Elite: Game talk

26 Oct 2015, 7:46pm
My goodness - this is what the official site needs to be! EXCELLENT work! -Sid
26 Oct 2015, 8:37pm
DagnasteHello all my GT Is dagnaste and I'm looking for someone to help me out this wed. I will be online most of the day. I have a lot of q's about the game and am interested in exo but am still trying to wrap my head around politics and alignments. It's kinda overwhelming. I've been playing for a couple weeks but have ignored certain aspects until I started looking at sol and getting a permit. If anyone will be on I would appreciate some help. Thanks all and fly safe commanders!

GT is Crashd Lambeth and will be ore than happy to welcome you into the Lidpar Academy where myself and several others have compiled all our knowledge about ED and its many aspects and help teach and train others in those many aspects. We are here and there to answers any and all questions. hit me up.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Oct 2015, 9:56pm
27 Oct 2015, 10:54am
Big PappaNot a specific system but check Li Yong-Rui control systems...Diaguandri for sure

Thanks! Got mine couple of days ago. Now off to grind for equipment

27 Oct 2015, 1:04pm
the golden flamingo strikes again!!!

Last edit: 27 Oct 2015, 1:22pm
28 Oct 2015, 1:10am
If a Wing Commander goes AWoL, can they be replaced or does the whole wing need to be rebuilt by whomever takes over?
28 Oct 2015, 1:15am
CertacitoIf a Wing Commander goes AWoL, can they be replaced or does the whole wing need to be rebuilt by whomever takes over?

There is currently no mechanism for it, but if that will happen or already happened, just tell me and I will change wing commander manually.
29 Oct 2015, 3:50am
What I wouldn't give for the Unity station in New Yembo to have a starport that sold only a Sidewinder... then I'd have a means of moving my fleet there permanently. :-p
29 Oct 2015, 8:46am
Just joined up. I dig the Commander's space, nice to track things in a way that makes a little more sense from a customized standpoint.

One question, I uploaded my photo through imgur at the required 150 x 150. When I go to link it to ED Forum page the photo is about the size of a Chicklets yet on the Inara end it's all formatted beautifully. Thoughts? it's 0445 EST and my brain is fried otherwise I could probably figure this out. Thanks.
29 Oct 2015, 10:48am
Jack: Your image is 90x90, here on Inara too (it's just rescaled to 150x150), so probably wrong file uploaded. So it may be cause of the problem...
29 Oct 2015, 8:01pm
ArtieJack: Your image is 90x90, here on Inara too (it's just rescaled to 150x150), so probably wrong file uploaded. So it may be cause of the problem...

Thanks, will take a look. I bet that's the issue.
30 Oct 2015, 8:47am
RE: Thruster Upgrade

Ran my Cobra Mk. III specs by a few BH's and they all said I had a good basic setup for beginning BH. The one thing they al said was upgrade the C4 Thrusters to A3. Went to do that and I get the exceeds engine mass. I have A-rated power plant and dist,  FSD, etc. Good power mgt scheme, etc. Seems odd that I can't swap the C4 for the A3, the mass/tons actually drop by 50% in with the A3.

What am I missing?

On a happy note, I found a low RES and jumped in. Shockingly, I didn't get killed or have to run away. On my third encounter I actually stopped holding my breath, lol. It's not a good idea to blackout in the middle of a fight I told myself. When I was thinking through my encounters while cashing in I reminded myself next time to actually target subsystems, but hey, I made it through my first run of BH. Coming from trading, it feels good to take the fight to some of these tools that have bee shanghaiing me.
30 Oct 2015, 12:04pm
Jack DekerdtRE: Thruster Upgrade

Ran my Cobra Mk. III specs by a few BH's and they all said I had a good basic setup for beginning BH. The one thing they al said was upgrade the C4 Thrusters to A3. Went to do that and I get the exceeds engine mass. I have A-rated power plant and dist,  FSD, etc. Good power mgt scheme, etc. Seems odd that I can't swap the C4 for the A3, the mass/tons actually drop by 50% in with the A3.

What am I missing?

Each FSD and Thruster has a mass limit, so if your getting a warning with the A3, then your current mass is above the max for the A3 thrusters.
30 Oct 2015, 9:48pm
Currently at Almad/Heinkel and I found the blessed A4 thrusters--at last I feel normal and peeps will stop harassing about my crappy C4 thrusters. While I am here and they have everything and the kitchen sink, I was looking at WEPS on my Cobra. Just started BH, I think I can do better than dual gimballed MC G1's at the Med Hd Pts and gimballed Beam lasers E1 at the Sm Hd Pts. I feel like I should havebigger lasers at the meds and canons or something else at the smalls, advice? power is well managed A-Class and CR are no object. Thanks
31 Oct 2015, 10:45am
Jack DekerdtCurrently at Almad/Heinkel and I found the blessed A4 thrusters--at last I feel normal and peeps will stop harassing about my crappy C4 thrusters. While I am here and they have everything and the kitchen sink, I was looking at WEPS on my Cobra. Just started BH, I think I can do better than dual gimballed MC G1's at the Med Hd Pts and gimballed Beam lasers E1 at the Sm Hd Pts. I feel like I should havebigger lasers at the meds and canons or something else at the smalls, advice? power is well managed A-Class and CR are no object. Thanks

I would use cannons instead of multicannons. I find them more hilarious to use. I love boom booms.

In my asps I have two gimballed C2 pulses and four C1 Cannons and after you get rid of shields anything smaller than cobra will die in one salvo of those cannons.

this is pretty much the maxed out cobra:

only thing you have to do with power management side is to keep only one SBC active at any time. Also you can max out life support and sensors if you wish, though that will cut your range. I would personally use something like this..

I forgot to put FSD there. well.. just replace disco scanner with the class 2A FSD.
31 Oct 2015, 11:20am
I would use cannons instead of multicannons . I find them more hilarious to use . I love boom booms .

In my asps I have two gimballed C2 pulses and four C1 Cannons and after you get rid of shields anything smaller than cobra will die in one salvo of those cannons.

this is pretty much the maxed out cobra:

only thing you have to do with power management side is to keep only one SBC active at any time. Also you can max out life support and sensors if you wish, though that will cut your range. I would personally use something like this. .

I forgot to put FSD there. well.. just replace disco scanner with the class 2A FSD.

This one have to try this. Had always Multicannons in place but noe he will see at Kaushpoos what them will do....
He hast tried now and nearly got killed! These are far too slow! Switching back to multicannons.

Last edit: 31 Oct 2015, 11:50am

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