Elite: Game talk

16 Oct 2015, 12:29am
Is there any ship better for mining? I want to test mining-life but I don't want to change my Cobra Mk.III spec so I have to buy another ship and I'm not sure which one.
16 Oct 2015, 8:20am
Jameson LaveIs there any ship better for mining? I want to test mining-life but I don't want to change my Cobra Mk.III spec so I have to buy another ship and I'm not sure which one.

If you have an escort then the type 6 or 7 have plenty of room for mining. I used an asp so i could still defend my self and have a half decent cargo space. get prospector limpets and collectors (and fill your hold with them from the armoury) and if your not armed dont drop into the res zones, anywhere on the ring will do and you shouldn't get any pirates. have chaff ready for the inevitable interdictions when you come to sell your goodies.
Its really better in a wing though as the escorts get bounties off the pirates, the miner works in peace and you get a share of his hard work.

Theres a miners app on the play store that shows you the nearest decent rings to your location, and there is a great imgur collection someone has assembled of all the pristine metallics he has found.
16 Oct 2015, 10:21pm
Anyone willing to wing up for bounty hunting, due to the circumtances ?
17 Oct 2015, 2:08am
methodman agg
Jameson LaveIs there any ship better for mining? I want to test mining-life but I don't want to change my Cobra Mk.III spec so I have to buy another ship and I'm not sure which one.

If you have an escort then the type 6 or 7 have plenty of room for mining. I used an asp so i could still defend my self and have a half decent cargo space. get prospector limpets and collectors (and fill your hold with them from the armoury) and if your not armed dont drop into the res zones, anywhere on the ring will do and you shouldn't get any pirates. have chaff ready for the inevitable interdictions when you come to sell your goodies.
Its really better in a wing though as the escorts get bounties off the pirates, the miner works in peace and you get a share of his hard work.

Theres a miners app on the play store that shows you the nearest decent rings to your location, and there is a great imgur collection someone has assembled of all the pristine metallics he has found.

Thanks a lot, CMDR methodman agg!. I'll get an ASP, because I'm a lonesome cowboy.

May the force be with you.
17 Oct 2015, 12:24pm
Can people stop logging please!!
People are happy to kill but not happy to be killed and this is a disgrace you cant have it one way and not the other i will be making a list of all loggers and posting it if this continues!!
Hopefully shaming people might make them stop cheating!!!!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Oct 2015, 12:43pm
17 Oct 2015, 12:52pm
Just an FYI for anyone on xbox. https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=192330
And PC folks can go to Kahn (there's 2 BTW, make sure you get the one that is in closer to Imp Space) and undermine their in-game faction.

Last edit: 17 Oct 2015, 4:34pm
21 Oct 2015, 11:28am
Who says Mining is boring?

Miners Diary #20102015

I spent most of the afternoon in the mining belts of a well known system looking for the three Peas, Platinum, Palite and Palladium, I filled the cargo hold venting the other stuff into the void, I had by the way a contract from the Bullshit Board to fill 12 tons of Palladium for a whooping 500,000 credits, so I am looking at a profit of 1 million ++ ,

I was making the final run from the star to the station where I was set on (interdicted) by a npc pirate who was already shooting me before I got my wits about me. Boom and I was down to hull all my shields had melted, this guy meant business, my shield pips were 2 and my engines at 4 I was afterburning away, waiting for the FDS engines to cool, another BOOM and 75% hull left, what weapon is this guy useing?  At last my engines kicked in and away I went with my heart in my mouth and my tail between my legs,

POW another interdiction kicked in THE same NPC,

I was ready this time and pulled my throttle back and submitted, another boom and down to 25% hull and my windscreen shattered I was breathing bottled air and had 25 minutes to get to the station, thank goodness I had upgraded so I could survive (in theory at least) I was unable to see the windscreen HUD and had to use my instruments to find the right direction again I afterburned my way out, breathing air like a scuba diver,

I left the Python behind, never was I so relieved to hear the words of the on-board Betty say "friendship drive engaged" leaving a cloud of confetti chaff in my wake, the next challange was timing the deactivating just using instruments but I manageing ok, Pow another interdiction same guy same ship same MO, full pips to engines, chaffing, and afterburning I managed to getout without losing shields a short cruise to the station I popped on the auto docking computor, listened to the Blue Danube for the nth time and sat in my Asp Explorer in the Station Services to hand in my goods,

Who says Mining is boring?

22 Oct 2015, 3:11pm
How if at all, is the Wing planning on assisting in what looks like a new CG to Kaushpoos for metals?

Does the Wing even take part in CG's, as a Wing?

These runs could be Pirate/Trader/Escort heaven!
22 Oct 2015, 3:15pm
As a wing we are a little too large to tell everybody to do it. We may have a couple of flights sent over if they feel like it. If they're close to home we generally tell people it's there, and let them know the benefits of doing it.
22 Oct 2015, 3:16pm
Jim BeaumontHow if at all, is the Wing planning on assisting in what looks like a new CG to Kaushpoos for metals?

Does the Wing even take part in CG's, as a Wing?

These runs could be Pirate/Trader/Escort heaven!

Paladin Consortium is planning on having a "presence"...
22 Oct 2015, 3:29pm
FordPrefect_42Who says Mining is boring?

Miners Diary #20102015

I spent most of the afternoon in the mining belts of a well known system looking for the three Peas, Platinum, Palite and Palladium, I filled the cargo hold venting the other stuff into the void, I had by the way a contract from the Bullshit Board to fill 12 tons of Palladium for a whooping 500,000 credits, so I am looking at a profit of 1 million ++ ,

I was making the final run from the star to the station where I was set on (interdicted) by a npc pirate who was already shooting me before I got my wits about me. Boom and I was down to hull all my shields had melted, this guy meant business, my shield pips were 2 and my engines at 4 I was afterburning away, waiting for the FDS engines to cool, another BOOM and 75% hull left, what weapon is this guy useing?  At last my engines kicked in and away I went with my heart in my mouth and my tail between my legs,

POW another interdiction kicked in THE same NPC,

I was ready this time and pulled my throttle back and submitted, another boom and down to 25% hull and my windscreen shattered I was breathing bottled air and had 25 minutes to get to the station, thank goodness I had upgraded so I could survive (in theory at least) I was unable to see the windscreen HUD and had to use my instruments to find the right direction again I afterburned my way out, breathing air like a scuba diver,

I left the Python behind, never was I so relieved to hear the words of the on-board Betty say "friendship drive engaged" leaving a cloud of confetti chaff in my wake, the next challange was timing the deactivating just using instruments but I manageing ok, Pow another interdiction same guy same ship same MO, full pips to engines, chaffing, and afterburning I managed to getout without losing shields a short cruise to the station I popped on the auto docking computor, listened to the Blue Danube for the nth time and sat in my Asp Explorer in the Station Services to hand in my goods,

Who says Mining is boring?

friendship drive lol
23 Oct 2015, 9:02am
Big Pappa
Jim BeaumontHow if at all, is the Wing planning on assisting in what looks like a new CG to Kaushpoos for metals?

Does the Wing even take part in CG's, as a Wing?

These runs could be Pirate/Trader/Escort heaven!

Paladin Consortium is planning on having a "presence"...

I was interdicted twice by three pirating CMDRs. The first time even had a hatch breaker limpet launched at me. Barely made it out of there with all my cargo. Didn't notice who though, I was too busy panicking and trying to charge up my fsd.
23 Oct 2015, 12:28pm
Yeah last night was pretty intense...

FYI, Emperor's Grace has a strong presence there and they are aggressively hunting pirates.. They even attacked our group initially because we both thought the other were pirates.

I would suggest if you are interdicted and you're asked your intentions... "pirate hunting"...

Trust me, you should worry more about these guys than any pirates! Best to be in a full wing of 4 at all times... just a suggestion
23 Oct 2015, 12:58pm
Yesterday when I quit playing I was Allied with the Federation (took a long time to get), today I start playing with all these red down markers and I am suddenly only friendly with the Federation............Huh?  Am I missing something?   The game plays without me, but hard fought gains should not disappear overnight.  I need to give this game a timeout.
Cmdr Cody

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Oct 2015, 1:15pm
24 Oct 2015, 7:47am
I think pirating is not really profitable enough.

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