC, in fact, on certain ships I rely on it..however...I would never walk away from the captain's chair while it is in use. I got burned early on when I first started. An NPC slammed into me as I was entering the slot and pinned me just long enough for station security to take me out before I could recover. As I was exploding into tiny pieces I just shook my head as the NPC went on its merry way without the same fate. I dunno that I could sit out the 8-9 days until Horizons, lol.
17 Nov 2015, 8:45am
Jack Dekerdt
WILD BILL CODYDocking in port with docking computer...left for a few minutes while ship was auto docking, returned to dreaded grey screen again!  Darn it!  Another 15 mil down the tubes.   Ship destroyed by station.  Would you like another go chump?  I am going to wait for horizons as game is being frustrating.  By the way killed 18 pirates but only 3% increase.

I am not a hater of the DC, in fact, on certain ships I rely on it..however...I would never walk away from the captain's chair while it is in use. I got burned early on when I first started. An NPC slammed into me as I was entering the slot and pinned me just long enough for station security to take me out before I could recover. As I was exploding into tiny pieces I just shook my head as the NPC went on its merry way without the same fate. I dunno that I could sit out the 8-9 days until Horizons, lol.

Yep, same here, i let the DC do the job, and turned my head away from the screen, and it crashed in part of the station thats spinning around it. Now, sometimes i fly into the station my self and let DC only park on the landing pad, or i aim at the entrance, and only then turn it on. Jack 8-9 days? I play on Xbox, its atleast month for me or more, the struggle is real
17 Nov 2015, 9:35am
If you had an issue with the docking computer you can put in a support ticket with Frontier and get your credits back.
17 Nov 2015, 7:14pm
I notice on one of the missions in the Community Goals is says help build a station. Is that truly possible? Can some one haul parts to a place and after a bit a station starts to appear? The missions name is AMONG THE STARS: SUPPLYING SERVICES. or am I posting this question in the wrong spot on this web site?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Nov 2015, 8:02pm
17 Nov 2015, 7:40pm
Hi friends,

just looking for  a term of logic. If I buy items on the market of a station, the amount of it will be subtracted from the number shown in the sell column immediately. Counterwise nothing will change if I sell items. The damand still stands as if nothing has happened. Are there little thiefs at work who I don't recognise yet? )

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Nov 2015, 8:03pm
17 Nov 2015, 7:45pm
Daisy KatoI notice on one of the missions in the Community Goals is says help build a station. Is that truly possible? Can some one haul parts to a place and after a bit a station starts to appear? The missions name is AMONG THE STARS: SUPPLYING SERVICES. or am I posting this question in the wrong spot on this web site?

The station is being built, and yes, it came from a player initiative in the FD forums, so is a first in ED history, that players motivated the making of the station, the CG is not exactly to haul partes there for the construction, is to carry components to upgrade the station habilities, the Station will be in a far nebula, and will serve as steping stone for the long travelers. it is the first lasting addition made by the devs motivated by players, is very exiting.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Nov 2015, 8:03pm
17 Nov 2015, 8:07pm
Daisy KatoI notice on one of the missions in the Community Goals is says help build a station. Is that truly possible? Can some one haul parts to a place and after a bit a station starts to appear? The missions name is AMONG THE STARS: SUPPLYING SERVICES. or am I posting this question in the wrong spot on this web site?

The station is being built, and yes, it came from a player initiative in the FD forums, so is a first in ED history, that players motivated the making of the station, the CG is not exactly to haul partes there for the construction, is to carry components to upgrade the station habilities, the Station will be in a far nebula, and will serve as steping stone for the long travelers. it is the first lasting addition made by the devs motivated by players, is very exiting.

How quickly we all seem to forget about New Yembo and the Unity station. Unfortunately, the devs also forgot about the station. Let's hope that's not the case with this one too.
17 Nov 2015, 8:09pm
StiffhangerHi friends,

just looking for  a term of logic. If I buy items on the market of a station, the amount of it will be subtracted from the number shown in the sell column immediately. Counterwise nothing will change if I sell items. The damand still stands as if nothing has happened. Are there little thiefs at work who I don't recognise yet? )

The demand mechanic DOES work, but doesn't seem to display. If you spend time flitting back and forth between smaller stations like outposts trading, you'll notice your profit-per-unit decreases over time.
17 Nov 2015, 9:08pm
VeyderIf you had an issue with the docking computer you can put in a support ticket with Frontier and get your credits back.

I doubt, lol, they will give me credits back from back in June. It was just a rookie error on my part to trust the DC 100% without taking in to account that the NPCs can be wonky when it suits them. We've all had occasion to see NPCs act strangely. I'm over it. I have asked FD for a return of credits 1 time and they took care of it right away, so no complaints there.
18 Nov 2015, 6:40pm
So apparently, Horizons is gonna be 64-bit only. That's all well and good, but will it finally address antialiasing issues?

Because if it doesn't, I can wait until it does.
19 Nov 2015, 12:27pm
Sidenti TaaloSo apparently, Horizons is gonna be 64-bit only. That's all well and good, but will it finally address antialiasing issues?

Because if it doesn't, I can wait until it does.

64 bit has nothing to do with Graphics settings.

Then I can wait!
19 Nov 2015, 12:32pm
64bit will be mandatory even for no Horizon players, but they said you will have some months before will be mandatory.


Season one will remain supported on 32 bit as well as 64 bit, until sometime next year at least

Last edit: 19 Nov 2015, 12:43pm

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